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The prediction of events and the creation of expectancies about their time course is a crucial aspect of an infant's mental life, but temporal mechanisms underlying these predictions are obscure. Scalar timing, in which the ratio of mean durations to their standard deviations is held constant, enables a person to use an estimate of the mean for its standard deviation. It is one efficient mechanism that may facilitate predictability and the creation of expectancies in mother-infant interaction. We illustrate this mechanism with the dyadic gaze rhythm of mother and infant looking at and looking away from each other's faces. Two groups of Hi- and Lo-Distress mothers were created using self-reported depression, anxiety, self-criticism and childhood experiences. Lo-Distress infants (controls) used scalar timing 100% of the time, about double that of Hi-Distress infants. Lo-Distress mothers used scalar timing about nine times as much as Hi-Distress mothers. The diminished use of scalar timing patterns in Hi-Distress mothers and infants may make the anticipation of each other's gaze patterns more difficult for both partners.  相似文献   
The authors observed brief, directed movement to a familiar enclosure in rats to determine whether this behavior is part of a rat's defensive repertoire when exposed to a conditional-fear stimulus. In Experiment 1, upon exposure to the compound conditional-fear stimulus of tone and light, only rats that received paired presentations of the conditional stimuli and shock fled into a small, familiar enclosure where they then froze. Rats that had received unpaired presentations did not enter the enclosure in significant amounts when later tested. In Experiment 2, the authors observed rats' freezing and use of either a familiar or an unfamiliar enclosure when tested with a conditional-fear stimulus. Rats tested with a familiar enclosure entered it more quickly than did rats without prior exposure to the enclosure. Freezing was greatest when both training and testing environments were similar with respect to access to the enclosure. The results of these 2 experiments support the idea that brief, directed flight in rats is a component of the postencounter stage of predatory imminence (M. S. Fanselow & L. S. Lester, 1988) and is compatible with freezing.  相似文献   
The Catholic Church could not compromise with Communist states due to ideological incompatibility between atheist Marxism-Leninism and religious beliefs. Christianity, in the perception of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), had been closely linked with "foreign cultural imperialism". This study examines the clash of authority between the CCP and Catholic Church over seminary training, elucidating the CCP's desire to retain institutional and ideological control over this particular sector of Chinese society. The findings highlight the ideological conflict between the dialectic materialism of the CCP, combined with the economic materialism (i.e., to get rich is glorious) mentality of the Deng Xiaoping-Jiang Zemin era, and religious idealism.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of Self-Correction and Traditional spelling on the acquisition, maintenance, and generalization of spelling words with five junior high school students with learning disabilities. During Traditional spelling students received a weekly list of 20 unknown words. Daily 20-minute assignments with these words varied among writing them, arranging them in alphabetical order, dividing the words into syllables, and using a dictionary to locate word meaning. Students were tested on the 20 words at the end of the week. During Self-Correction, students received 20 words on a 5-column sheet of paper. Columns were arranged so that stimulus words could be hidden by folding the paper back, and later exposed after the teacher dictated and the student wrote the words. Students used proofreading marks to self-correct. Sessions lasted 20 minutes, and weekly, delayed, and generalized assessments were conducted. Results indicated that for all five students the Self-Correction procedure was more effective for word acquisition than Traditional spelling. Also, for four of the five students, maintenance of words was higher under Self-Correction. Generalization occurred for three students. Finally, measures of social validity indicated that the students preferred Self-Correction over Traditional spelling, although two teachers in regular classrooms did not notice significant changes in the overall spelling performance for the students. Implications for the classroom practitioner are discussed.  相似文献   
A 64-subject computer-controlled laboratory for use in research and as a teaching aid is described. The laboratory hardware includes an 8K minicomputer, a 64-channel input multiplexor, and a video display generator. The software includes a complete operating system and an easy-to-use programming language. The entire laboratory, including the computer, was built for under $12,000.  相似文献   
Discussions on the African communitarian idea of personhood have generated several debates among African philosophers about how it is conceived and perceived. While scholars like Wiredu and Gyekye maintain that personhood is gender-neutral, others such as Oyowe suggest that personhood is gendered. The position that African communitarian personhood is gendered is the basis for the argument in this article. Defenders of this notion argue that the gender-neutral conception of personhood has created situations where gender issues have been glossed over, thereby perpetuating gender inequality in African communities. It is within this context that we take the argument further by interrogating the word umuntu in the popular southern African maxim on personhood, Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu. We ask the question: if personhood is gendered, then who is umuntu in this aphorism? In an attempt to answer this question, we advance two important claims. First, we claim that umuntu refers to a person whose interest is upheld in the community as well as those who are able to determine their own interest. Second, we also say that this concept of umuntu has perpetuated cultural practices that adversely impact women and girls in most African rural communities. Although some scholars might object to these claims, in this article we will not be addressing those objections, but rather we argue that umuntu is gendered male in the aphorism.  相似文献   
Consolidation refers to item stabilization in long-term memory. Retrieval renders a consolidated memory sensitive, and a "reconsolidation" process has been hypothesized to keep the original memory persistent. Some authors could not detect this phenomenon. Here we show that retrieved contextual fear memory is vulnerable to amnesic treatments and that the amygdala is critically involved. Cholinergic and histaminergic systems seem to modulate only consolidation, whereas cannabinoids are involved in both consolidation and reactivation. The lability of retrieved memory affords opportunities to treat disorders such as phobias, post-traumatic stress, or chronic pain, and these results help searching for appropriate therapeutic targets.  相似文献   
Temporal ventriloquism: sound modulates the flash-lag effect   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A sound presented in close temporal proximity to a visual stimulus can alter the perceived temporal dimensions of the visual stimulus (temporal ventriloquism). In this article, the authors demonstrate temporal ventriloquism in the flash-lag effect (FLE), a visual illusion in which a flash appears to lag relative to a moving object. In Experiment 1, the magnitude and the variability of the FLE were reduced, relative to a silent condition, when a noise burst was synchronized with the flash. In Experiment 2, the sound was presented before, at, or after the flash (+/- approximately 100 ms), and the size of the FLE varied linearly with the delay of the sound. These findings demonstrate that an isolated sound can sharpen the temporal boundaries of a flash and attract its temporal occurrence.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Prior research has suggested an overlap between hardiness and negative affect in the prediction of self-reported health outcomes. A prospective study, investigating the relationships between hardiness and negative and positive affectivity in the prediction of postdelivery outcomes was conducted. Maternal appraisals of childbirth difficulty and success in coping with labor, maternal perceptions of the infant, and the amount of analgesic intake, as well as the objectively assessed difficulty of labor, were the outcome variables. Subjects were 73 pregnant women expecting their first baby. Hardiness and negative and positive trait affect were evaluated during the second trimester of pregnancy, while the dependent measures were assessed during labor and 48 hours after. Hardiness measured as an additive construct did not predict appraisals of the observed health event independent of negative affect. However, two hardiness subscales—commitment and challenge—and the interaction between challenge and control were found to predict outcomes independent of negative affectivity. The pattern of relationships between negative affect with both subjective and objective assessments of childbirth difficulty confirms previous research findings on symptom perception. Findings suggest an anxious cognitive style among nonhardy subjects and underscore the importance of the study of hardiness as an interactive construct.  相似文献   
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