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Dimensionality of the widely used Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) was investigated in a sample of 153 seventh-grade Asian students from Singapore. Confirmatory factor analyses performed on the scores of the RSES revealed two factors (positive and negative self-esteem) as hypothesized. Both factors were empirically related to different external variables. Results from multiple regression analyses indicated that positive self-esteem significantly predicted students’ mastery goal orientation and academic self-efficacy scores while negative self-esteem significantly predicted students’ disruptive behavior. These findings provide some preliminary support that the two factors could possibly be measuring substantively distinct dimensions, thus calling into question the unidimensionalty of the RSES in an Asian school-based sample. This study was supported by a grant from Center for Research in Pedagogy and Practice, National Institute of Education (CRP 26/04 RA) to Rebecca P. Ang.  相似文献   
黎昂  杨锦绵朱磊 《心理科学》2021,44(6):1282-1289
采用眼动追踪范式,本研究通过两个实验探讨局部注意干扰效应(LAI)的注意分配特点和机制。实验一采用搜索时间有限的范式,目标呈现70毫秒后消失,在行为和眼动指标上均发现LAI效应:当两个目标距离较近时,反应时增加,正确率降低,总注视时长增长、注视点增加和眼跳速度加快。实验二增加目标呈现时间至1500毫秒以鼓励搜索,产生了比实验一更强烈的LAI效应,且眼跳速度的模式也有不同,说明增加搜索时间并不利于减轻LAI,从而推断LAI的竞争发生在判断阶段,而非搜索和识别目标阶段。  相似文献   
This study explores two issues concerning the relationships between personality, meta-mood experience, life satisfaction, and anxiety. First, it explored the incremental value of Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience in predicting the three components of meta-mood experience (that is, attention to feelings, emotional clarity, clarity of feelings and mood repair), after controlling for demographic variables across Australia and Singapore. Second, it explored the incremental value of the three meta-mood experience components in predicting life satisfaction and anxiety, after controlling for demographic variables and personality variables across the two countries. One hundred and eighty nine tertiary students from Australia and 243 tertiary students from Singapore participated in this study. First, hierarchical regression analyses for both samples suggested that Agreeableness and Neuroticism are the two most important personality predictors of meta-mood experience, emotional attention, and emotional repair. Second, hierarchical regression analyses for both samples suggested that emotional repair was a significant predictor for life satisfaction and anxiety, even after controlling for demographic variables and personality variables. These results have implications for therapeutic interventions with life satisfaction versus anxiety. Funding for this research is facilitated partially by a research grant from the National Institute of Education.  相似文献   
Adolescent suicide is considered a worldwide problem and an increasing source of concern in Singapore. This study explores the relationships among four factors of maladjustment (that is, emotional distress, negative self, antisocial behavior, and anger control problems) and suicidal ideation in two hundred and seventy-one adolescents from Singapore. Findings from the study indicated that emotional distress, negative self-concept, and antisocial behavior significantly predicted suicidal ideation for the whole sample. Beta weight is largest for emotional distress, followed by negative self, and then antisocial behavior. For females, only emotional distress significantly predicted suicidal ideation. Implications of these findings with regard to working with adolescents with suicidal ideations are discussed. Funding for this research is facilitated by grant RP 1/01 APH.  相似文献   
采用儿童社会创造性倾向问卷、亲子亲密度量表、人际反应指针量表和友谊质量问卷,以588名初中生为被试,探讨亲子关系和移情对青少年社会创造力的影响及其作用机制,并检验了友谊质量的中介作用。结果表明:(1)父子关系、母子关系和移情显著正向预测青少年社会创造力;(2)青少年友谊质量在母子关系和移情预测青少年社会创造力中起中介作用。本研究揭示了父子关系、母子关系以及移情对社会创造力的预测作用及其作用机制,研究结果对培养青少年社会创造力具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   
This study examines the advisability to distinguish dimensions of discipline, by evaluating the Dimensions of Discipline Inventory (DDI, Straus and Fauchier 2007) in a sample of Belgian undergraduate students (N = 371) who retrospectively reported on their mothers’ and fathers’ discipline behaviors aimed at correcting child misbehavior at age 10. First, confirmatory factor analyses showed that a model with nine factors fitted the data best, but also a model with four second-order factors was acceptable. Second, a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis with a Belgian and a U.S. sample (N = 633) provided additional evidence for the nine-factor structure. Correlations between DDI scales and other parenting related variables demonstrated meaningful relations. Additionally, some DDI subscales were associated with measures of current problem behavior. To conclude, the present study illustrated that it is both useful and possible to differentiate between discipline constructs.  相似文献   
新医改政策提出的种种举措使公立医院面临新的利益调整,意味着公立医院要做出相应的变革.通过分析政府与公立医院间的关系、医院行业内外新机遇和新挑战,发现政府增加投入的同时,还应在对公立医院监管手段和程度上多下功夫;公立医院在提高医疗服务质量的同时,在外部形象宣传、维权等方面都要做好准备.  相似文献   
This longitudinal study analyzed the interactions between the quality of life and the coping strategies of 100 patients treated for breast cancer and their caregivers. Data were collected after diagnosis, at the end of treatment, and 6?months after treatment with the Quality of Life Questionnaire-C30 (QLQ-C30), Duke Health Profile and Ways of Coping Checklist for both patients and caregivers. The theoretical model was tested using a typology of patients and mixed model analyses. The quality of life of patients changed over time and no cluster effect was found. The influence of the sociodemographic characteristics, coping strategies (patients and caregivers) and the quality of life of caregivers on patient's quality of life were different according to the quality of life dimensions considered. To understand the adaptation of patients to their disease, it is therefore essential to look at whether the caregiver is capable of playing a supporting role.  相似文献   
Cultural intelligence (CQ) – the capability to function effectively in intercultural settings – has gained increasing attention from researchers and practitioners due to its contemporary relevance to globalization, international management, and workforce diversification. Research‐to‐date demonstrates that CQ predicts a variety of important outcomes in intercultural contexts, such as cultural adaptation, expatriate performance, global leadership, intercultural negotiation, and multicultural team processes. Moving beyond past research that tends to focus on the four primary factors of CQ – metacognitive CQ, cognitive CQ, motivational CQ, and behavioral CQ, we introduce an expanded conceptualization of CQ that delineates sub‐dimensions for each of the four factors. We briefly review psychometric evidence supporting the proposed second order 11‐factor structure and convergent/discriminant validity of the sub‐dimensions. We propose that the next wave of CQ research should be guided by a deeper understanding of each of four factors of CQ.  相似文献   
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