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资本主义下的异化问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
资本主义对个性产生影响的中心问题是异化现象。异化是一种体验方式,在这种体验中个人觉得自己是一个外人,或如人们说的他变得和自己疏远起来。他体验不到自己是自我世界的中心、自己行动的创造者——而他的行动和行动的结果却变成了  相似文献   
费多谢耶夫院士的这部新著,是《科学、世界观和生活》丛书之一。它阐明了可以揭示哲学在世界观中的作用的许多问题。正如本书序言所表明的,作者的出发点是:马列主义哲学是关于自然和社会发展规律的科学认识的一般理论基础和方法论基础,是形成先进的唯物主义世界观和积极的生活  相似文献   
当我们谈到“俄国哲学”时,我们必须首先更确切地界定“哲学”通常意味着什么,以及这个概念在什么意义上被使用。当然,“哲学”——或者勿宁说,以通常的具有学派倾向的、系统的形式出现的哲学著作(在西方,这是哲学的标准表现方式)在俄国存在过并存在着。  相似文献   
Six pigeons were trained to respond on two keys, each of which provided reinforcers on an arithmetic variable-interval schedule. These concurrent schedules ran nonindependently with a 2-s changeover delay. Six sets of conditions were conducted. Within each set of conditions the ratio of reinforcers available on the two alternatives was varied, but the arranged overall reinforcer rate remained constant. Each set of conditions used a different overall reinforcer rate, ranging from 0.22 reinforcers per minute to 10 reinforcers per minute. The generalized matching law fit the data from each set of conditions, but sensitivity to reinforcer frequency (a) decreased as the overall reinforcer rate decreased for both time allocation and response allocation based analyses of the data. Overall response rates did not vary with changes in relative reinforcer rate, but decreased with decreases in overall reinforcer rate. Changeover rates varied as a function of both relative and overall reinforcer rates. However, as explanations based on changeover rate seem unable to deal with the changes in generalized matching sensitivity, discrimination accounts of choice may offer a more promising interpretation.  相似文献   
August Dvorak is best known for his development of the Dvorak keyboard. However, Dvorak also adapted and applied many behavioral and scientific management techniques to the field of education. Taken collectively, these techniques are representative of many of the procedures currently used in applied behavior analysis, in general, and especially in precision teaching. The failure to consider Dvorak's instructional methods may explain some of the discrepant findings in studies which compare the efficiency of the Dvorak to the standard keyboard. This article presents a brief background on the development of the standard (QWERTY) and Dvorak keyboards, describes parallels between Dvorak's teaching procedures and those used in precision teaching, reviews some of the comparative research on the Dvorak keyboard, and suggests some implications for further research in applying the principles of behavior analysis.  相似文献   
天才是指那些在创造力和技巧方面有特殊才能或倾向,以及具有非凡成就的极少数个体。人们认为天才的最普遍特征是智商(IQ)高,创造力强,并有强烈的动机感(承担任务)。本文对目前有关智能及创造力的脑研究知识作一个综述,包括脑电波(EEG)的生理测量,脑功率谱分析,大脑诱发电位和阳离子发射层面x射线照相术,并考虑了现存的矛盾、争议、正式假说和研究中的争端问题。我们特别对脑电波动力学的确定性功能加以阐述,提出了一个天才认知组织和大脑加工过程层次的混沌模型。  相似文献   
在两项研究中,我们检验了用以判断姿式的维度结构的跨文化的适用性。在研究一中,686名日本被试用16个在意义上相差5个点的量表项目对40种姿式的表达进行了评定。被试在假设的双重情景中推断出一个编码人对自身(即对被试解码)的态度。一个主要成分的因素分析为三个独立的维度提供了证据,这三个独立维度与施洛斯伯格(1954)、奥斯古德(1966)和威廉姆斯与桑德恩(1965)所提出的类似。这三种因素被称为自我满足因素、人际间的积极因素和人际意识因素。在研究二中,336个日本学生用16个相差5个点的项目对40种姿式表达再度进行了评定,但对假设的编码人的身份试图加以控制。这项研究基本上重复了研究一的结果。有趣的是虽然我们发现了与西方所做的研究中相同的因素,但在我们的研究中,因素的顺序与以前的研究正好相反。本文对这些发现在维持人类关系中根据所提出的文化差异进行了讨论。  相似文献   
我国社会生活一切方面的改革、完善社会主义的必要性,已经把更加完整地利用马列主义思想的全部宝贵财富,提到议事日程上来了,它是取之不尽的思想源泉。马克思、恩格斯和列宁关于科学共产主义问题的思想理论遗著在当前有着特别重要的意义。苏共中央马列主义研究院对出版的这些思想理论遗著,  相似文献   
在他的自传的最后一卷中,斯金纳提出了他辉煌成就的理论基础  相似文献   
本文将报告对独生子女研究文献所做的一些原分折(meta-analyses)结果,并用这些结果评价独生子女的状况,以指导该领域的理论发展。  相似文献   
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