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Awareness of aging: Theoretical considerations on an emerging concept   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Humans are able to reflect on and interpret their own aging. Thus, as individuals grow older, calendar age may become increasingly a subjective variable. This theoretical paper proposes the concept of Awareness of Aging (AoA) as a superordinate construct that can serve an integrative function in developmental research on subjective aging. It is argued that the AoA construct can incorporate the theoretical components of other existing concepts by acknowledging that judgments of subjective aging tend to be made on an awareness continuum ranging from pre-conscious/implicit to conscious/explicit. We also argue that processes of AoA are inherently self-related processes and that AoA is a particular aspect of self-awareness that results in specific aging-related self-knowledge. Over time, aging individuals incorporate this self-knowledge into their self-concept and personal identity. We provide theoretical evidence showing that although all major theories of adult development and aging draw on phenomena related to AoA, the explicit incorporation of aging-related awareness processes has been missing. We also provide an overarching framework to illustrate in a heuristic way how AoA in combination and interaction with other influences affects developmental outcomes. Finally, we argue that attention to AoA-related processes has a number of societal and applied implications and thereby addresses issues of applied developmental psychology.  相似文献   

In this qualitative, grounded theory study we examine how the intersection of self-reflection, illness narratives and perceived messages of professional identity inform care provided by medical, nursing, and medical family therapy students to patients and families. We discovered four common challenges students faced navigating personal experiences of illness and connecting to patients: 1) discrepancies between ideal and lived experiences, 2) challenges of healthcare work and culture, 3) navigating power and hierarchy, and 4) developing a shell of privacy. Discussion and implications include interdisciplinary training and collaboration and the unique role of medical family therapists in healthcare.  相似文献   
Information useful for identifying a person can be found both in the face and body. Previous studies indicate that when an entire person is visible, we rely strongly on the face for identification, even if the body can be useful. We measured the utility of the face versus body for identification, by using images of unfamiliar people that varied in the quality of identity information in the face. Face quality was varied using similarity scores generated by state‐of‐the‐art face recognition algorithms from an international competition. These algorithms estimated the similarity of faces in a large set (>1 000 000) of image pairs that showed ‘people’, including the face and the top half of the body. By using these similarity scores, image pairs were stratified into three groups representing good, moderate, and poor performance for the face recognition algorithm. Participants matched identity in image pairs sampled from the three groups, by using versions of the stimuli edited digitally to show only the face or body. Consistent with the algorithm stratifications, performance with the face declined across the three conditions. The face supported more accurate identification than the body in the good and moderate conditions. In the poor condition, performance from the face and body was comparable. Using data from a previous study, we compared the face‐only and body‐only identity judgments with judgments based on the original image. The original unedited image supported the best overall performance in the good and moderate conditions. Notably, performance in the poor condition was equivalent for the face, body, and original images. The results indicate that in poor viewing conditions, identification decisions from the body may be as accurate as those made from the face or the entire person. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This review outlines ethical, legal, and practical issues related to conducting functional imaging research with Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Imaging techniques, with an emphasis on functional MRI and positron emission tomography, are compared and contrasted with respect to the manner in which they can be applied to issues of clinical relevance to AD. Methodological difficulties are raised to assist with critical evaluation of current imaging results. Various potential clinical applications of functional imaging are briefly reviewed and discussed with respect to associated ethical conflicts.  相似文献   
Differences in cognitive ability and domain-specific expertise may help explain age differences in pilot performance. Pilots heard air-traffic controller messages and then executed them while "flying" in a simulator. Messages varied in length and speech rate. Age was associated with lower accuracy, but the expected Age x Message Difficulty interactions were not obtained. Expertise, as indexed by pilot ratings, was associated with higher accuracy; yet expertise did not reduce age differences in accuracy. The effect of age on communication task accuracy was largely explainable as an age-associated decrease in working memory span, which in turn was explainable as decreases in both speed and interference control. Results are discussed within frameworks of deliberate practice and cognitive mediation of age differences.  相似文献   
We examined over 20,000 arraignment records to define criminal typologies and post-treatment driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) convictions for a select cohort of 1,281 repeat DUI offenders who were offered and elected treatment as an alternative to incarceration; we compared this information with a similar data analysis collected 20 years previously. Analyses of 8,600 prior-to-treatment convictions defined four basic crime profiles: only DUI and other substance-related offenses (60%), plus crimes against property (18%), plus crimes against people (8%), plus crimes against both property and people (13%). During the six years after inpatient treatment, 15.5% of the cohort was convicted of another DUI. The reoffense rate was significantly different across criminal types and was not related to the time post treatment years at risk. The findings show there has been no significant improvement in treatment outcome over the last 20 years. New and innovative DUI offender policies and practices are needed to better engage the heterogeneous offender population, and reduce the incidence of repeat DUI.  相似文献   
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