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The 1st purpose of this study was to examine multiple electromyography (EMG) during voluntary hand movements. A secondary purpose was to investigate possible effects of pressure on intracortical inhibition (ICI) and intracortical facilitation (ICF) functions of the motor cortex, using paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation. Twelve participants traced a 15-cm diameter target circle using a small laser pointer attached to the right index finger. After 5 acquisition trials, they performed 3 nonpressure trials followed by 3 pressure trials. The results showed that pressure had effects not only on agonist EMG activity but also on multiple muscles, such as synergist. In addition, a decrease in ICI and an increase in ICF were both observed under pressure for muscles other than the agonist.  相似文献   
Reviewing the publications of prominent American rabbis who have (extensively) published on Jewish biomedical ethics, this article highlights Orthodox, Conservative and Reform opinions on a most pressing contemporary bioethical issue: euthanasia. Reviewing their opinions against the background of the halachic character of Jewish (biomedical) ethics, this article shows how from one traditional Jewish textual source diverse, even contradictory, opinions emerge through different interpretations. In this way, in the Jewish debate on euthanasia the specific methodology of Jewish (bio)ethical reasoning comes forward as well as a diversity of opinion within Judaism and its branches.  相似文献   
This study is aimed at examining body sway factors for 1107 healthy people aged 16 to 69 years and to propose a practical body sway evaluation method. The center of foot pressure measurement was carried out twice for 1 min. with a 1-min. rest. 30 parameters with high reliability selected from 6 domains (distance, distribution of amplitude, area, velocity, power spectrum, and body sway vector) were summarized objectively into 4 body sway factors (unit time sway, front-back sway, left-right sway, and high frequency band power). Factor scores were calculated by the estimate equation and the total standard scores of parameters with high factor loadings. Considering this result, a total standard score for each factor was classified into 4 percentile categories based on percentile rank. Using this classification criteria, body sway scores for each individual were classified into any of the above 4 domains for each factor. It was confirmed that young adults mainly belong to percentile Categories A and B and the elderly mainly belong to percentile Categories C and D. It was found that a great effect on body sway occurred when an individual's conscious condition changed (contracting a cold or after exercise). In conclusion, the body sway of healthy people can be explained by these 4 sway factors. An evaluation of the body sway pattern using the 4 sway factors may enable us to concretely understand individuals' disorders and abnormal states in addition to changes in body sway that occur with aging.  相似文献   
An internal clock model has often been used to explain disruptions in timing production that occur when temporal and nontemporal tasks are performed simultaneously. In this study, participants' ability to walk 8 m in 8 sec. while executing various secondary concurrent nontemporal tasks was assessed for 16 children enrolled in sports at school. Children participated in six trials under five randomized task conditions involving different coordinative and cognitive workloads. The duration of timing production increased as the attention requirements or cognitive demands placed upon the completion of the task increased. However, participants also showed learning of timing over the six trials. Significant differences were found between the timing task and the concurrent nontemporal tasks depending on the difficulty and cognitive load of the secondary tasks. Results are discussed using attention models of time estimation and production.  相似文献   
In this paper, we discuss development of the Vietnam National University graduate Clinical Psychology Program, which has the goal of training both Vietnamese researchers who will develop and evaluate culturally appropriate mental health treatments, as well as Vietnamese clinicians who will implement and help disseminate these evidence-based treatments. We first review the background situation in Vietnam regarding mental health, and its infrastructure and training needs, and discuss the process through which the decision was made to develop a graduate program in clinical psychology as the best approach to address these needs. We then review the development process for the program and its current status, and our focus on the schools as a site for service provision and mental health task shifting. Finally, we outline future goals and plans for the program, and discuss the various challenges that the program has faced and our attempts to resolve them.  相似文献   
How do people understand the everyday, yet intricate, behaviors that unfold around them? In the present research, we explored this by presenting viewers with self-paced slideshows of everyday activities and recording looking times, subjective segmentation (breakpoints) into action units, and slide-to-slide physical change. A detailed comparison of the joint time courses of these variables showed that looking time and physical change were locally maximal at breakpoints and greater for higher level action units than for lower level units. Even when slideshows were scrambled, breakpoints were regarded longer and were more physically different from ordinary moments, showing that breakpoints are distinct even out of context. Breakpoints are bridges: from one action to another, from one level to another, and from perception to conception.  相似文献   
Children typically follow a well-defined series of stages as they learn to draw, but the rate at which they progress through these stages varies from child to child. Some experts have argued that these individual differences in drawing development reflect individual differences in intelligence. Here we assessed the validity of a drawing test that is commonly used to assess children’s intellectual abilities. In a single study, 125 5- and 6-year-olds completed the Draw-A-Person: A Quantitative Scoring System (DAP:QSS) and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R) or the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI). Although there was a statistically significant correlation between scores on the DAP:QSS and scores on the Wechsler tests, when the scores of individual children were examined, the DAP:QSS yielded a high number of false positives and false negatives for low intellectual functioning. We conclude that the DAP:QSS is not a valid measure of intellectual ability and should not be used as a screening tool.  相似文献   
Mediation analysis uses measures of hypothesized mediating variables to test theory for how a treatment achieves effects on outcomes and to improve subsequent treatments by identifying the most efficient treatment components. Most current mediation analysis methods rely on untested distributional and functional form assumptions for valid conclusions, especially regarding the relation between the mediator and outcome variables. Propensity score methods offer an alternative whereby the propensity score is used to compare individuals in the treatment and control groups who would have had the same value of the mediator had they been assigned to the same treatment condition. This article describes the use of propensity score weighting for mediation with a focus on explicating the underlying assumptions. Propensity scores have the potential to offer an alternative estimation procedure for mediation analysis with alternative assumptions from those of standard mediation analysis. The methods are illustrated investigating the mediational effects of an intervention to improve sense of mastery to reduce depression using data from the Job Search Intervention Study (JOBS II). We find significant treatment effects for those individuals who would have improved sense of mastery when in the treatment condition but no effects for those who would not have improved sense of mastery under treatment.  相似文献   
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