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The Theory of Planned Behaviour was proposed by Ajzen (1985) in an attempt to expand the applicability of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) to situations where behaviour is not under complete volitional control. However, recent research does not address the issue of the stability of intentions, yet this is considered a boundary condition of the TRA on theoretical grounds. Therefore, the purposes of the present article were, first, to make a theoretical approach to the study of the stability of behavioural intentions by discussing assumptions underlying self-determination theory. Second, because, according to self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985), stability of intentions is related to the functional significance of psychological events, investigation of the functional significance of attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control was attempted through a study dealing with leisure-time physical activity. Because investigation of functional significance requires instruments assessing behavioural regulations, instrument development took place. Results partially supported the validity of behavioural regulations with respect to leisure-time physical activity. Furthermore, subjective norms were found to represent only the controlling dimension of functional significance. Attitudes and perceived behavioural control were found to represent both the controlling and informational dimensions of functional significance. Results are discussed in relation to assumptions underlying the Theories of Reasoned Action and Planned Behaviour and the Theory of Trying. Implications for theory development are made. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Social Psychology of Education -  相似文献   
菩萨是梵文音译“菩提萨”的简称,其菩提汉译为觉悟,萨汉译为众生,或有情(一切有感情之物),全译为觉有情、觉悟的众生之意。根据修行的层次,菩萨可分为胁侍菩萨和供养菩萨。胁侍菩萨是修行层次最高的菩萨,其修行觉悟仅次于佛或等同于佛。每尊佛都有两位或几位胁侍菩萨。在石窟壁画中经常画的“八大菩萨”,即是释迦牟尼佛左右的胁侍菩萨——文殊菩萨、普贤菩  相似文献   

This study examined the predictive validity and time-lagged relationships in a model of children's physical activity intentions, attitudes, perceived behavioural control (PBC), behaviour and past behaviour using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB; Ajzen, 1985) as a framework. In Study 1, 386 children aged 12–14 years completed measures of intentions, attitudes, subjective norm, PBC and past behaviour. Their physical activity behaviour was assessed one week later. Structural equation analyses supported the construct and predictive validity of the TPB with the exception of subjective norms which did not predict intentions. In Study 2,70 children completed measures of their physical activity attitudes, intentions, PBC and past behaviour. Attitudes, intentions, PBC and recent behaviour were re-assessed five weeks later. The cognitions demonstrated a moderate degree of stability over time and there were some cross-lagged effects between attitudes and PBC. Past behaviour demonstrated additive rather than attenuating effects. These results support the use of the TPB cognitions and past behaviour as a framework to examine children's physical activity behaviour.  相似文献   
A job-related, “fair test” of ability, when used as one tool and not as the sole determining factor, has been established by arbitrators to be an appropriate selection instrument. If a test has been determined as being job-related (i.e., related to the actual performance of the job), has been administered and scored both fairly and consistently, it will be considered a “fair test.” Generally, in unioncompany contracts that mention testing, a “fair test” contains the above qualifications. Arbitrators have indicated that the union involved should be afforded the opportunity to see the test; it was made quite clear, however, that the union should not have the test. In all cases reviewed, tests were upheld by arbitrators when they (1) were “fair tests,” and (2) did not conflict with the contract language. Past testing practice was not a determining factor when these two conditions existed. A total of 69 cases between 1953 and 1967 have been found relevant–27 from 1953 to 1962 and 42 from 1963 to 1967. In the first study, 13 cases were lost by a company; in six of these cases a company violated the union-company contract and in seven cases the test used did not qualify as a “fair test.” A total of twelve cases were lost by a company in the second study; in two cases a company violated the union-company contract and in ten cases the test used did not qualify as a “fair test.”  相似文献   
医疗纠纷处理中若干伦理问题的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
医疗纠纷的增势和处理难已成为众所周知的事实。但是,在医疗纠纷处理中存在着医患关系的信任性、医疗事故鉴定的公正性和经济裣的合理笥是思考的伦理问题。只要医患双方、乃至社会对诸如医疗行为是否等同于一般的服务行为、病人权益是否等同于消费者权益、医疗事故鉴定是不是医医相护、经济裣能不能实行等价赔偿原则、医疗差错要不要给予经济补偿等有效为统一的认识,就会有利于医疗纠纷的处理,有利于维护医患双方的合法权益,有利  相似文献   

Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors  相似文献   
解读曼殊五部曲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏曼殊是清末民初萃集革命与刨作于一身的“奇人异僧”。从革命的角度说,他意志坚定,积极投身于孙中山领导的资产阶级民主革命,为推翻清朝统治和袁世凯帝制尽心竭力;从创作的角度说,他多才多艺,以风格独特的诗歌、小说、散、翻译、绘画树帜坛,赢得生前和身后无数读的击节和赞赏;从身份的角度说,他是个亦僧亦俗、亦侠亦儒的革命和艺家。他曾获得的桂冠大体停留在不大反映本质的“诗僧”、“情僧”、“风流和尚”、“革命和尚”等一类称号上,然而随着这位传奇的历史人物的“真面目”越来越清晰呈现于世,而不再继续充当人们揣测的对象。  相似文献   
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