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The focus of the present study was on the intersegmental relationships that emerge when both task and oganismic constraints are imposed upon the coordination system. Seven right-handed subjects were required to reach and grasp a cup (hand transport phase) and place it on a designated target (cup transport phase), using either their preferred or nonpreferred hand. The kinematics of the movement were examined as a function of task (grasping a full cup versus grasping an empty one) and organismic (preferred or nonpreferred hand) constraints. During the hand transport phase, a task constraint effect was revealed through an increase in the low-velocity phase for the full cup condition. This constraint coexisted with a decrease in angular motion of the shoulder and elbow joints, indicating subjects reduced the number of variables to be independently controlled in the final homing-in stage of the movement. Accompanying this decrease in angular change was an increase in the displacement of the trunk. During the cup transport phase, the trunk was shown to contribute significantly more to the movement in the full cup condition and for the left hand movements, thereby increasing the stability of the movement system. These findings are in agreement with Bernstein's (1967) notion of fixating parts of the body as an initial solution to a movement problem, and they lend support to the concept of a proximodistal organization of coordination.  相似文献   
It has been established through several decades of research that children's home environments significantly influence their development. Many researchers have also been interested in expanding research beyond indirect measures of the home environment, such as socioeconomic status, to help understand the nature of specific environmental mechanisms which influence early behavior and cognitive development. The Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) Inventory was developed to meet these needs. Specifically, HOME measures the quality of stimulation in a child's early family environment. Almost all studies of the approach's reliability and validity have been conducted with US samples. HOME is, however, being used in other countries. The authors report their findings from a study of whether the psychometric properties of HOME based upon US samples parallel those found in Costa Rica, and whether HOME discriminates between Costa Rican environments with different associations to child health and development. Focus centers upon the infant/toddler version of the HOME Inventory. HOME data for 183 healthy Costa Rican infants were compared to the original HOME standardization sample from Little Rock, Arkansas. The study found the HOME Inventory to be helpful in identifying children at risk for delayed development in this Latin American sample. Lower HOME scores related to a shorter duration of breastfeeding and differentiated children with iron deficiency anemia in infancy, a condition associated with long-lasting developmental disadvantage.  相似文献   
禁地,亦即指由于地形原因而不可进入的地区,尤其是指出于政治、宗教或其他动机而作出的决策所禁止入内的区域(场所、城市、国家)。禁地往往蒙上了一种神秘的气氛.几乎必然会引起人们的好奇。到达拉萨曾是几代探险家的梦想。这一地区不仅对外人封闭,而且对“内部人”也封闭:任何人不得离开“外出”。德川幕府对日本实行的隔绝就是这样一种双向隔离。当然.地理条件也有助于这种隔离,因而使之轻易地付诸实行。有人指出(或许这种说法不够严肃).举世闻名的中国长城不仅意味着防范匈奴入侵,更意味着防止中国人逃离。史料也表明中国过…  相似文献   
Male Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, swam through a ring in an aquarium, breaking a photocell beam and initiating an unsignaled, resetting delay interval. Following delays of 0 s, 10 s, or 25 s, a 15-s mirror presentation released an aggressive display by the fish. Swimming through the ring increased in the absence of either a period of acclimatization to the reinforcer (analogous to magazine training when appetitive reinforcers are used) or explicit training of the response by the experimenters. Response rates were a decreasing function of delay duration. Other fish exposed to a schedule of response-independent mirror presentations failed to acquire and maintain the response. The results demonstrate the robustness and generality of the phenomenon of response acquisition with delayed reinforcement. They further qualify earlier observations about behavioral mechanisms involved in the phenomenon.  相似文献   
The importance of consulting with other professionals to maintain acceptable standards of care is well documented in many health care professions. However, evidence indicates that many psychologists fail to utilize consultation when needed, and that consultation use varies along dimensions such as the education and training of the consultee, the type of setting, number of years in practice, and proximity to available consultants. In this article, we review the research on the use of consultation by psychologists as well as other health care professionals. We discuss the clinical, ethical, and legal implications of seeking consultation as a professional psychologist. Finally, a detailed and practical model for the regular use of consultation is given to improve the routine use of consultation in clinical practice.  相似文献   
现实论(actualism)这项方案,旨在清除逻辑与模态形而上学中那些讨人嫌的本体论承诺。它从一切存在的都是现实的这个观点出发,试图重新解释语言,以避免承诺“可能体”(possibilia)的存在。所谓“可能体”,指那些可能的,但非现实的对象。量化模态逻辑(QML)似乎就要求这种对象存在。最简QML为古典量化理论与模态命题逻辑之合并,可是它使巴康(Barcan)公式(今日x由→ax令Q)有效。从而,由可能存在一头会说话的驴子这个事实,就推出了存在某物,它可能是一头会说话的驴子。这看起来在宣称一个可能实体的存在(假定每个现实的东西都不可能是会说话的驴子)。现实论者们大力主张克里普克(Kripke)所描述的语义学,以此来免除这项承诺,这种语义学采用了可变论域,因而使巴康公式归于无效。  相似文献   
今年1月10—15日俄罗斯科学院哲学所所长B.斯杰宾通讯院士、俄罗斯科学院哲学所高等研究员B.布罗夫来广东进行学术访问。1月12日在广东社联与省哲学界人士进行了座谈。会上,斯杰宾通讯院士就俄罗斯哲学的现状作了主要发言,并回答了与会者提出的一些问题,现将斯杰宾通讯院士的发言整理如下。  相似文献   
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