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I wish to formulate in broad outline an approach to the conceptualization of psychoanalysis that is divested from theory. This view sees the core of psychoanalysis as a humanistic practice, first and foremost guided by the individuality of the dyadic encounter, rather than as a science. I will not argue for any particular view of psychoanalysis. Instead I marshal a series of considerations from the humanities, to frame a conceptualization of psychoanalysis as a clinically based interpretive discipline having a unique mission. Finally, I will present a futuristic hypothetical scenario whose aim is to show why psychoanalysis will remain a viable enterprise basically as conceived by Freud.  相似文献   
Miller and Rohling (2001) proposed a 24-step algorithm, the Rohling Interpretive Method (RIM), for quantitative interpretation of results from flexible neuropsychological test batteries. We believe that the RIM as presented in that paper has several conceptual problems, including (a) a failure to distinguish "statistically significant" from pathological differences, (b) an assumption that declines in specific abilities can be inferred when a particular test score deviates from an estimate of general premorbid ability, and (c) confusion between the standard deviation associated with individual test scores versus that of a composite of those scores. As an alternative, we suggest the value of developing and using co-normed comprehensive neuropsychological test batteries from which test users might select subsets of tests.  相似文献   
This paper describes the collaborative efforts of three intervention projects with similar data sets on high-risk populations of mothers and their children at 13 and 20 months. The three projects collected data on a total of 190 dyads from three risk groups: adolescent mothers and their infants, high social risk mothers and their infants, and high social risk mothers and their preterm infants. The authors define the common set of measures and resulting variables used collaboratively to measure parent-child interaction and compare the three risk groups at both 13 and 20 months.  相似文献   
Many questions remain concerning whether, when, and how physicians order genetic tests, and what factors are involved in their decisions. We surveyed 220 internists from two academic medical centers about their utilization of genetic testing. Rates of genetic utilizations varied widely by disease. Respondents were most likely to have ordered tests for Factor V Leiden (16.8 %), followed by Breast/Ovarian Cancer (15.0 %). In the past 6 months, 65 % had counseled patients on genetic issues, 44 % had ordered genetic tests, 38.5 % had referred patients to a genetic counselor or geneticist, and 27.5 % had received ads from commercial labs for genetic testing. Only 4.5 % had tried to hide or disguise genetic information, and <2 % have had patients report genetic discrimination. Only 53.4 % knew of a geneticist/genetic counselor to whom to refer patients. Most rated their knowledge as very/somewhat poor concerning genetics (73.7 %) and guidelines for genetic testing (87.1 %). Most felt needs for more training on when to order tests (79 %), and how to counsel patients (82 %), interpret results (77.3 %), and maintain privacy (80.6 %). Physicians were more likely to have ordered a genetic test if patients inquired about genetic testing (p?<?.001), and if physicians had a geneticist/genetic counselor to whom to refer patients (p?<?.002), had referred patients to a geneticist/genetic counselor in the past 6 months, had more comfort counseling patients about testing (p?<?.019), counseled patients about genetics, larger practices (p?<?.032), fewer African-American patients (p?<?.027), and patients who had reported genetic discrimination (p?<?.044). In a multiple logistic regression, ordering a genetic test was associated with patients inquiring about testing, having referred patients to a geneticist/genetic counselor and knowing how to order tests. These data suggest that physicians recognize their knowledge deficits, and are interested in training. These findings have important implications for future medical practice, research, and education.  相似文献   
The many arguments, pro and con, about the usefulness and roles of diagnosis in general, and a psychological test battery in particular, can be settled only with reference to particular tests, a particular tester, particular patients, with reference to particular questions, in a particular context. Psychologists need to establish the usefulness of tests in cost-effective ways and demonstrate how tests provide a means of studying the mind. It follows that all psychotherapists should be able to use the tests, as all physiologists should be able to use a microscope. The rule of thumb that therapists should not give tests to their patients is unnecessary, though it is preferable that the tests be given early in the relationship, and that patients have the opportunity to explore their reactions to the procedure. To maximize the usefulness of tests given by someone who is not the patient's therapist, the test report should be designed as a means of persuasion toward therapeutic action more than a passive report of findings. An outline for test report writing is suggested. Finally, the use of tests helps elucidate the many factors that contribute to change through psychotherapy.  相似文献   
皮层-基底节-丘脑网络与脑岛网络属于感觉运动相关网络, 这两个网络的改变可能是导致精神分裂症的重要原因。目前主流研究与临床干预聚焦于患者的高级脑区异常, 对感觉运动系统的关注不足。对健康个体的研究发现舞蹈训练对感觉运动相关脑网络具有显著提升作用, 并自下而上地促进高级功能。以上研究提示舞蹈训练可能是干预精神分裂症、改善患者认知功能的新途径。本研究拟借助多模态磁共振成像技术, 以精神分裂症感觉运动相关网络为着力点, 通过分析精神分裂症患者在舞蹈训练前后的脑影像、临床症状及认知行为的改变, 揭示舞蹈训练临床干预的神经机制。  相似文献   
2004年12月6日,中国科学院院士、著名外科学家、华中科技大学教授、博士生导师、中共党员、同济医学院创始人裘法祖被授予“人民医学家”荣誉称号,这是湖北省人民政府在裘教授迎来九十华诞暨从医65周年之际送给他的一份精美礼物。这位医术精湛、医德高尚、为我国医学事业做出了杰出贡献的著名医学家,受到了人民群众的高度评价和尊重,也为广大的科技工作者,尤其是医学教育和医疗卫生工作者,树立了光辉的榜样。裘教授从医60多年来,不仅以其精湛的医术点燃了无数人的生命之灯而享誉海内外,他的高尚医德同样也赢得了社会的普遍赞誉而成为世之楷模。  相似文献   
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