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The impact that psychiatric symptoms have on the lives of young people is central to clinical practice and classification. However, there is relatively little research on impact and its association with symptoms. This paper examines how well impact can be measured and how it relates to psychiatric outcomes. On four separate occasions over 3 years, symptoms and impact were assessed in a UK epidemiological sample (n?=?4,479; 51.5 % boys) using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) as reported by parents, youths and teachers. Disorders were ascertained using the Development and Well-Being Assessment. An impact scale made of items about distress and impairment demonstrated considerable internal consistency, cross-informant correlations, and longitudinal stability by all reporting sources. Impact at baseline was a strong predictor of psychiatric disorder 3 years later after accounting for psychiatric disorders and symptoms measured at baseline: odds ratio OR?=?2.10, 95 % Confidence Interval (CI) [1.50, 2.94] according to parent-rated impact and OR?=?1.71, CI [1.08, 2.72] according to teacher-rated impact. Changes in impact over time were predicted, but not fully accounted for, by symptoms measured at baseline. Impact can be reliably and easily measured across time, and it may be clinically useful as an independent predictor of future symptoms and psychiatric disorders. More studies are needed to understand inter-individual variation in the impact caused by equivalent symptoms.  相似文献   
A view of the sources of mathematical knowledge is sketched which emphasizes the close connections between mathematical and empirical knowledge. A platonistic interpretation of mathematical discourse is adopted throughout. Two skeptical views are discussed and rejected. One of these, due to Maturana, is supposed to be based on biological considerations. The other, due to Dummett, is derived from a Wittgensteinian position in the philosophy of language. The paper ends with an elaboration of Gödel's analogy between the mathematician and the physicist.  相似文献   
Responses to five doll‐story stems thematically related to attachment experiences with the mother were videotaped in the home and used to evaluate child, maternal, and environmental predictors of representational aggression in 93 preschool children of African American women receiving public assistance who had become pregnant as teenagers. Significant correlations were found between representational aggression and child's gender (male), birth weight, maternal depressive affect, maternal educational attainment, recent employment, mother's historical residence with her own mother, and felt social support, accounting for 40% of the variance in representational aggression. A significant Felt Social Support × Gender interaction effect suggested that girls of mothers who perceive higher levels of felt social support are more likely to represent less aggression in their stories; felt social support was not associated with boys' representational aggression. A significant Felt Social Support × Employment interaction effect suggested that representational aggression is associated with lower levels of felt social support only among employed mothers. Findings suggest that different pathways exist for representational aggression in children of low‐income adolescent mothers, which nevertheless share predictors associated with poverty.  相似文献   
In three experiments we show, using behavioural measures of movement outcome, as well as movement trajectory information and resultant kinematic profiles, that there is a strong tendency for the limbs to be co-ordinated as a unitary structure even under conditions where the movements are of disparate difficulty. Environmental constraints (an obstacle placed in the path of one limb, but not in the other) are shown to modulate the space-time behaviour of both limbs (Experiment II). Our results obtain for symmetrical (Experiment I) as well as asymmetrical movements that involve non-homologous muscle groups (Experiment III). These findings suggest that in multi-joint limb movements, the many degrees of freedom are organised to function temporarily as a single coherent unit that is uniquely specific to the task demands placed on it. For movements in general, and two-handed movements in particular, such units are revealed in a partitioning of the relevant force demands for each component (a force scaling characteristic) and a preservation of the internal “topology” of the action, as indexed by the relative timing among components. These features, as well as systematic deviations from perfect synchrony between the limbs can be rationalised by a model that assumes the limbs behave qualitatively like non-linear oscillators.  相似文献   
The purpose of this experiment was to investigate how the control of aiming movements performed as fast and as accurately as possible changes with practice. We examined: (1) the influence of visual feedback on the initial impulse and error correction phases of aiming movements during acquisition; and (2) the effect of removing visual feedback at different levels of practice. Results from the acquisition trials indicated that vision had a major impact on the organization of the initial impulse and error correction phases. Also, consistent with findings from research involving temporally constrained movements, the cost of removing vision was greater after extensive levels than after moderate levels of practice. Collectively, these results denote the importance of visual feedback to the learning of this particular class of aiming movements. Learning appears to be a dual process of improved programming of the initial impulse and increased efficiency of feedback processing. Practice not only acts on programming and feedback processes directly, but also indirectly through a reciprocal interplay between these two processes.  相似文献   
Necturus maculosus has been selected as representative of a class of neotenic amphibia whose behavior (including gill beat, heartbeat, and tail waving) can be sensed remotely by submerged electrodes in an aquarium. This communication presents a validation of the technique as a preface to reports on the electrophysiology of behavior in unrestrained surgically naive salamanders. Although the sources of the submarine signals are not known with certainty, they apparently depend on two factors: (1) aquarium water of appropriate ionic strength serves as a volume conductor for activity, and (2) animal movement displaces water or produces waves which are sensed as a change in potential at the water-electrode interface. This method provides a continuous comprehensive record of behavior simultaneously from several response systems in a freely behaving animal.  相似文献   
Dehumanisation of opponents in conflict has been shown to be a common and damaging feature in the media. What is not understood is how this dehumanisation is challenged, which is the novel contribution that this research will make. Drawing on focus groups (four focus groups each with four to six participants) conducted in the West Bank in 2015 that discussed media coverage of international conflict, this article demonstrates the ways in which young Palestinian participants attempt to rehumanize themselves in the context of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Discursive analysis demonstrates how this was achieved in a number of ways: categorising Palestinians as “human being”; by directly and explicitly challenging the suggestion that Palestinians are less than human; by drawing the enemy into the category “human”; and by embodying the “human.” These findings, the first to address the talk of young Palestinians about the reporting of violent conflicts around the world, demonstrate the importance of categorization and how, in this case, the specifics of the use of the (human) category work to rehumanize Palestinians in the face of (claims of) dehumanisation.  相似文献   
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