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价值论作为一门普遍的科学,它最基本的问题是理解内在价值的本质。这是它的核心问题。它的问题的关键就在于此。它的一些其他问题都与此相关,是其所产生、所结果、所包含,它的核心问题、它的结论就在于此。 一、有四种相区别的内在价值。它们如何相互依存、相互补充、相互交融,我将在稍后讨论。我的第一个任务是划清它们的区别,表明这四种中的每一个如何是基本的,通常是排他的,而且每一个都宣称是终极的。这些理论是相当著名的,尽管赞同其中一种的人们倾向于忽略和否认其他种。我使用了与它们的专门历史相关的名字,其中有的在知名度上略逊一筹。  相似文献   
1993年3月在莫斯科召开了一次俄国哲学国际会议。大会是由克林顿领导的美国跨国研究所和俄罗斯科学院哲学所共同组织的。参加会议的有来自俄、美、英、法、德、意等国的著名俄国哲学史专家。本刊选译了俄《哲学问题》杂志1994年第1期上发表的部分会议材料:M.H.格罗莫夫的《俄国文化的永恒价值》,Ⅱ)K.斯坎兰的《俄国需要俄国哲学吗?》和A.瓦利茨基的《关于俄国哲学中的“俄国思想”》。 这组文章由贾泽林协助本刊选题。  相似文献   
Three pigeons were exposed to a series of procedures in which periods of response-independent food presentation, on a variable-time schedule, alternated with periods in which food was never presented. The stimuli that signalled periods of food availability or non-availability varied from one procedure to the next, and were sometimes key colors, sometimes tones, and sometimes compounds of both. Key pecking was initiated and maintained when key color was a signal for food; key pecking was not initiated when a tone was the signal for food. However, control of key pecking that was already established could be transferred from key color to tone, and subsequently, initiated by the tone. It is suggested that for pigeons, pre-experimental relationships exist among food, visual stimuli, and pecking, and that a similar relationship, which includes auditory stimuli, must be induced in the laboratory.  相似文献   
A combination of positive reinforcement and fading of physical guidance was used to teach a profoundly retarded boy specific responses to specific verbal instructions. The design consisted of a multiple baseline of probe data across different verbal instructions. The subject started responding correctly to each verbal instruction as that item was trained in a multiple-baseline order. Generalization did not occur to items that had not yet been trained, nor did it occur to items included to assess generalization. Probes of variations in the verbal instructions, conducted after training was completed, revealed that generalization was minimal except in those cases where the variation consisted of the verb only, the noun only, the noun plus preposition, or where the verb of the instruction was presented last. Training a profoundly retarded 11-yr-old subject to respond to specific verbal instructions did not adequately facilitate the development of a generative instruction-following capability, nor did all verbal elements of the instruction control a specific response.  相似文献   
The effects of self-recording on classroom behavior of two junior high school students was investigated. In the first experiment, study behavior of an eighth-grade girl in history class was recorded. Following baseline observations her counselor provided slips for the girl to record whether or not she studied in class. This resulted in an increase in study. When slips were withdrawn, study decreased and then increased once self-recording was reinstated. After teacher praise for study was increased, self-recording was discontinued without significant losses in study behavior. In the final phase, increased praise was also withdrawn and study remained at a high level. In the second experiment, the number of talk outs emitted by an eighth-grade boy were recorded during math period. Following baseline, slips for recording talk outs were issued for the first half of the period, for the second half, and then for the entire period. Talk outs decreased when self-recording was in effect and increased again when self-recording was discontinued. When self-recording was reinstituted in the final phase there was a slight, though not significant decrease in talking out when compared to the baseline condition.  相似文献   
The effect of alertness on S's sensitivity to external signals was determined by varying the foreperiod in a visual signal detection task. Discriminability increased with increasing foreperiods up to an optimal foreperiod, beyond which it decreased slightly. This pattern of results parallels closely that of many foreperiod studies in which reaction time was the dependent variable. Because no speeded response was required in this signal detection task, it was concluded that alertness must be affecting an information processing stage prior to those associated with responding. Other evidence indicates that alertness does not affect sensory stages either. Alertness, by elimination, must be affecting the operation of a central stage, Posner's view of alertness which implicates the central stages is discussed.  相似文献   
在普列汉诺夫的遗著中,关于哲学史问题的著作和言论有着重大的意义。在哲学史方面普列汉诺夫所感到兴趣的问题是非常广泛的;它包括人类思想史的一个巨大领域——从原始社会万物有灵观念的发生直到二十世纪的各种资产阶级哲学学说(新康德主义、马赫主义、实用主义、克罗齐主义、马萨列克主义以及其它等等)。普列汉诺夫还研究了各种各样的社会思潮——从亚里士多德的观点直到帝国主义资产阶级的社会学“理论”(施塔莫勒、司徒卢威以及其他等等)。  相似文献   
让我们看一看哈维(Havet)先生所讲的最重要趋势的结果怎样,首先看他所谓“柏格森的精神实在论”的结果怎样。虽然这种哲学对于心灵解放有很大的贡献,但我们也应该考虑到它对于一些重大问题已经下了明确的结论,而这些结论是一个希望被称做柏格森学派的人所不得不采纳的。因此,严格说来,柏格森的门人是不多的。有几本专为研究柏格森哲学而写的重要著作;我们现在只提出其中的两本来。狄包德(Thibaudet)著的“论柏格森主义”  相似文献   
天真的读者以为在一部百科全书里一定可以找到一系列的条文,每一条规定一个问题的状况,以供专家以外的“老实人”之用。可是“法国百科全书”第19卷(哲学)却几乎仅仅集合了一些不同的立场,和彼此之间绝对不能调和的主张:每一个哲学家把他的哲学在只有几百的篇幅里予以阐明,这几页文字通常是妄自尊大的,但也却是灿烂可观。所谓“妄自尊大”是因为每一个哲学家自信是唯一在事实上掌握着按法理讲可以作为普遍真理的人。所谓“灿烂可观”是因为待剥掉逻辑外壳之后,每一个体系就表现为一个富有诱惑性而缺少严肃性的世界的幻影。  相似文献   
马克思在阐述资产阶级的政治经济学的发展时写道,随着资产阶级在英、法这样一些大国里夺得政权,资产阶级的政治经济学这门科学的丧钟也就敲响了。“从此以往,成为问题的,已经不是这个理论还是那个理论合于真理的问题,只是它于资本有益还是有害,便利还是不便利,违背警章还是不违背警章的问题。超利害关系的研究没有了,代替的东西是领津贴的论难攻击;无拘束的科学研究没有了,代替的东西,是辩护论者(Apologetik)的歪曲的良心和邪恶的意图。”马克思的这段话在很大程度上还可以用于资产阶级哲学。在帝国主义时代,这种哲学具有愈来愈多的辩解的和反动的性质。反动的哲学家们巧妙地  相似文献   
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