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Localization abilities of subjects in three perceptual-motor tasks were considered before and after an exposure to a visual distortion. During this distortion the subject observed his hand ballistically point to an invisible but audible target while either receiving or not receiving knowledge of results (KR) concerning pointing accuracy. Also, subjects either received a 1- or a 4-sec rest period between each of 30 exposure ballistic pointing actions. The pre- and postexposure tasks involved the ability of a subject to accurately point to an occluded and stationary auditory target, to point to the straight-ahead position in space, and to indicate when a moving, auditory target was perceived as being in the straight-ahead position. For these tasks, the pre- vs. postexposure localization difference scores are referred to as the negative aftereffect, the proprioceptive shift, and the auditory shift, respectively. Wilkinson's (1971) two-component additive model (negative aftereffect = proprioceptive shift plus auditory shift) held when KR was given regardless of amount of rest between exposure pointing responses. With a 4-sec rest and no KR, the relationship between coordination components was nonadditive (negative aftereffect greater than proprioceptive shift plus auditory shift).  相似文献   
The key pecking of eight pigeons was maintained on a variable-interval 1-minute schedule of food reinforcement. Sometimes, all responses between 35 and 50 milliseconds in duration produced a shock; sometimes, all responses between 10 and 25 milliseconds produced a shock; sometimes, shocks were produced by pecks without regard to duration (nondifferential punishment), and sometimes shocks were delivered independently of responding. Punishment of 35- to 50-millisecond responses selectively suppressed those responses, while punishment of 10- to 25-millisecond responses and nondifferential punishment suppressed responding overall but did not suppress responses of particular duration. Punishment of 35- to 50-millisecond responses suppressed key pecking slightly less than did nondifferential punishment. Punishment of 10- to 25-millisecond responses and response-independent shock produced roughly equal amounts of suppression, substantially less than the other punishment procedures. The data support the view that there are at least two kinds of key peck, identifiable on the basis of duration, one of which (short duration) is insensitive to its consequences.  相似文献   
A logical analysis is made of the Matching Familiar Figures (MFF) Test on the basis of which children have been classified as "impulsive" or "reflective." The reflective strategy is implicitly preferred to the impulsive because the reflective child makes fewer errors though generally taking longer to make his first response. We show that the test allows the choice of a number of "game plans" and speed-accuracy tradeoffs which in practice may not be very different. Error rates may not indicate perceptual sensitivity, in any case, since sensitivity and response factors may be confounded in the error rate. Using a visual running-memory-span task to avoid the inherent difficulties of the MFF test, we found that children previously classified on the basis of that test as impulsive or reflective did not differ in recognition accuracy but did differ in response bias and response latency. Accuracy and bias are estimated by way of Luce's choice theory (Luce, 1963), and the results are discussed in those terms.  相似文献   
一、比较方法的意义与界限假定一个人严肃地对待哲学,那么任何试图比较卡尔.雅斯贝尔斯与马丁.海德格尔的作法都难免显得十分可疑。也许,甚至将比较方法列入哲学工具之标准目录也显得可疑,但是,那些使用这种方法的人们却常为这种方法所提供的巨大的解释收益而辩护。当然,对于我  相似文献   
中华人民共和国的各界人士对现代苏联社会生活各个领域中正在发生着的那些变化显然是有所了解的。苏共中央1985年4月全会的著名决议、苏共27大和苏共中央其他一些全会的文件提出了苏联发展的战略方针,苏共中央总书记M.C.戈尔巴乔夫在他的许多讲话中进一步阐发了这一战略方针。其中对苏联社会当前发展阶段的实质做了如下的理  相似文献   
先知穆罕默德归真后,在伊斯兰教旗帜下联合起来的阿拉伯人进入了一个新的发展时期。第一任哈里发艾布·伯克的功绩在于重新统一了阿拉伯半岛,并开拓了疆土。但艾布·伯克执政两年就归真了,继承这一伟大事业并使伊斯兰教发展成为一个国际性宗教的,是第二任哈里发欧麦尔。他为哈里发国家的巩固和发展做出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   
尔沃德的娘正在廚房里做胡桃杏仁点心饀兒,口里还低声哼着一支流行曲子,心里突然感到一种沈重的憂虑,她于是止住口里哼着的曲子,撩起衣角擦了擦手,走到院子里,在院里恐惧不安地轉来转去,不知怎样才好。院子里很靜,只有穿过庭心的一条淺水溝里發出微弱的流水声。这更使尔沃德的娘感到寂寞,感到需要有个人在身旁,像邻家的哈米德娘或是别的要好的姐妹們,她們每次来串门,閑扯一陣,或者说些故事,都会給尔沃德的娘帶来慰籍。尔沃德的娘既恐惧又寂寞,一个人在院子里直打轉兒,不知怎样才好。后来听到街門的鎖眼里有鑰匙轉动的声音,接着瞧見自己的丈夫——尔沃德  相似文献   
对于有关常识和诸如“理性”、“真理”和“实在”这样的哲学思想的主要范畴来说,错觉是一种异乎寻常的检验案例。我的目标是,通过与弗洛伊德的遗产和20世纪最引人注目的精神病学研究成果进行某种交锋,分析这种错觉所具有的各种富有悖论色彩的形式,从而阐明构成了它那些特定的时间化、概念化和论证样态之基础,并且为这些样态确定方向的逻辑。就英语而言,人们也许是在“幻觉”的意义上使用delusion(错觉)这个术语的,不过,它也可以被用来表示我们在罗曼诸语言之中称之为“delirio”或者“d啨lire”(这两个外来语在这里均指“迷狂”之意,前者是…  相似文献   
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