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将所研究的临床科室的护理人员按照职称进行分层并组成护理团队.1年后比较实施前后护理质量和护理服务质量的相关指标.实施后,护理质量和护理服务质量均有显著提高(P<0.01).临床科室组建层次化优质护理团队,能为患者提供更为安全、满意的护理服务,推动优质护理服务的开展.  相似文献   
以视觉呈现时距信号,采用时间泛化范式要求被试判断5种探测时距(1~4秒)与标准时距(2秒)之间的长度关系,并记录11名大学生在时距判断过程中的事件相关电位(ERP),继而探讨不同探测时距条件下CNV波幅特征变化以及左、右侧额叶在时距判断中的功能。结果发现:1秒、1.42秒以及2秒条件下,CNV波幅峰出现在探测时距结束点,2.84秒、4秒条件下,CNV波幅峰出现在大约2秒处(标准时距);CNV负性翻转至基线位置在1秒、1.42秒、2秒条件下随探测时距的增长而延后,而在2.84秒、4秒两种条件下无显著差异;左、右侧额叶处诱发的CNV波幅峰潜时在2.84秒、4秒探测时距条件下无显著差异,且均在2秒附近。这说明在1秒以上视时距判断中CNV波幅峰反映了基于记忆中标准时距的时距判断的决策过程;CNV负性翻转至基线位置与时距判断的决策阶段存在共变关系,CNV负性翻转至基线位置相当于负荷解脱过程中的一个由负翻正的转折点;左、右侧额叶均参与了时距脉冲累加过程。  相似文献   
Chen Bo 《亚洲哲学》2014,24(4):363-392
This paper divides the sophisms and paradoxes put forth by Chinese thinkers of the pre-Qin period of China (before 221 BCE) into six groups: paradoxes of motion and infinity, paradoxes of class membership, semantic paradoxes, epistemic paradoxes, paradoxes of relativization, other logical contradictions. It focuses on the comparison between the Chinese items and the counterparts of ancient Greek and even of contemporary Western philosophy, and concludes that there turn out to be many similar elements of philosophy and logic at the beginnings of Chinese and Greek civilizations.  相似文献   
感染性骨不连伴大段骨缺损是目前临床骨科较为常见、多发、治疗极为棘手的病种之一,治疗方法多种多样,但疗效却不理想,且缺乏统一的诊治与疗效判断标准,总结、分析几种临床上主要治疗方法的利弊,为该病探寻一条微创、安全、并发症少及疗效确切的可靠治疗方法.随着对Ilizarov技术的基础与临床研究的不断深入,该技术在治疗传统方法难以治愈的疾病如四肢关节严重畸形、感染性骨不连或伴有骨缺损、皮肤软组织缺损等方面显示出自身的优势,为治疗疑难骨科疾病开辟了一条新的有效途径.  相似文献   
彝族人民在日常实践中创造了独特的医药理论体系.其中.清浊二气、哎哺学说肯定了世界的物质本原性,五行八卦学说认为世界是万事万物相互联系、相互作用、不断变化的统一整体.彝医理论体系具有良好的临床指导意义.虽然存在局限,但总体是既唯物又辩证,促进了唯物主义和自然科学的发展.  相似文献   
为了解癌症患者对医生、自己和家属意见的临床决策倾向性,采取问卷调查和半结构访谈相结合的方法,调查120例住院癌症患者的临床决策倾向性。结果显示,(1)生活习惯相关决策,实际和理想的患者自己倾向性构成比值最高,为40%和33%;求医行为方面家属最高,实际和理想均为50%;常规检查、总体治疗方案、手术、化疗和放疗相关决策方面均为医生最高,分别为100%、90%、100%、90%和100%;(2)癌症患者理想和实际的临床决策倾向性构成比值均无差异(P0.05),但访谈显示29.17%的患者认为目前决策状态不理想。提示:(1)癌症患者在不同方面的临床决策倾向性有所不同。(2)癌症患者对临床决策状态基本满意,但有患者希望医生参与沟通更多或自己参与更多。  相似文献   
Item memory and source memory are two integral elements of episodic memory. Although many studies have examined the effect of emotion on item memory, little research has simultaneously taken into account item memory and source memory. In addition, in the majority of previous studies, learning stimuli are used as the source of emotion, making it difficult to understand whether emotion has an effect on encoding or on consolidation of episodic memory. Furthermore, although gender differences exist in neurophysiological responses to emotional stimuli, in many studies gender differences were neglected and this leaves the picture incomplete regarding the effect of emotion on episodic memory. In this study, we examined gender differences in the effects of post-learning emotion on consolidation of item memory and source memory. Participants learned neutral Chinese nouns, took a memory pretest, and were then randomly assigned to three conditions, in which they either watched a 3-min negative video clip, or watched a 3-min positive video clip, or remained calm and relaxed for 3 min. Thirty minutes after the initial learning, participants took a memory posttest. We found that: (1) For females, post-learning negative emotion enhanced consolidation of item memory; however, neither negative emotion nor positive emotion had a significant effect on consolidation of source memory; (2) For males, neither negative nor positive emotion after learning had a significant effect on either item memory or source memory. Possible reasons for the gender differences, as well as the theoretical significance and practical implications of this study were discussed.  相似文献   
采用冲动性特质量表、青少年遭受校园排斥问卷、生命意义感量表、自杀意念量表对633名高中生进行调查。结果表明:(1)冲动性特质对高中生自杀意念有显著的正向预测作用;(2)校园排斥在冲动性特质与高中生自杀意念间起部分中介作用;(3)冲动性特质经由校园排斥影响高中生自杀意念的中介作用受生命意义感的调节,随着生命意义感的增加,校园排斥对自杀意念的效应逐步减弱。冲动性特质可以通过校园排斥增加高中生自杀意念强度,而生命意义感能有效降低校园排斥对自杀意念的消极影响。  相似文献   
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