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Jung's concepts of psyche and psychic energy are relevant in countertransference. Working with Jung's archetypes as 'transconscious' dynamic fields of probabilities helps the analyst, as a clinician and teacher with limited human consciousness, to confront and recognize the unconscious cross-purposes of 'anomalous' countertransference, and to convert it to insightful 'participatory' countertransference-Jung's archetypes will be juxtaposed with William James's fields, Gerald Edelman's qualia, and most particularly with Murray Gell-Mann's 'frozen accidents'. Two vignettes – from A clinical and a training setting – suggest chat from a Jungian perspective, countertransference may be seen at the psychic juncture where ego, the personal shadow, the interpersonal other and the archerype of the collective unconscious meet in the determining images of a life, fantasy, dream, analysis, and seminar. So-called 'parallel process' will be seen as enclosure in the circles of reference emanating from the patient's experiences in those arenas deemed archetypal, i.e., structurally significant. The relativity of unconscious time will be mentioned. Jung's notion that, called or uncalled, the archetypes are present, informs the thesis that we must name archetypal images if we are to know them, and we must know them to be free.  相似文献   
As an index of the propensity of the plurality voting procedure to produce an outcome which conflicts with the wishes of the majority, the likelihood of the weak Borda effect is flawed and misleading. It is recommended that researchers discontinue using the quantity for this purpose, since it is possible to obtain directly the likelihood of plurality/majority disagreement.  相似文献   
A method of sample-size determination for use in attempts to replicate experiments is described. It is appropriate in situations where there is uncertainty about the magnitude of the effect under investigation. The procedure uses information supplied by the original experiment to establish a distribution of probable effect sizes. The sample size to be used in a replication study is that which provides an expected power of the desired amount over the distribution of probable effect sizes A FORTRAN 77 program is presented that permits rapid calculation of sample size in replication attempts employing comparisons of means, correlation coefficients, or proportions.  相似文献   
Three experiments assessed the roles of release bursts and formant transitions as acoustic cues to place of articulation in syllable-initial voiced stop consonants by systematically removing them from American English /b,d,g/, spoken before nine different vowels by two speakers, and by transposing the bursts across all vowels for each class of stop consonant. The results showed that bursts were largely invariant in their effect, but carried significant perceptual weight in only one syllable out of 27 for Speaker 1, in only 13 syllables out of 27 for Speaker 2. Furthermore, bursts and transitions tended to be reciprocally related: Where the perceptual weight of one increased, the weight of the other declined. They were thus shown to be functionally equivalent, context-dependent cues, each contributing to the rapid spectral changes that follow consonantal release. The results are interpreted as pointing to the possible role of the front-cavity resonance in signaling place of articulation.  相似文献   
An instrument for the analysis of verbal statements along a continuum from most intimate to least intimate is the Levels of Verbal Intimacy Technique (LOVIT). It enables an observer to place all verbal statements in one of ten categories along this intimacy continuum. The technique has been used in research on small groups and also can be used to provide feedback in groups, for example, to couples in marriage counseling.  相似文献   
Self-help books may be a useful resource to counselors in their work with counselees. They may contribute, however, to the development of psychological problems or prevent people from seeking help when needed. The Utopia promised by self-help books may be a pathology in its own right as marketing experts “hype” a book beyond any reasonable evidence of its efficacy. Ethical questions are raised as well as action suggestions for authors, professional counselors, and professional organizations.  相似文献   
Auschwitz and Hiroshima stand out as two realities whose uniqueness must be reconciled with their inevitability as outcomes of highly rationalized processes of technoscientific progress. Contrary to Michael Walzer’s notion of “double effect”, whereby unintended consequences and the particular uses to which warfare may lead remain outside the moral purview of scientists, this paper endorses the commitment of the Society for Social Responsibility in Science to argue that members of the technoscientific community are always responsible for their work and the eventual uses made of it. In what follows four related views are outlined pertaining to modern situations within which the technoscientific community operates, so as to highlight the urgency of infusing a sense of responsibility for the products of their activities into this community. A provisional “code” is suggested that may serve as a guide for increased personal responsibility of individual technoscientists (academic scientists and industrial engineers).  相似文献   

More than a decade ago, Hansen, Harway, and Cervantes (1991) Hansen, M., Harway, M. and Cervantes, N. 1991. Therapists' perceptions of severity in cases of family violence. Violence and Victims, 6: 225235. [PubMed] [Google Scholar] and Harway and Hansen (1993) Harway, M. and Hansen, M. 1993. “Therapist perceptions of family violence”. In Battering and family therapy: A feminist perspective, Edited by: Hansen, M. and Hansen, M. 4253. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.  [Google Scholar] examined mental health providers' ability to accurately perceive violence within couples presenting for therapy and to intervene in a manner that reduces risk. Alarmingly, 40% of therapists sampled failed to identify the presence of intimate partner violence (IPV) and none predicted lethality. Over a decade later, the present replication of Harway and colleagues' study was completed with the expectation that today's therapists are better prepared to identify IPV within a clinical vignette. Results show that therapists have indeed improved their ability to identify IPV. However, only one therapist accurately predicted lethality in the present study. Implications concerning IPV training for therapists are discussed.  相似文献   
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