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(一)台怀南下十里余,右转经过白云寺,缓步西行,就踏上了去佛母洞的道路。五台山灵迹颇多,关于佛母洞的传说,也有不少。据说,明朝嘉靖年间,一位法号道方的僧家,单身行脚,杖锡登临,来五台朝圣。当他行至佛母洞时,已是夜半时分。正在他感到分辨不清道路之际,忽见灯火通明,仔细看时,眼前是一处庄严殊胜的梵宫古刹,众多比丘手擎供佛灯火,出出进进,仿佛正在绕佛念诵。道方见这景象,举步再行,又见这里原是一处溶岩洞室,道方紧随众比丘入内,洞中灯火辉煌,玉像庄严,俨然一个天造地设的僧家道场。他被这般情景吸引,又进里许,耳畔忽然响起澎湃的波涛声,…  相似文献   
The ethical basis of suicide prevention is illustrated by contrasting helpline emergency rescue policies of the Samaritans and the AAS and the U.S. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network. We contrast moralist, relativist, and libertarian ethical premises and question whether suicide can be rational. Samaritans respect a caller's right to decide to die by suicide; U.S. helplines oblige emergency intervention during an attempt even against the caller's will. We analyze the effect of emergency rescue when there is high suicide risk but an attempt has not been initiated. We examine links between values and actions, needs for empirical evidence to guide practice, and propose vigorous dialogue about values in the gray zone of moral practice.  相似文献   
The study goal was to determine whether a significant number of high suicide risk individuals would confidentially put their own names onto a list to prevent future gun purchases. An anonymous written survey was administered in an inpatient psychiatric unit and two outpatient psychiatric clinics at an academic medical center. Two hundred forty individuals were approached to fill out the survey, of whom 200 (83.3%) did so. Forty‐six percent of participants stated that they would put their own name onto the list. This novel suicide prevention proposal, a Do‐Not‐Sell List, would appeal to many people at high risk for suicide.  相似文献   
化解信仰缺失危机的积极对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清末民初至"文化大革命"特殊历史时期的社会动荡和极端思潮酿成我国社会信仰缺失的危机,一度造成社会道德衰败、诚信缺失、拜金主义严重、宗教问题凸显、社会和谐稳定难以维持等社会问题。随着改革开放以来宗教信仰自由政策的落实,中国社会向信仰常态回归已成趋势。因此,顺应全球化进程,发挥社会宗教信仰包容融合的特别优势,因势利导促成各宗教和合共生的"宗教共同体",并以此主动化解信仰危机和相关的社会问题,不失为可供选择的积极对策。  相似文献   
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