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To provide information about the clinical utility of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) [Beck, A.T., Steer, R.A., & Brown, G.K. (1996b). Manual for the Beck Depression Inventory-II. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation] with geriatric inpatients, the BDI-II was administered to 130 psychiatric inpatients who were 55 years old or above and who were diagnosed with principal DSM-IV major depressive disorders (MDD) (N = 85, 65%) or adjustment disorders with depressed mood (N = 45, 35%). The internal consistency of the BDI-II was high (coefficient alpha = 0.90), and its total score was not significantly related to sex, age, or ethnicity. An iterated maximum-likelihood factor analysis found the Cognitive and Noncognitive dimensions which have been reported for the BDI-II by Steer and co-workers (Steer R.A., Ball R., Ranieri W.F., & Beck A.T. (1999). Dimensions of the Beck Depression Inventory-II in clinically depressed outpatients. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 55, 117-128) in a younger sample of clinically depressed psychiatric outpatients. The mean BDI-II total score of the 85 geriatric inpatients with MDD was also comparable to that of 42 younger (< or = 54 years old) inpatients with MDD. The results were discussed as supporting the use of the BDI-II with clinically depressed geriatric inpatients.  相似文献   
The assessment of worry among older adults typically has involved measures designed with younger cohorts. Because of special concerns in assessing older adults, modifications to existing instruments may be necessary. Addressing equivocal factor analytic data on the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) among younger adults, the authors conducted confirmatory factor analyses to evaluate the generalizability of previous models to older adults with generalized anxiety disorder. Data fit poorly with established single- and two-factor models. The single-factor model was modified, resulting in the elimination of 8 items, strong fit indices, high internal consistency, adequate test-retest reliability, and good convergent and divergent validity. Further psychometric work is required to assess whether the revised model is a more parsimonious method to assess late-life anxiety.  相似文献   
Hopelessness is a fundamental human experience, and yet is often considered evidence either of sin or of illness. This dialogal phenomenological study, based on in-depth interviews, takes a fresh look at despair as experienced by people across a variety of ages and contexts, and at the consequences and outcomes of these feelings. At the heart of despair is a sense of isolation, impotence, and an immutable future, and yet it may give rise to new purpose or a new understanding and acceptance of life with its possibilities and limitations. The therapeutic implications of this understanding of despair are discussed with a focus on how presence can be healing.  相似文献   
The present report extends previous work which has documented two distinct response patterns to repeated presentation of interoceptive cues (using CO2 inhalation) in PD patients [Beck, J. G. & Shipherd, J. C. (1997). Repeated exposure to interoceptive cues: does habituation of fear occur in panic disorder patients? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35, 551-557]. We were interested in determining if these two patterns of fear habituation and sensitization would be noted in panic-naive individuals who reported high levels of Anxiety Sensitivity. A second aspect of this report examined whether attention to bodily sensations versus to neutral material would impact fear habituation and sensitization. Participants included 43 panic-naive individuals who scored at least 1 standard deviation above norms on the Anxiety Sensitivity Index. Results indicated that 37% of the sample reported habituation of fear, 47% reported fear sensitization and 16% demonstrated relatively stable fear levels across 12 inhalations of CO2 during session 1. The attentional manipulation did not exert a pronounced influence on anxiety, panic symptom severity, skin conductance, or heart rate in either Habituators or Sensitizers during session 2. These results are discussed in light of their relevance in understanding fundamental psychopathological processes underlying Panic Disorder.  相似文献   
Within a self-regulation format, cognitive, behavioral, and (combined) cognitive-behavioral techniques were evaluated for effects on the frequency, duration, and intensity of anger. Twenty-seven subjects randomly assigned to three groups each received one of the three treatments after a baseline of self-monitoring and then completed another phase of self-monitoring. Results revealed a significant reduction in the frequency and duration of anger (but not anger intensity) under self-intervention, regardless of treatment type. These effects were preserved for a week following treatment. Thus, self-regulation may prevent incidents of anger and even cut short the persistence of anger, but once anger occurs, it tends to register about the same maximum intensity; this peak intensity is typically reached at the onset of the anger which then wanes at a decreasing rate over time. Further research is called for to determine the long-term durability of the treatment gains obtained and the generalizability of these findings in clinical populations.  相似文献   
The exceedingly large grip forces that many older adults employ when lifting objects with a precision pinch grip (Cole, 1991) may compensate for a reduced capability to produce a stable isometric force. That is, their grip force may fluctuate enough from moment to moment to yield grip forces that approach the force at which the object would slip from grasp. We examined the within-trial variability of isometric force in old (68-85 years, n = 13) and young (n = 11) human subjects (a) when they were asked to produce a constant pinch force at three target levels (0.49, 2.25, and 10.5 N) with external support of the arm, hand, and force transducer and (b) when they were asked to grasp, lift, and hold a small test object with a precision grip. Pinch force produced in the first task was equally stable across the two subject groups during analysis intervals that lasted 4 s. The elderly subjects produced grip forces when lifting objects that averaged twice as much as those produced by the young subjects. The force variability during the static (hold) phase of the lift for the old subjects was comparable with that used by the young subjects, after adjusting for the difference in grip force. The failure to observe less stable grip force in older adults contradicts a similar recent study. Differences in task (isometric grip force versus isometric abduction torque of a single digit) may account for this conflict, however. Thumb and finger forces for grip are produced through coactivation of many muscles and thus promote smooth force output through temporal summation of twitches. We conclude that peripheral reorganization of muscle in older adults does not yield increased instability of precision grip force and therefore does not contribute directly to increased grip forces in this population. However, force instability may affect other grip configurations (e.g., lateral pinch) or manipulation involving digit abduction or adduction forces.  相似文献   
In a study examining children's social competence in elementary school settings, the authors had the opportunity to compare children who received parental permission to participate to children who did not receive permission. Results indicated that children who were not involved in the study were more likely to be viewed by teachers as having unsatisfactory relationships with peers than children who were in the study. The present results suggest that investigators begin reporting the number of children who do not participate in a given study and begin examining whether minors who receive parental permission differ on important dimensions from minors who do not receive such permission. Ethical considerations of the present study are discussed.  相似文献   
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