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研究使用相继呈现信息的方法控制了被试获得信息的顺序,从而将经验和共变信息在因果判断中所起到的作用分离了出来。结果表明:(1)个体综合两种信息进行因果判断的过程既不是简单的相加操作,也不是使用经验信息控制共变信息的进入,而是先判断经验信息,再判断共变信息是否与之一致,当出现不一致的情况时又重新考虑经验信息。(2)在改变先前判断的过程中,经验信息所起的作用更大,其中又以当其证明待判断原因不可信时所产生的改变更大。  相似文献   
社会主义改革动力论及其现实启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义社会发展的动力是什么?这既是一个深刻的理论问题,又是一个重大的实践问题。从马克思主义发展史来看,马克思、恩格斯对社会主义提出了一些理论构想,但是没有经历社会主义的实践。列宁虽然有社会主义的实践经验,但是毕竟时间有限。  相似文献   
Evaluated retrospective therapist ratings of the flexibility used when applying the procedures and strategies prescribed in the treatment manual. Flexibility ratings were collected from 18 therapists who had treated 148 children with anxiety disorders (ages 9 through 13). Analyses revealed strong reliabilities for a flexibility questionnaire and that flexibility was used by therapists; however, significant relations between therapist-rated flexibility and treatment outcome were not found. Discussion focuses on the role of flexibility in manual-based psychological treatments and future directions for study.  相似文献   
中国农村贫困地区社会经济特征与卫生筹资   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国农村贫困地区经济发展缓慢,经济水平低,政府经济负担大,贫困与健康关系密切,文化落后,教育水平低,因病致贫,因病返贫形成恶性循环。建议贫困地区卫生筹资纳入政府议事日程,多渠道,多途径进行卫行筹资,从健康保障制度着手,全面推行合作医疗保健制度,解决农民就医和卫生服务的普及性。  相似文献   
大家都知道钱这个东西只不过是表明劳动价值的载体,是商品交换的工具,它本身没有阶级性,也没有善恶之分,关健在于管钱、搞钱、用钱人的思想、道德品质是什么样的。 世界上,人人都需要钱,谁也离不开它。但由钱引出的故事却很多,其中有喜剧也有悲剧。钱能使人享乐,安定幸福;钱也能让人苦恼,提心吊胆。 钱与人的公心、爱心、智慧结合在一起就能为国家、为人民、为教会多做善功,荣主益人,受到众人的  相似文献   
Summary: The current conceptualization of the locus of control construct as unidimensional was challenged. The Rotter I-E scale, James I-E scale, and Adult Nowicki-Strickland I-E scale were examined with regard to their reported psychometric properties. The three scales were factor analyzed using a principal components method with varimax rotation. Results indicated a multifactor makeup for the three scales. It was suggested that attempts to measure a generalized expectancy for control be abandoned and that, instead, measurement attempts focus on the development of instruments specific to the behavioral and situational domains for which behavioral understanding, prediction, and control are sought.  相似文献   
An experimental simulation methodology examined how people weigh the wishes of the donor and the next-of-kin in recommending whether the latter should consent to donate the organs of a deceased loved one. Subjects read several brief stories, each describing a young adult who had died suddenly and whose kin faced the decision of whether to donate their loved one's organs. Each scenario had four versions, identical except for minor wording changes providing information about the organ donation wish of the potential donor and the next-of-kin. Subjects indicated "yes,""no," or "I'm undecided" about whether the kin should donate the organs. Subjects weighted the wishes of the deceased much more heavily than their own or those of the next-of-kin when those wishes were stated directly. When the deceased's wishes had to be inferred indirectly, attitudes of the next-of-kin and the experimental subject affected the decision much more. Implications for organ procurement practice are considered.  相似文献   
本研究借助眼动仪通过两个实验考察了熟练阅读中快速读者与慢速读者对语境预测性的利用是否有差异。实验1比较快速组与慢速组在中央凹加工高、低预测词的差异。实验2对比两组读者利用副中央凹预视(相同、相似假字、低预测词和不相似假字)加工高预测词的差异。实验1结果显示两组读者有相似的预测性效应:对高预测词的注视时间比低预测词更短。实验2结果显示两组读者的预视效应存在差异:慢速组在相同预视下对目标词的跳读率高于低预测预视,而快速组在这两种预视下的跳读率差异不明显但高于慢速组;慢速组在低预测和不相似预视下注视目标词的时间分别长于相同预视,而快速组的这两种效应较小。结果表明,两组读者利用预测性的差异表现在副中央凹加工阶段,即慢速读者比快速读者利用相似预视激活预测性信息的效率更低,且在低预测或无效预视下对词汇的识别和语义整合更困难,这说明慢速读者在词汇加工中更依赖语境且对无关信息的抑制更弱。这些结果支持词汇质量假说。  相似文献   
近期研究者发现, 在某些条件下增加对第一任务的注意能够提高伴随发生的第二任务的成绩, 并将其命名为注意促进效应。研究者提出双任务交互模型对之进行解释, 认为该效应产生的必要条件是时间上的重叠, 而不受空间距离的影响。基于对这一观点的质疑, 本研究探究了检测项目与背景图片的质心间距对注意促进效应的影响。结果发现, 当目标项位于背景图片中央时(质心间距为0), 表现出注意促进效应; 而当二者分开一定的空间距离时, 出现了注意干扰/抑制效应。由此可见, 项目和背景的质心间距会对注意促进效应产生影响。  相似文献   
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