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Zusammenfassung Chronisch-entzündliche Darmerkrankungen (Morbus Crohn, Colitis ulcerosa) werden traditionellerweise zu den psychosomatischen Erkrankungen gez?hlt. In jüngster Zeit wurde diese Zuordnung aber mehrfach in Frage gestellt; zugleich wurden biomedizinische Faktoren beschrieben, die in der Entstehung und im Verlauf der Erkrankungen eine Rolle spielen k?nnten. Die vorliegende übersichtsarbeit hat das Ziel, den aktuellen Stand der biomedizinischen und psychosomatischen Forschung zur ?tiologie und Verlaufsgestaltung bei chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen darzustellen und unter methodischen Gesichtspunkten kritisch zu bewerten. Forschungsergebnisse zu folgenden Themenbereichen werden referiert: Epidemiologie; soziodemographische Merkmale; Genetik; di?tetische Faktoren und Zigarettenrauchen; Medikamente; Permeabilit?tsst?rung der Darmepithelien; immunologische Faktoren; mikrobiologische Faktoren; psychiatrische St?rung; emotionale Symptomatik, Pers?nlichkeitsmerkmale; kritische Lebensereignisse und psychosozialer Stre?; Lebensqualit?t und Krankheitsbew?ltigung.   相似文献   
Summary The dependence of the subjective vertical (SV, the angle between a subjective vertical line and body median plane) on the gravity vertical (body tilt position, angle ) and on the optical vertical (i.e., a field of parallel lines seen as background to the line to be adjusted) was investigated. The SV was measured under dry and wet conditions at different degrees of body tilt attained in either clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW) progression.The measured difference in between field-of-lines left and right of the line is smallest at the upright position (=O°) and largest at =150°/165°. All body positions show a -difference between CW and CCW attainment (hysteresis), this too being least at upright and greatest at inverted body positions.These results, and changes of with test time, are discussed relative to the hypothesis that efficiency of the statolith organs decreases with body tilt increase, favouring increase of interference of somatoreceptors and the optical reference.  相似文献   
Hermann Lenz 《Zygon》1983,18(2):117-137
Abstract. Comparing the experiences of mystics and victims of delusion we find very similar states of conditions: an experience of abnormal significance, pseudohallucinations, the sense of mission, the suspension of time, extremes of mood, and the sudden and passive appearance. Only the subsequent course of life of those having the experiences makes it possible to distinguish between belief and delusion. The criteria are simple: we find hope and doubt only in relation to mystical experience whereas in delusion we find a paralyzed belief; human freedom increases in belief but is lost in delusion; and belief allows the interaction between the person and society while the person who is deluded has no effectiveness in society.  相似文献   
Advances in robotics, automation, and artificial intelligence increasingly enable firms to replace human labor with technology, thereby fundamentally transforming how goods and services are produced. From both managerial and societal points of view, it is therefore important to understand demand‐side incentives for firms to employ human labor. We begin to address this question by examining for which products and services consumers are more likely to favor human (vs. robotic) labor. In six studies, we demonstrate that consumers prefer human (vs. robotic) labor more for products with higher (vs. lower) symbolic value (e.g., when expressing something about one's beliefs and personality is of greater importance). We theorize that this is because consumers have stronger uniqueness motives in more (vs. less) symbolic consumption contexts (and associate human labor more strongly with product uniqueness). In line with this account, we demonstrate that individual differences in need for uniqueness moderate the interaction between production mode and symbolic motives and that a measure of uniqueness motives mediates the effect of consumption context on preferences for human (vs. robotic) production.  相似文献   
Memory for affective events plays an important role in determining people’s behavior and well-being. Its determinants are far from being completely understood. We investigated how recognition memory for affective pictures depends on pictures’ motivational significance (valence and arousal), complexity (figure-ground compositions vs. scenes), and social content (pictures with people vs. without people) and on observers’ age and gender. Younger, middle-aged, and older adults viewed 84 pictures depicting real-life situations. After a break, the participants viewed 72 pictures, half of which had been viewed previously and half of which were novel, and were asked to endorse whether each picture was novel or had been presented previously. Hits, false alarms, and overall performance (discrimination accuracy) were our dependent variables. The main findings were that, across participants, recognition memory was better for unpleasant than pleasant pictures and for pictures depicting people than pictures without people. Low-arousal pictures were more accurately recognized than high-arousal pictures, and this effect was significantly larger among middle-aged and older adults than younger adults. Recognition memory worsened across adulthood, and this decline was steeper among men than women. Middle-aged and older women outperformed their male counterparts. This study suggests that how well we are able to successfully discriminate previously seen pictorial stimuli from novel stimuli depends on several pictures’ properties related to their motivational significance and content, and on observer’s age and gender.  相似文献   
Herzinfarktkranke, die an einer Depression leiden, tragen ein erhöhtes Risiko, in den Folgejahren an einem erneuten Infarkt oder anderen Komplikationen der koronaren Herzkrankheit (KHK) zu sterben. Dass eine Depression, die bei 16–23% der KHK-Patienten auftritt, aber auch schon eine unterschwellige depressive Symptomatik einen unabhängigen prognostischen Faktor der KHK darstellt, konnte in mehreren Studien bestätigt werden. Es ist jedoch noch unklar, ob eine Depression ein kausaler Risikofaktor ist, der den Verlauf der KHK ungünstig beeinflusst, oder lediglich ein Risikoindikator (marker), der zwar eine Vorhersage des Verlaufs erlaubt, diesen aber nicht selbst verändert. Als Bindeglieder zwischen einer Depression und dem Verlauf der KHK werden verhaltensbezogene (verminderte Compliance mit Medikation und risikoreduzierenden Verhaltensempfehlungen) und neurobiologische Mechanismen diskutiert. Am besten untersucht ist die Aktivierung des Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Systems und die sympathische Aktivierung (vermehrte Kortisol- und Noradrenalin-Sekretion bei Depression mit der Folge einer erhöhten kardiovaskulären Reaktivität). Weitere potenzielle Bindeglieder umfassen eine verminderte Herzfrequenzvariabilität, stressinduzierte Ischämien, erhöhte Thrombozytenaktivierung und immunologische Dysregulationen. Um die Frage zu klären, ob die Depression ein kausaler Risikofaktor ist, sind Interventionsstudien notwendig, in denen eine depressive Störung erfolgreich behandelt und als Konsequenz auch die Sterblichkeit vermindert wird. Hierzu ist die Befundlage allerdings inkonsistent. Während umfassende, multimodale Interventionsprogramme, die auch eine Modifikation der koronaren Risikofaktoren einschlossen, eine Reduktion von Reinfarktrate und Mortalität demonstrieren konnten, hat eine kürzlich publizierte, große randomisierte Interventionsstudie, in der depressive KHK-Patienten entweder kognitive Verhaltenstherapie oder die übliche Behandlung erhielten, keinen Überlebensvorteil für die Patienten der Behandlungsgruppe zeigen können. Abschließend wird die Befundlage zur Optimierung einer integrierten Versorgung von Patienten mit komorbider Depression dargestellt.  相似文献   
Nanotechnology — A new field of ethical inquiry?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parallel to the public discussion on the benefits and risks of nanotechnology, a debate on the ethics of nanotechnology has begun. It has been postulated that a new “nano-ethics” is necessary. In this debate, the — positive as well as negative — visionary and speculative innovations which are brought into connection with nanotechnology stand in the foreground. In this contribution, an attempt is made to discover new ethical aspects of nanotechnology in a more systematic manner than has been the case. It turns out that there are hardly any completely new ethical aspects raised by nanotechnology. It is much rather primarily a case of gradual shifts of emphasis and of relevance in questions which, in principle, are already known and which give reason for ethical discussions on nanotechnology. In a certain manner, structurally novel ethical aspects arise through the important role played by visions in the public discourse. New questions are also posed by the fact that previously separate lines of ethical reflection converge in the field of nanotechnology. The proposal of an independent “nano-ethics”, however, seems exaggerated.  相似文献   
Based on clinical and functional imaging data, the left anterior insula has been assumed to support prearticulatory functions of speech motor control such as the "programming" of vocal tract gestures. In order to further elucidate this model, a recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study of our group (Riecker, Ackermann, Wildgruber, Dogil, & Grodd, 200) investigated both overt (aloud) and covert (silent) production of highly overlearned word strings ("automatic speech"), based on the suggestion that "inner speech" might provide a "window" into preparatory motor activities (Jeannerod, 1994). As a control condition, subjects were asked to reproduce a nonlyrical tune. In contrast to hemodynamic responses within motor cortex and cerebellum, activation of the intrasylvian cortex turned out to be bound to overt task performance. Rather than prearticulatory processes, these findings suggest the left insula to contribute to the actual coordination of the up to 100 muscles engaged in articulation and phonation. Conceivably, the association of speech production with intrasylvian cortex might have evolved within the framework of phylogenetically older connections between the insula and limbic structures, on the one hand, and nonspeech functions of the upper midline musculature such as swallowing, on the other. Whereas (overt) speech tasks predominantly elicit activation within left anterior insula, reproduction of a nonlyrical tune yielded an opposite response pattern. Conceivably, the opposite distributional pattern of speaking and singing at the level of intrasylvian cortex reflects operation of the two hemispheres across different time domains ("double filtering by frequency theory": left hemisphere=segmental information, right hemisphere=intonation contours of verbal utterances and musical melodies; ). In line with this suggestion, a further study of our group (Ackermann et al., 2001) provided first evidence that differential hemispheric filtering might be bound to insular cortex.  相似文献   
Sit-and-wait strategies in dynamic visual search   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of memory in visual search has lately become a controversial issue. Horowitz and Wolfe (1998) observed that performance in a visual search task was little affected by whether the stimuli were static or randomly relocated every 111 ms. Because a memory-based mechanism, such as inhibition of return, would be of no use in the dynamic condition, Horowitz and Wolfe concluded that memory is likewise not involved in the static condition. However, Horowitz and Wolfe could not effectively rule out the possibility that observers adopted a different strategy in the dynamic condition than in the static condition. That is, in the dynamic condition observers may have attended to a subregion of the display and waited for the target to appear there (sit-and-wait strategy). This hypothesis is supported by experimental data showing that performance in their dynamic condition does not differ from performance in another dynamic condition in which observers are forced to adopt a sit-and-wait strategy by being presented with a limited region of the display only.  相似文献   
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