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Through an analysis of an online survey of women who tested positive for the BRCA genetic mutation for breast cancer, this research uses a social constructionist and feminist standpoint lens to understand the decision-making process that leads BRCA-positive women to choose genetic testing. Additionally, this research examines how they socially construct and understand their risk for developing breast cancer, as well as which treatment options they undergo post-testing. BRCA-positive women re-frame their statistical medical risk for developing cancer and their post-testing treatment choices through a broad psychosocial context of engagement that also includes their social networks. Important psychosocial factors drive women’s medical decisions, such as individual feelings of guilt and vulnerability, and the degree of perceived social support. Women who felt guilty and fearful that they might pass the BRCA gene to their children were more likely to undergo risk reducing surgery. Women with at least one daughter and women without children were more inclined toward the risk reducing surgery compared to those with only sons. These psychosocial factors and social network engagements serve as a “nexus of decision making” that does not, for the most part, mirror the medical assessments of statistical odds for hereditary cancer development, nor the specific treatment protocols outlined by the medical establishment.  相似文献   
Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) education programs are not immune to the financial pressures associated with providing quality educational programs. In this article, the author discusses the current higher education economic environment, explores contemporary trends in higher education management, and considers their effect on MFT educational programs, an area that is virtually unaddressed in the literature. Finally, the author describes how one MFT training program is responding to the challenges brought forth by the fiscal complexities embedded in the contemporary higher education economic environment. The discussion offers useful and practical administrative policy information to MFT educational programs and their leaders.  相似文献   
(一)台怀南下十里余,右转经过白云寺,缓步西行,就踏上了去佛母洞的道路。五台山灵迹颇多,关于佛母洞的传说,也有不少。据说,明朝嘉靖年间,一位法号道方的僧家,单身行脚,杖锡登临,来五台朝圣。当他行至佛母洞时,已是夜半时分。正在他感到分辨不清道路之际,忽见灯火通明,仔细看时,眼前是一处庄严殊胜的梵宫古刹,众多比丘手擎供佛灯火,出出进进,仿佛正在绕佛念诵。道方见这景象,举步再行,又见这里原是一处溶岩洞室,道方紧随众比丘入内,洞中灯火辉煌,玉像庄严,俨然一个天造地设的僧家道场。他被这般情景吸引,又进里许,耳畔忽然响起澎湃的波涛声,…  相似文献   
性权利的文明尺度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有性研究学者宣称:“我最想传达的,就是性权利的观念,只要符合自愿、私密、成人之间这三个条件,性是不可以被制裁、被剥夺的。”[1]在此逻辑下,该学者提出“人有自由支配自己身体的权利”,“一夜情”、“婚外恋”,甚至“乱伦”、“聚众淫乱”都是成年人的性权利,都是不应该被干  相似文献   
The retrospective evaluation of an event tends to be based on how the experience felt during the most intense moment and the last moment. Two experiments tested whether this so-called peak-end effect influences how primary school students are affected by peer assessments. In both experiments, children (ages 7–12) assessed two classmates on their behaviour in school and then received two manipulated assessments. In Experiment 1 (N ?=?30), one assessment consisted of four negative ratings and the other of four negative ratings with an extra moderately negative rating added to the end. In Experiment 2 (N ?=?44), one assessment consisted of four positive ratings, and the other added an extra moderately positive rating to the end. Consistent with the peak-end effect, the extended assessment in Experiment 1 and the short assessment in Experiment 2 were remembered as more pleasant and less difficult to deal with, which shaped children’s peer assessment preferences and prospective choices of which assessment to repeat. These findings indicate that the process of peer assessment can be improved by ending the feedback with the most positive part of the assessment.  相似文献   
This study tested whether there was a significant salary difference between women and men working as faculty in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) programs within public universities. Additionally, we evaluated whether there were significant differences in academic attributes and how these academic attributes related to gender differences in salary. Results from our Oaxaca decomposition of salary differentials showed academic attributes like the number of peer-reviewed publications and years in academia could be used to explain the $9000 gap found between women and men in our sample of MFT academics. Our results indicated no evidence of salary discrimination against women working as MFT faculty members but showed that women were shown to have significantly less time in academia and to publish significantly fewer peer-reviewed journal articles than men. Implications of the current study findings include developing effective mechanisms for helping women persist in and advance through pathways of MFT academic promotion as well as for helping increase their scholarly productivity.  相似文献   
以初中代数应用题为材料,探讨了不同年级学生对代数应用题的分类结果与数学成绩的关系。结果表明:不同年级学生对代数应用题分类结果差异显著;数学成绩优生与数学成绩差生对代数应用题分类结果差异显著。  相似文献   
安秋玲 《心理科学》2005,28(4):1001-1004
在对青少年同伴群体的研究过程中,发展心理学者借鉴了社会心理学中的社会同一性理论的有关内容,对同伴群体与个体行为之间的关系进行了初步探究,结果发现,青少年在同伴群体交往过程中获得的群体同一性影响个体的行为,并进一步探究了有关影响青少年群体同一性的因素。本文对目前国外的青少年群体同一性的研究进行了阐述,并指出了将来研究的方向。  相似文献   
该研究的目的是考察外向性对快乐感的直接和间接影响,建立外向性与快乐感相关变量的结构模型。对342名被试施测中国外向性量表、社会交往量表、社会支持量表、应对方式量表和情感量表,运用结构方程模型对数据进行拟合。结果显示:外向性不仅直接影响快乐感,还通过社会交往、社会支持、应对方式对快乐感给予间接影响。最后讨论了外向性人格特点与快乐感相关变量的关系。  相似文献   
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