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Archival data (N = 1,048 women, 1,136 men) from a mental health survey of college students were used to investigate incidence of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI), including cutting. Significant levels (defined as 4-5 lifetime incidents) were found in 9.3% of women and 5.3% of men. The Counseling Center Assessment for Psychological Symptoms (a global symptom inventory) and an assessment of trauma had been field tested with this sample. We randomly partitioned half of these data into a holdout sample and used the remainder to develop an NSSI screening inventory that included (a) 5 women's screening items, including 1 item to assess trauma experienced; (b) 11 men's screening items; and (c) 12 items common to men and women, including depression, dissociation, anger, unwanted thoughts, nightmares or flashbacks, and having witnessed trauma. Logistic regression and receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis suggested the inventory significantly discriminated NSSI men and women in the holdout sample, p < .001. Cutoff scores were identified to correctly classify about 48% of the true positive male and female NSSI cases, with false positive rates of 13.2% and 8.4% for women and men, respectively.  相似文献   
On the basis of integrating objectification theory research with research on body image and eating problems among sexual minority men, the present study examined relations among sociocultural and psychological correlates of eating disorder symptoms with a sample of 231 sexual minority men. Results of a path analysis supported tenets of objectification theory with the sample. Specifically, findings were consistent with relations posited in objectification theory among sexual objectification experiences, internalization of cultural standards of attractiveness, body surveillance, body shame, and eating disorder symptoms. Within this set of positive relations, internalization of cultural standards of attractiveness partially mediated the link of sexual objectification experiences with body surveillance; body surveillance partially mediated the relation of internalization with body shame; and body shame partially mediated the relation of body surveillance with eating disorder symptoms. In addition to these relations, internalized homophobia was related to greater eating disorder symptoms through body shame, and recalled childhood harassment for gender nonconformity was linked with eating disorder symptoms through a positive series of relations involving internalization of cultural standards of attractiveness, body surveillance, and body shame.  相似文献   
In 169 male 100-km ultra-marathoners, the variables of anthropometry, training, and prerace experience, in order to predict race time, were investigated. In the bivariate analysis, age (r = .24), body mass (r = .20), Body Mass Index (r = .29), circumference of upper arm (r = .26), percent body fat (r = .45), mean weekly running hours (r = -.21), mean weekly running kilometers (r = -.43), mean speed in training (r=-.56), personal best time in a marathon (r = .65), the number of finished 100-km ultra-runs (r = .24), and the personal best time in a 100-km ultra-run (r = .72) were associated with race time. Stepwise multiple regression showed that training speed (p < .0001), mean weekly running kilometers (p < .0001), and age (p < .0001) were the best correlations for a 100-km race time. Performance may be predicted (n=169, r2 = .43) by the following equation: 100-km race time (min) = 1085.60 - 36.26 x (training speed, km/hr.) - 1.43 x (training volume, km/wk.) + 2.50 x (age, yr.). Overall, intensity of training might be more important for a successful outcome in a 100-km race than anthropometric attributes. Motivation to train intensely for such an ultra-endurance run should be explored as this might be the key for a successful finish.  相似文献   
Strategies for finding one's way through an unfamiliar environment may be helped by 2D maps, 3D virtual environments, or other navigation aids. The relative effectiveness of aids was investigated. Experiments were conducted in a large, park-like environment. 24 participants (12 men, 12 women; age range = 22-50 years; M=32, SD = 7.4) were divided into three groups of four individuals, who explored a 2D map of a given route prior to navigation, received a silent guided tour by means of an interactive virtual representation, or acquired direct experience of the real route through a silent guided tour. Participants then had to find the same route again on their own. 12 observers were given a "simple" route with only one critical turn, and the other 12 a "complex" route with six critical turns. Compared to three people familiar with the routes, among the naive participants, those who had a direct experience prior to navigation all found their way again on the simple and complex routes. Those who had explored the interactive virtual environment were unable to find their way on the complex route. The relative scale representation in the virtual environment may have given incorrect impressions of relative distances between objects along the itinerary, rendering important landmark information useless.  相似文献   
There is a considerable linguistic debate on whether phrasal verbs (e.g., turn up, break down) are processed as two separate words connected by a syntactic rule or whether they form a single lexical unit. Moreover, views differ on whether meaning (transparency vs. opacity) plays a role in determining their syntactically-connected or lexical status. As linguistic arguments could not settle these issues, we used neurophysiological brain imaging to address them. Applying a multi-feature Mismatch Negativity (MMN) design with subjects instructed to ignore speech stimuli, we recorded magnetic brain responses to particles (up, down) auditorily presented as infrequent "deviant" stimuli in the context of frequently occurring verb "standard" stimuli. Already at latencies below 200ms, magnetic brain responses were larger to particles appearing in existing phrasal verbs (e.g. rise up) than to particles appearing in non-existing combinations (e.g. ?fall up), regardless of whether particles carried a literal or metaphorical sense (e.g. rise up, heat up). Previous research found an enhanced MMN response to morphemes in existing (as opposed to non-existing) words but a reduced MMN to words in grammatically acceptable (as opposed to unacceptable) combinations. The increased brain activation to particles in real phrasal verbs reported here is consistent with the lexical enhancement but inconsistent with the syntactic reduction of the MMN, thus providing neurophysiological support that a congruent verb-particle sequence is not assembled syntactically but rather accessed as a single lexical chunk.  相似文献   
亨迪卡对笛卡尔“我思故我在”的论证提供了一种新的理解方式.他将“我思”论证同戏剧作类比,指出“我思故我在”中的两个“我”属于不同的辨别系统.这种跨越不同辨别系统的推理并不一定能成立,因而笛卡尔的论证中有潜在的问题.但借助电视里真人扮演自己的现象以及命名关系这一“概念事实”,亨迪卡论证了“勒内”可以证明“笛卡尔”的存在.亨迪卡最后指出,这种戏剧类比理解之下的笛卡尔论证同哥德尔不完全性定理的证明有相似之处.  相似文献   
一般认为,创造世界的上帝是绝对的善,他不可能在世界上创造出恶,那么,世界上存在着恶应该怎么解释呢?奥古斯丁的答案是,恶就是善的匮乏,就是非存在.善是模仿统一的秩序.作者以此为起点,梳理了奥古斯丁的一些思想,包括上帝、绝对真理(Veritas,Truth)、真理(verum,truth)、善、恶、理性、感官、本性、秩序和无序,以及它们之间的关系.通过梳理,作者也澄清了一些学者对奥古斯丁善恶形而上学的误解.  相似文献   
通过对言语行为的探讨,有可能解释人类实在和非人类的物理实在之间是如何协调一致的。在分析社会的制度性实在时,我们需要四个概念,即集体意向性、功能的施加、身份功能和建构性规则。使用建构性规则创造身份功能的模式非常类似于第五类言语行为,即宣告。正是这种宣告式的言语行为生成并维持身份功能,继而建立起人类所有的制度性实在。此外,身份功能产生"道义权力",正是这种权力才使人类社会统合在一起。  相似文献   
本报告挑战了下述陈词滥调——在结果论和义务论之间可以作出真正有效的理论选择,同时它论证了道义论比结果论的基本洞见更加深刻.以费希特的伦理学理论为例,证明它与亚里士多德实践观的一致性,本报告认为,所有行为都因其自身之故才是值得选择的,对结果的评价必须取决于由值得选择的行为所设置的目的.因此,在按照正确行为而选择的行为与按照最佳结果而选择的行为之间,最终不应该有什么分歧.在某些情况下,一种方法比另一种方法可能有启发性的优势,但每种方法也都可能会犯视角错误.结果论应被丢在后面,但不是彻底丢掉,而是像火车车尾的守车,只要被正确的道义论引擎牵引着,它就适得其所.  相似文献   
5月14日至15日,中国伊斯兰教协会主办的“伊斯兰教中道思想研讨会”在新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市成功召开。与会的近百位伊斯兰教界人士和专家学者,围绕“坚守中道,远离极端”的主题,深刻阐释了伊斯兰教的中道思想,有力批驳了宗教极端思想的歪理邪说,强烈谴责了暴力恐怖活动,通过了《坚守中道,远离极端》倡议书,号召广大穆斯林群众积极行动起来,坚守中道、正信正行,远离极端、反对暴力,为促进我国民族团结、社会稳定和伊斯兰教的健康发展凝心聚力,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴做出新贡献。  相似文献   
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