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论精神与物质的关系──欠发达的教训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在这里,我打算证明,欠发达问题不仅引发了哲学最基本和最古老的问题之一,即精神与物质的联系问题,而且有助于重新系统地阐述这个问题。比较认真的研究确实可以展示出欠发达令人吃惊的一面:欠发达只不过是某种特有的混乱或不平衡的明显症状(就像人们谈到某种疾病的症状)。这种症状奇特而扭曲,暴露出精神和物质之间有一种独特的、出乎意料的紧张关系。实际上,我们不会轻率地排除这样的观念:精神和物质之间的联系完全有可能在某种不平衡的情景下比在某种融合的情景下表现得更清楚。此外,这种为了观察存在于精神与物质之间的联系而研…  相似文献   
苏联人民确实以自己过去的伟大革命、多世纪的丰富的文化和哲学领域中的牢固的唯物主义传统为自豪。尼古拉·普拉诺维奇·奥格辽夫(1813-1877年)——十九世纪俄罗斯革命民主主义者、哲学唯物主义者、政论家、诗人,——和别林斯基和赫尔岑、车尔尼雪夫斯基和杜勃罗留波夫同列为革命俄罗斯的杰出代表。 (?).奥格辽夫是属于贵族革命家一代的人物。从青年时起,他就站在反对专制制度和农奴制度、为人民的自由而斗争的道路上。奥格辽夫在俄国反农奴制运动发展的影响下,在自己的思想发展过程中,从贵族的革命者成为农民革命民主主义者、农奴制农民利益的捍卫者。奥格辽夫和赫尔岑一样,是逃避检查的俄罗斯民主主义刊物(如“北极  相似文献   
60年代后期,心灵哲学家(或译心智哲学家)之间曾有一场大争论,关涉哥德尔定理的不可判定命题是否为下述结论提供了很好的理由的问题:人脑在计算上天生地强于任何从原则上说可以构造出来的机械的(即非人类的)计算自动机。应予注意的是:这场争论产生于这样的时刻,当时人们公认计算自动机的具体例证是冯·诺意曼型的串行的,顺序操作的数字计算机。如今,W.D.希利斯(Hillis)已经发明一种具有完全相异结构的计算自动机,即所谓的“连接机”  相似文献   
费多谢耶夫院士的这部新著,是《科学、世界观和生活》丛书之一。它阐明了可以揭示哲学在世界观中的作用的许多问题。正如本书序言所表明的,作者的出发点是:马列主义哲学是关于自然和社会发展规律的科学认识的一般理论基础和方法论基础,是形成先进的唯物主义世界观和积极的生活  相似文献   
列宁格勒大学哲学系于1957年11月25—29日举行了学术会议,纪念伟大的十月社会主义革命四十周年。符·普·罗任教授作了“四十年来马克思列宁主义哲学的发展”的报告。报告分为三个部份。在第一部份“社会主义社会理论的创立和发展”中,报告人着重指出,在伟大的十月社会主义革命胜利之后,历史唯物主义问题被提到了首要地位,因为在我国建设社会主义当时已经成为我国亿万劳动人民的实际的、迫切的和创造性的事业。以伟大领袖列宁为首的、在战斗中经过考验和  相似文献   
伊斯兰教反对懒惰,号召劳动,鼓励互助。安拉说:“你们当为正义和敬畏而互助,不要为罪恶和横暴而互助。”(五:二)集体胜于分离,互助胜于遗弃,因为它影响着本质的爱和个人尊严并影响到珍惜个人的利益。伊斯兰教警告那种人他们分解和削弱人们的战斗力。它命令要团结到一个方向,团结力量、团结社会。  相似文献   
Three experiments are reported that examine whether fast finger-tapping sequences are entirely planned before execution starts (advance planning), or if they can be started while planning is still under way (distributed planning). Subjects performed finger tapping sequences of three to eight taps at a high rate, under both simple and 2-choice reaction time (RT) conditions. The sequences differed in the location of an accentuated element within them. The RT to choose between sequences with different accent locations progressively decreased as an inverse function of the time-distance between the initial tap and the first point at which the alternative sequences differed. The shortening in choice reaction time (CRT) was never accompanied by noticeable changes in the inter-response times or force patterns of the tapping sequences. The RT to initiate sequences with accent location known beforehand (SRT condition) showed, in two of three experiments, a weak decreasing trend as the accentuated tap shifted away from the beginning of the sequence. The SRT results suggest a possible predominance of advance planning when the same sequence is repeated over a series of trials. The CRT results are taken as evidence that planning of the sequence beyond the unpredictable tap could be distributed before and after sequence initiation. Several factors are discussed that may influence the balance between planning in advance of, and planning in parallel with, sequence execution.  相似文献   
Six pigeons were trained to respond on two keys, each of which provided reinforcers on an arithmetic variable-interval schedule. These concurrent schedules ran nonindependently with a 2-s changeover delay. Six sets of conditions were conducted. Within each set of conditions the ratio of reinforcers available on the two alternatives was varied, but the arranged overall reinforcer rate remained constant. Each set of conditions used a different overall reinforcer rate, ranging from 0.22 reinforcers per minute to 10 reinforcers per minute. The generalized matching law fit the data from each set of conditions, but sensitivity to reinforcer frequency (a) decreased as the overall reinforcer rate decreased for both time allocation and response allocation based analyses of the data. Overall response rates did not vary with changes in relative reinforcer rate, but decreased with decreases in overall reinforcer rate. Changeover rates varied as a function of both relative and overall reinforcer rates. However, as explanations based on changeover rate seem unable to deal with the changes in generalized matching sensitivity, discrimination accounts of choice may offer a more promising interpretation.  相似文献   
August Dvorak is best known for his development of the Dvorak keyboard. However, Dvorak also adapted and applied many behavioral and scientific management techniques to the field of education. Taken collectively, these techniques are representative of many of the procedures currently used in applied behavior analysis, in general, and especially in precision teaching. The failure to consider Dvorak's instructional methods may explain some of the discrepant findings in studies which compare the efficiency of the Dvorak to the standard keyboard. This article presents a brief background on the development of the standard (QWERTY) and Dvorak keyboards, describes parallels between Dvorak's teaching procedures and those used in precision teaching, reviews some of the comparative research on the Dvorak keyboard, and suggests some implications for further research in applying the principles of behavior analysis.  相似文献   
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