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本世纪六十年代资产阶级科学哲学演变的特点是同在此以前占统治地位的实证主义坚决分道扬镳。“在现代自然科学和社会科学的哲学中,主要倾向是反实证主义”——西方现代逻辑学-方法论的刊物上常常这样说。对这一现象进行历史和哲学的  相似文献   
一、康德的哲学体系实践理性的首要意义思考康德哲学现实意义的人,首先注意的是康德哲学的系统性。康德是一位伟大的系统学家,康德关于哲学知识结构的观念,至今仍未过时。我们在康德手稿中可以读到这样一段话:“有些人认为,系统只与叙述有关,其实,认识和思维的客体也有系统……有些人打算构筑体系,而他们搞出来的不过是些组合物。构筑这种东西,需要的只是一种方法;系统需要方法……不掌握系统,可以获得历史知识,在一  相似文献   
H.劳纳教授领导的伯尔尼方法论研究所(F.格瑞特联合会)于1980年5月1日至4日召开了一次康德哲学讨论会,有十一篇论文讨论了康德哲学的各种问题。讨论会不但表明了,对康德的解释存在着巨大的困难,而且也表明了,康德的学说仍有着重要的现实意义,对康德学说的兴趣已打破了语言的界限和哲学的传统。在这一方面最突出的例证就是那些试图用(内涵)逻辑的形式方法来解释康德某些著作的论文。 L W.贝克的《康德论自然界的规律性》,E.埃  相似文献   
在本章的标题中,我之所以这样称呼鲍波尔,是因为他的哲学主要是为德意志联邦共和国垄断国家改良主义提供理论依据效劳的。不过,我要避免使人产生这样一种印象,好象鲍波尔的哲学并没有被保守势力所利用似的。比如属于鲍波尔“批判理性主义”圈子里的托皮奇(Topitsch),就是一位露骨的保守人物。鲍波尔的哲学成了资产阶级“社会工艺学”,(Sozialtechnologie)一切变种的总根子。  相似文献   
绝大多数人是用视觉系统来辨别颜色的。但是,也有人能用手指辨认颜色。心理学家扎瓦拉(Zavala)、范科特(Van Cott)、奥尔(Orr)和斯莫尔(Small)对一个自称能用手指辨认颜色的人进行了广泛的研究并于一九六七年发表了研究结果。他们用多种作业让被试辨认。有一次让被试蒙住眼睛后对不同颜色的朴克进行分类。测查证明她是成功的,超过了简单猜测的水平;能够把红色和白色、红色和兰色区别开来,但不能区别兰色和白色。另外一次测试,她能确定在她手上是否有一道光照。照射到手上  相似文献   
Edward Stanton Sulzer was born in New York City on June 4, 1930. He attended school in Laureltown, N.Y., until the age of 15, when, after two years of high school, he was admitted into the University of Chicago. Leaving prematurely due to his mother's death, he returned to New York to work in film production. Sulzer completed his undergraduate work at the City College of New York, studying film production and psychology. In 1953 he entered the doctoral program in clinical psychology at Teachers College, Columbia. Spending two years in the Army during his graduate training, his work was completed in 1958. He then joined the faculty of the Upstate Medical School of the State University of New York, Department of Psychiatry, moving on two years later to the Psychiatry Department at the University of Minnesota. In 1965 Sulzer moved to assume the directorship of the Behavior Modification Program, in the Rehabilitation Institute at Southern Illinois University, where he remained until his death on February 28, 1970.In observance of the 10th anniversary of the death of Edward Stanton Sulzer, these reminiscences are presented. They describe how an individual psychologist could affect the professional and personal lives of many. Edward Sulzer is described in terms of the environment that shaped his values, how they affected the actions of his students and clients, and how they are reflected in current social policy. The account leads to a conclusion that the actions of single individuals may influence the course of human events.  相似文献   
Although the Bender-Gestalt Visual Motor Test has been a popular and influential clinical assessment instrument for the last half century, authoritative opinion and a substantial research literature are often inconsistent or contradictory. This paper documents variations in designs, administration procedures, forms, and applications to particular populations. A careful review of scoring systems indicates the current status of objective approaches as contrasted with interpretation that is global, intuitive, and subjective. Some implications of these variations and interpretive procedures for training and assessment practice are discussed. The major conclusions of the review are summarized in seven points.  相似文献   
Five-year-old children were taught three-stage sequences of arbitrary matching: A-C, B-C, A-D; A-C, B-D, B-C; or A-C, A-D, B-C. Each stage refers to a sample-comparison relation between stimuli. Unreinforced test probes revealed untrained arbitrary matches (B-D, A-D, and B-D, respectively), derivable by substitution of stimuli with a common sample or comparison function. Additional probes revealed further untrained sample-comparison relations derivable by substitution and identity, including the commuted relations D-B, D-A, and D-B, respectively. These processes may have relevance to conceptual and verbal behavior.  相似文献   
The fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement is one of the more widely studied schedules in the experimental analysis of behavior and is also a common baseline for behavior pharmacology. Despite many intensive studies, the controlling variables and the pattern of behavior engendered are not well understood. The present study examined the microstructure and superstructure of the behavior engendered by a fixed-interval 5- and a fixed-interval 15-minute schedule of food reinforcement in the pigeon. Analysis of performance typical of fixed-interval responding indicated that the scalloped pattern does not result from smooth acceleration in responding, but, rather, from renewed pausing early in the interval. Individual interresponse-time (IRT) analyses provided no evidence of acceleration. There was a strong indication of alternation in shorter-longer IRTs, but these shorter-longer IRTs did not occur at random, reflecting instead a sequential dependency in successive IRTs. Furthermore, early in the interval there was a high relative frequency of short IRTs. Such a pattern of early pauses and short IRTs does not suggest behavior typical of reinforced responding as exemplified by the pattern found near the end of the interval. Thus, behavior from clearly scalloped performance can be classified into three states: postreinforcement pause, interim behavior, and terminal behavior.  相似文献   
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