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孔子在历史上的影响极大,但对他的评价在古今却存在巨大差异。之所以会如此,往往与政治上的需要或影响有关。如汉武帝尊儒是为利用孔子儒家缘饰汉代政制;为迎合武帝,董仲舒首启孔子《春秋》素王说推尊之。近代五四把孔子作为与科学、民主对立的旧文化传统的代表予以批判,其极乃有"文革"批孔视之为复辟奴隶制的反动派,并利用战国封建论证成之。如果去除此类政治因素客观公正地评价孔子,首先必须改变春秋是礼崩乐坏时代的消极认识,承认周礼是西周春秋以来具有承前启后积极意义的文化发展成果,孔子是利用周礼为中华民族缔造文化根脉的集大成圣人。  相似文献   
“光而不耀”是道家“中和之道”的一个重要辩证法命题。它出自《老子》第五十八章。  相似文献   
<魏书·释老志>是中国最早关于佛教历史和思想的全面记载.它的史料价值表现在:(1)它所记载的元魏僧官制度对于研究中国佛教制度的重要性;(2)它是北魏政治与佛教微妙关系的重要资料来源;(3)它所记载的资料对于研究佛教寺院经济的重要性.<魏书·释老志>在思想史方面的重要性表现在:(1)它反映一般常识世界;(2)表现早期教外人士人的佛教知识.最后从<魏书·释老志>与<隋书·经籍志>的比较中可以看出:(1)<隋书·经籍志>有意与儒家划清界限,走出依附中国资源,渐渐独立的趋势;同时,士大夫对于佛教的知识渐渐走出依靠中国知识来想象佛教的水平;其次,<隋书·经籍志>比<魏书·释老志>更像一个全景式、统一文明体立场的叙述,更加全面与完整;另一方面,它的历史叙述渐渐偏向南方佛教;三是佛教知识越来越丰富了.  相似文献   
Temporal processing of durations in the range of seconds or more is mediated by working-memory mechanisms whereas processing of brief durations in the range of milliseconds appears to be beyond cognitive control and modulated by dopaminergic activity in the basal ganglia. In the present study, the effects of the selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor reboxetine on temporal information processing were evaluated. In a double-blind crossover design, either placebo or 2 or 4 mg of reboxetine were administered to 24 healthy male volunteers. Performance on temporal discrimination of longer durations, as indicated by 75%-difference thresholds in relation to a 1,000-ms standard interval, was significantly improved by 2 mg of reboxetine as compared to placebo, whereas the improvement observed with the 4-mg dose just failed to reach statistical significance. There was, however, no effect of reboxetine on temporal discrimination of extremely brief durations, as indicated by threshold values in relation to a 50-ms standard interval. Findings provided additional evidence for the notion that temporal processing of durations in the range of seconds is based on working-memory processes including aspects of directed attention. In timing of brief durations in the range of milliseconds, however, noradrenergic activity didnot seem to play a critical role.  相似文献   
<大丹直指>是否为丘处机作品对于丘处机及全真道研究是非常重要的问题,前人的看法虽有所怀疑而大都因循旧说,对<大丹直指>的真伪至今仍无认真的考证.本文以文献考据与义理疏通互证的方法,检讨<大丹直指>的丹法传承及其著作权的归属.  相似文献   
周王后妃不仅仅是皇帝宫廷的宠幸玩物,也不全是奢侈性后宫消费群体。事实表明,以周王王后为首,后妃们主要以蚕织生产监管者的身份参与到王室经济中,从而在其中扮演着重要的经济角色。此外,她们不仅身负为王室生产创造增殖财富的经济职责,而且通过蚕织生产已间接介入到诸如以命服制加强专制王权的政治活动中,是周王力求控制支配经济体制为王朝政治服务企图的实际执行者,因此设置尽可能多的后妃是符合周王利益的。  相似文献   
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