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This study is one segment of a research project initiated by the Bureau of General Research, Kansas State University, Manhattan, to examine work attitudes and work experience of school personnel and their implications for career education. This article deals with the work-experience portion of that project. Data were obtained through the use of Work Attitude Inventory of Teachers (WAIT), a survey instrument that included a work-experience questionnaire. The instrument was administered independently to school administrators, vocational educators, secondary teachers other than vocational, elementary school teachers, and guidance and counseling personnel. Respondents recorded work experience outside teaching as well as teaching experience. The responses were categorized according to length of employment (full, part time, summer) and according to the U.S. Office of Education's 15 career clusters. The combined sample of 831 respondents to the work-experience element showed an average of 14.5 years of teaching experience and one out of five persons with no work experience outside education. Most work experience recorded was of a temporary nature and usually in a low-level or menial category.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The late Colin Gunton often criticized Augustine in two key areas: (1) Augustine's supposed emphasis of the one over the many effectively severed any meaningful link between creation and redemption (contra the theological understanding of Irenaeus); and (2) because of Augustine's supposed emphasis on the timeless essence of God at the expense of the three real persons, Augustine failed to bequeath to the Western intellectual tradition the benefits of a truly Christian ontology (effectively losing the insights of theologians such as the Cappadocian Fathers). This article argues that for all of Gunton's insights – and there are many – a close reading of Augustine actually shows that Augustine is not guilty of such weaknesses and that in fact Augustine provides some of the very theological insights and strengths Gunton wishes to mine from other sources.  相似文献   
If Wittgenstein is correct to assert that practice gives words their sense, then it is logically possible that an understanding of the ontological “argument” Anselm presents in Proslogion requires some level of practical participation in prayer. A close inspection of Anselm's historical context shows that the conceptual distance we stand from him may be too great to be overcome by mere spectatorship. Rather, participation in this case likely requires of the modern reader a reproduction of Anselm's conduct in prayer. If so, Anselm's case falsifies, and thus warrants our resistance of, the commonly presumed disconnect between knowledge and practice.  相似文献   
Abstract: Representationalism is sometimes advertised as providing a novel response to the argument from hallucination, one that accepts the presence of a 'common factor' between veridical and hallucinatory experience without positing sensory intermediaries between the mind and the world. I argue that much of the attractiveness of representationalism stems from a failure in the literature to distinguish between two distinct possible versions of representationalism, what I call 'content-based representationalism' and 'vehicle-based representationalism'. Generically, representationalism appears to have a response to the argument from hallucination that avoids a commitment to qualia or sense-data. But once the distinction between content-based representationalism and vehicle-based representationalism is recognized, this response to the argument from hallucination fails.  相似文献   
Building on an evolutionary approach to out‐group avoidance, this study showed relations between perceived disease salience and beliefs in the efficacy of avoiding foreigners as protective measures in the context of a real‐life pandemic risk; i.e., avian influenza. People for whom avian influenza was salient and who held unfavorable attitudes toward foreigners were more likely to believe that avoiding contact with foreigners protects against infection. This finding suggests that individual differences in social attitudes moderate evolved mechanisms relating threat of disease to out‐group avoidance.  相似文献   
The present study reports on a comparative survey of the belief and action systems of graduates who had been intensively trained in one of three of the major models of family therapy: Bowenian, communications, and strategic. An analysis of the factor-analyzed assumptions (belief system) and style (action system) items showed consistently greater divergence among the three models than convergence, as well as a remarkable synchronicity between the respective literature on these three models and their implementation, as represented by family therapists intensively trained in each model. A comparison of the present study's findings with previous research strongly supports the potency of formal and intensive training for developing adherents of a particular model and suggests that the distinctiveness of each model needs to be more fully developed in preference to premature attempts to develop generic or inclusive models that may become internally inconsistent and therefore difficult to operationalize in practice.  相似文献   
Electronic monitoring research has focused predominantly on the reactions of monitored employees and less attention has been paid to the processes that trigger managers' decisions to electronically monitor subordinates. Employing a distributed virtual team simulation, this study examined the effects of dependence, future performance expectations, and propensity to trust on team leaders' decisions to electronically monitor their subordinates. Results indicate that team leaders electronically monitor subordinates more intensely when dependence on subordinates is high or future performance expectations are low. Moreover, team leaders are more likely to monitor in secret when dependence is high or propensity to trust is low. Although team leaders increased their level of electronic monitoring over time, this tendency was stronger when the leader had consistently low performance expectations.  相似文献   
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