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An earlier experiment (Meyer, Sleiderink, & Levelt, 1998) had shown that speakers naming object pairs usually inspected the objects in the required order of mention (left object first) and that the viewing time for the left object depended on the word frequency of its name. In the present experiment, object pairs were presented simultaneously with auditory distractor words that could be phonologically related or unrelated to the name of the object to be named first. The speech onset latencies and the viewing times for that object were shorter after related distractors than after unrelated distractors. Since this phonological priming effect, like the word frequency effect, most likely arises during wordform retrieval, we conclude that the shift of gaze from the first to the second object is initiated after the word form of the first object’s name has been accessed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von der Zweikomponententheorie des menschlichen Gedächtnisses wird die bessere Behaltensleistung bei akustischer gegenüber optischer Darbietung diskutiert. Drei Erklärungsvorschläge dieses Modalitäts-effektes werden einander gegenübergestellt. Ein Experiment mit unimodaler und bimodaler Darbietungsweise bei freier Reproduktion unterstützt die Annahme zweier getrennter Speicher. Die Ergebnisse werden mit Markov-Modellen beschrieben. Abschließend wird vorgeschlagen, die Gedächtnistheorie flexibler zu gestalten.
Effect of the mode of presentation on short-term memory
Summary The two-component theory of human memory is taken as the basis for a discussion on the effect of mode of presentation on recall probability. Three different explanations for this modality effect are compared. An experiment using auditory and visual and bimodal presentations with single-trial free recall supports the two-store hypothesis. The results are described with the aid of Markov models. It is suggested that the theory of human memory should be modified to allow for greater flexibility.

Die Untersuchung wurde durch eine Sachmittelbeihilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft an A.F. unterstützt. Wir danken Frau C. Klein und Herrn W. D. Müller für ihre Hilfe bei der Durchführung der Experimente.  相似文献   
The frequency of using cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression strategies to regulate emotions has been associated with social-emotional adjustment. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the Parent-Rating Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (P-ERQ), a parent-rating version of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) in children aged five to six years. Children from Germany (N = 112) and the U.S. (N = 59) participated. Confirmatory factor analyses of P-ERQ data from Germany indicated a two-factor structure that closely reflected the factor structure of the adult ERQ with adequate scale reliabilities. Correlations with a measure of coping strategies supported the convergent validity of the P-ERQ. Cross-country measurement invariance analyses between samples from Germany and the U.S. suggested partial scalar invariance for the cognitive reappraisal subscale and metric invariance for the expressive suppression subscale. Findings provide preliminary evidence that the P-ERQ can be recommended for use in developmental research.  相似文献   
A number of factors could explain the adverse effect that babble noise has on memory for spoken words (Murphy, Craik, Li, & Schneider, 2000). Babble could degrade the perceptual representation of words to such an extent that it compromises their subsequent processing, or the presence of speech noise in the period between word presentations could interfere with rehearsal. Thirdly, the top-down processes needed to extract the words from the babble could draw on resources that otherwise would be used for encoding. We tested all these hypotheses by presenting babble either only during word presentation or rehearsal, or by gating the babble on and off 500 ms before and after each word pair. Only the last condition led to a decline in memory. We propose that this decline in memory occurred because participants were focusing their attention on the auditory stream (to enable them to better segregate the words from the noise background) rather than on remembering the words they had heard. To further support our claim we show that a similar memory deficit results when participants perform the same memory task in quiet together with a nonauditory attention-demanding secondary task.  相似文献   
Fear is thought to facilitate the detection of threatening stimuli. Few studies have examined the effects of task-irrelevant phobic cues in search tasks that do not involve semantic categorization. In a combined reaction time and eye-tracking experiment we investigated whether peripheral visual cues capture initial attention and distract from the execution of goal-directed eye movements. Twenty-one spider-phobic patients and 21 control participants were instructed to search for a color singleton while ignoring task-irrelevant abrupt-onset distractors which contained either a small picture of a spider (phobic), a flower (non-phobic, but similar to spiders in shape), a mushroom (non-phobic, and not similar to spiders in shape), or no picture. As expected, patients' reaction times were longer on trials with spider distractors. However, eye movements revealed that this was not due to attentional capture by spider distractors; patients more often fixated on all distractors with pictures, but their reaction times were delayed by longer fixation durations on spider distractors. These data do not support automatic capture of attention by phobic cues but suggest that phobic patients fail to disengage attention from spiders.  相似文献   
Soziale Phobie     
Social anxiety is characterised by overwhelming fears in social interactions or performance situations. Its life-time prevalence is high (about 13%) and relapses are quite common. Social anxiety disorder is a chronic disease with a high impairment for the persons afflicted. Cognitive-behavioural, psychodynamic and neurobiological models have promising implications for psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment. Neurobiological approaches have identified risk factors and possible somatic mechanisms. Cognitive-behavioural models explain the development of dysfunctional beliefs and the maintenance of social anxiety. Psychodynamic approaches refer to a disturbed self-concept and underline the importance of prior negative interpersonal relationships. Manualised treatments exist for the cognitive-behavioural approach and a manual for psychodynamic psychotherapy was recently developed. This paper presents the different approaches (neurobiological, cognitive-behavioural, psychodynamic) to social anxiety disorder and possible implications for therapy are discussed.  相似文献   
Two incompatible pictures compete for perceptual dominance when they are presented to one eye each. This so-called binocular rivalry results in an alternation of dominant and suppressed percepts. In accordance with current theories of emotion processing, the authors' previous research has suggested that emotionally arousing pictures predominate in this perceptual process. Three experiments were run with pictures of emotional facial expressions that are known to induce emotions while being well controlled in terms of physical characteristics. In Experiment 1, photographs of emotional and neutral facial expressions were presented of the same actor to minimize physical differences. In Experiment 2, schematic emotional expressions were presented to further eliminate low-level differences. In Experiment 3, a probe-detection task was conducted to control for possible response-biases. Together, these data clearly demonstrate that emotional facial expressions predominate over neutral expressions; they are more often the first percept and they are perceived for longer durations. This is not caused by physical stimulus properties or by response-biases. This novel approach supports that emotionally significant visual stimuli are preferentially perceived.  相似文献   
Cognitive inhibition was investigated in 21 trichotillomania (TTM), 21 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and 26 healthy control (HC) participants using a block cued directed forgetting task. After encoding a word list, participants were instructed to intentionally FORGET these words and to REMEMBER another word list. Both lists included TTM-related and neutral (kitchen-related) words in equal proportions, with the TTM-related words generally of negative valence and the kitchen-related words generally of neutral valence for all participants. A superior free recall of REMEMBER versus FORGET words suggests intact cognitive inhibition. The performance of OCD participants indicated a specific deficit in inhibiting the retrieval of information with negative valence, which was not found in TTM. HC participants, in contrast to TTM and OCD participants, were rather inattentive to negative information. In conclusion, although attention was disproportionately directed towards negative information in both disorders, cognitive inhibition deficits appeared specific to OCD.  相似文献   
In 3 experiments, the authors investigated the extent to which objects that are about to be named are processed prior to fixation. Participants named pairs or triplets of objects. One of the objects, initially seen extrafoveally (the interloper), was replaced by a different object (the target) during the saccade toward it. The interloper-target pairs were identical or unrelated objects or visually and conceptually unrelated objects with homophonous names (e.g., animal- baseball bat). The mean latencies and gaze durations for the targets were shorter in the identity and homophone conditions than in the unrelated condition. This was true when participants viewed a fixation mark until the interloper appeared and when they fixated on another object and prepared to name it while viewing the interloper. These results imply that objects that are about to be named may undergo far-reaching processing, including access to their names, prior to fixation.  相似文献   
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