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When we perform a visual search we know what we are looking for and determine where it is. A representation of the object in our working memory, the ‘search-template’, is compared to the items in the scene until a match is found. So far it is unknown whether observers can search for multiple items at the same time. Here we compare the performance of subjects between a task in which they search for one of two target-items in a stream of visual objects and a task with only a single target. We find that search is effectively limited to one item at a time. This limitation occurs for simple and complex objects and even if the subjects have to look for two features from different domains. We conclude that matching has a fundamental capacity-limitation as the visual input can be matched to only one search-template at a time.  相似文献   
Sex roles and social support as moderators of life stress adjustment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study we used a longitudinal design to test the stress-buffering effects of sex role orientation in combination with perceived social support on measures of trait anxiety and depression. College undergraduates served as subjects. The cross-sectional analyses provided strong support for the hypothesis that masculinity would function as a life stress buffer. The hypothesis that social support would serve as a stress buffer when coupled with high masculinity was supported by one of the cross-sectional analyses as well as the longitudinal analysis. This pattern was found primarily for perceptions of tangible social support. The longitudinal analysis also revealed a significant interaction involving negative life events and masculinity and femininity. This interaction effect provided unexpected support for a balance model of androgyny, in that non-sex-typed subjects showed greater resilience to recent life stress than did sex-typed subjects. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for the study of life stress adjustment.  相似文献   
A new technique for optimizing split-half reliability estimates yielded substantial and comparable increases in indexes of internal reliability for some major Rorschach variables across two diverse samples. Practical suggestions for applying this method to other projective tests were advanced. The inadvisability of computing odd-even reliability coefficients without regard to split-half distributional anomalies is addressed.  相似文献   
Hand Test data from comparable sets of clinical samples were analyzed for reliability using the usual odd-even split and then also calculating all possible (126) split-half combinations. Maximum stable reliabilities were obtained which were substantially superior to the odd-even method. It was concluded that projective tests are probably more internally reliable than has heretofore been reported.  相似文献   
One individual difference that is conceptually closely related to the positive and negative framing of outcomes in persuasive communications is the person's self-discrepancy. It was expected that a match between a person's self-discrepancy and framing will lead to more persuasion, under the condition that the information is processed centrally (high involvement). Two experiments were conducted to test this expectation, one through the Internet among obese people and one in the laboratory among students. Both experiments showed that only among those with high involvement—assessed as an individual difference—participants with an ideal-discrepancy were persuaded the most by the positively framed information, whereas participants with an ought-discrepancy were persuaded the most by the negatively framed information.  相似文献   
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review - Parent stress and mental health problems negatively impact early child development. This study aimed to systematically review and meta-analyze the...  相似文献   
Academic mobility has increased the tendency of students to study in foreign countries, which poses various personal, interpersonal and contextual challenges to the cross-cultural supervision relationship. This study explored the themes that emerged in a cross-cultural supervision relationship through the application of expressive art, referred to as the Mmogo-Method?, in cross-cultural group supervision. Fourteen individuals participated in the research, thirteen Tswana-speaking women from Botswana and a Tshivenda-speaking man from Venda (age range: 25 to 45 years). Participants were asked to create visual representations illustrating any aspect of their growth since the beginning of the year. Thereafter, the participants engaged in focus group discussions. Data were analysed by means of semiotic data analysis. Central themes suggest that the transfer of culturally embedded values and norms takes place between environments. The data further elicited valuable information regarding aspects that could play an integral role in personal and professional development. It appears that expressive art such as the Mmogo-Method? could serve as a valuable tool in enhancing the quality of supervision.  相似文献   
This study investigated the importance of 2 resilience resources for service members’ ability to deal with threat during deployment. Military self-efficacy and family support were measured before deployment and related to work engagement and burnout levels of service members during deployment. We hypothesized that in high threat situations, low self-efficacy would lead to unfavorable outcomes, whereas in low threat situations, high self-efficacy could have negative consequences. In addition, we hypothesized that family support would compensate for both effects. The results showed these expected 3-way interactions. We found that strong self-efficacy helped service members deal with exposure to threatening situations during deployment, leading to more work engagement and less burnout. However, having strong self-efficacy without being exposed to threat during deployment reduced service members’ work engagement and increased burnout. In addition, we found that the presence of family support compensated for these effects. Service members with low self-efficacy benefitted from family support when threat exposure was high, whereas service members with high self-efficacy benefitted from family support when threat exposure was low. As such, family support seemed to act as a compensatory mechanism for the potential negative effects of self-efficacy. This underlines the importance of studying the interplay between resources that help service members deal with deployment experiences. Practical implications relate to supporting service members’ resilience through enhancing multiple resources.  相似文献   
This paper discusses two kinds of complexities inherent in psychoanalysis' concept of transference. The first kind: transference emotions usually appear in the shape of polarities—that is, an emotion is accompanied by its opposite that may be manifest or latent. This is true both of emotions that are split off and ambivalent. In addition, two or more such polarities often co-exist, running like parallel tracks, e.g., an aggression polarity together with a dependence polarity. A clinical vignette illustrates this train of thought. The second kind: Starting from Winnicott's concept of transitional phenomena, the epistemologicaI status of the transference concept is discussed. Transference phenomena take place in an intermediate area between reality and phantasy, and between past and present. The ensuing paradoxes that will characterize the concept-formation have to be accepted and respected. Some technical consequences of these complexities are discussed.  相似文献   
Knee rehabilitation exercises to improve motor control, target movement fluency, and displacement variability. Although knee movement in the frontal plane during exercise is routinely assessed in clinical practice, optimal knee control remains poorly understood. In this study, 29 healthy participants (height: 1.73 ± 0.11 m, mass: 73.5 ± 16.4 kg, age: 28.0 ± 6.9 years) performed 4 repetitions of 5 rehabilitation exercises while motion data were collected using the VICON PlugInGait full-body marker set. Fluency and displacement variability were calculated for multiple landmarks, including center of mass (CoM) and knee joint centers. Fluency was calculated as the inverse of the average number of times a landmark velocity in the frontal plane crossed zero. Variability was defined as the standard deviation of the frontal plane movement trajectories. CoM fluency and displacement variability were significantly different between tasks (p < .001). CoM displacement variability was consistently smallest compared to the constituent landmarks (p < .005). This was interpreted as a whole body strategy of compensatory variability constraining CoM frontal plane movement. Ipsilateral knee fluency (p < .01) and displacement variability (p < .001) differed substantially between tasks. The role of the weight-bearing knee seemed dependent on task constraints of the overall movement and balance, as well as constraints specific for knee joint stability.  相似文献   
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