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The American female earns 59 cents to every dollar the American male earns. Approximately 66% of this variance is the result of type of employment, age, and amount of work experience.  相似文献   
Literature on acculturation is reviewed, and the effects of acculturation on the mental health of Hispanics and Asian Americans are discussed. In this study we attempted to understand acculturation processes at the group level (Hispanics versus Asian Americans) and at the individual level (within-group heterogeneity). The Majority-Minority Relations Survey measured acculturation attitudes of two American ethnic minority groups, Hispanics and Asian Americans, in a Midwestern university. Data were obtained from 282 participants for a 54% return rate. Instrument analysis included assessment of generalizability (using Pearson correlation coefficient procedures), LISREL confirmatory factor analysis, and tests of internal consistency reliabilities (using coefficient alpha). Significant effects for ethnicity, Asian culture subgroups, and for the sociocultural variables of generational status, voluntary immigration versus political asylum, and religion were indicated by parametric and nonparametric tests. Therefore, although differences between the Hispanics and the Asian Americans were indicated, within-group differences for both minority groups were also influenced by select sociocultural variables. Se revisa la literatura sobre aculturacion, y se discuten los efectos de aculturación en la salud mental de Hispanos y Asiático-Americanos. Este estudio intenta comprender el proceso de aculturación a nivel de grupo (Hispanos versus Asiático-Americanos) a nivel individual (dentro de la heterogeneidad del grupo). La Encuesta de Relaciones Mayoría-Minoría midió las actidudes aculturales de dos grupos de minorías étnicas americanas, Hispanos y Asiático-Americanos, en una universidad del Medio-oeste. Se obtuvieron los datos de 282 sujetos para un cifra de vuelta del 54 por cien. El instrumento de análisis incluó una estimación de generalización (usando los procedimientos del Coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson), el factor confirmador de análisis LISREL, y las pruebas de fiabilidad interna (usando el coeficiente alfa). Las pruebas parametricas y no-paramétricas indicaron efectos significativos para etnicidad, subgrupos culturales asiáticos, y los variables socioculturales de estado generacional, emigración voluntaria vs. asilo político, y religión. Entonces, aunque se indicaron diferencias entre Hispanos y Asiático-Americanos, las diferencias entre grupos para ambos grupos minoritarios fueron influenciadas también por variables socioculturales escogidas.  相似文献   
This article discusses an alternate treatment approach for helping minority students learn a variety of academic and coping skills. A Special Services course was designed and taught by two counseling psychologists, who were assisted by peer counselors and graduate student group leaders. The goals of this course were to help students develop a more positive set of self-evaluations and to increase individual responsibility and group cooperation among the students. Specifics of the course are presented, and evaluation methods are suggested. In addition, there are implications of this course for minority student retention.  相似文献   
A questionnaire study involving white collar workers (n=48) investigated the effects of the threat of retaliation, seriousness of malpractice and occupational status of the observer on the likelihood and method of whistle-blowing chosen. In line with previous whistle-blowing and bystander intervention research, the likelihood of whistle-blowing was greater for serious malpractices and where threatened retaliation was low. The effect of retaliation was only significant for serious white collar malpractices and in every situation internal whistle-blowing was more likely than external. The general likelihood of whistle-blowing was positively correlated with the perception that reporting the malpractice would result in change.  相似文献   
We draw upon cognitive psychology and social cognition theories to develop a model of practical intelligence, its antecedents, and its role in the early growth phase of entrepreneurship. The model was tested through interviews with 22 printing industry CEOs and responses from 283 founders of early‐stage printing and graphics businesses. Related venture and industry experience and 2 learning orientations interacted to predict practical intelligence. In turn, practical intelligence interacted with growth goals to predict higher venture growth across 4 years.  相似文献   
Two studies explored the role of pleasant music in buffering the adverse effects of provocation. In the first study, 111 participants listened to aversive, pleasant, or no music before receiving a provocation and completing a measure of aggressive behavior. Participants exposed to pleasant music reported more positive mood. Those in the aversive music condition reported more negative mood than did those in the no‐music control condition. The more positive the music‐induced mood, the less anger was experienced and aggressive behavior was shown after provocation. In Study 2 (N = 142), listening to pleasant music reduced anger following provocation, compared to aversive music and a no‐music control condition. Pleasant music also increased response latencies in recognizing aggressive words after provocation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Lately, the demand for historical biography has remained strong, fresh works appearing with increased regularity. My concern is with the subjects of these efforts—the dead figures whose lives and natures form the bulk of the contents. The ethics of the professional historian provide writers of historical biography with some guidelines, but are these sound, substantial and enduring enough to ensure the just treatment of the subjects? My contention is that they are not, and I set out tentatively in this brief essay to speculate on some grounds upon which a fuller sense of ethical responsibility, respect and commitment may be built. The major difficulty in attempting this exercise rests with the actual nature of the subject towards whom any duty or responsibility is to be felt, and it is on ambiguity respecting this issue that any serious conclusions may risk shipwreck. Alternatively, if any sense of ethical concern is thought demonstrable in this context, it may rest upon premises that are fundamentally egoistic in nature.  相似文献   
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