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Using latent variables for self-oriented perfectionism (i.e., demanding perfection of oneself) and socially prescribed perfectionism (i.e., perceiving others are demanding perfection of oneself) has advantages. However, few studies have specifically examined the psychometric properties of these latent variables. The present study addresses this shortcoming by testing the factorial, convergent, and discriminant validity of self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism latent variables using self- and informant reports. It was hypothesized that (a) the factor structure of the self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism latent variables would be supported, (b) self- and informant reports would moderately converge, and (c) the self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism latent variables would be discriminable. A sample of 242 undergraduate women and 378 informants (218 mothers, 160 fathers) was recruited. Undergraduate women completed self-reports, and mothers and fathers completed informant reports. Results were consistent with hypotheses, thereby supporting (a) the factorial validity of the self-oriented and socially prescribed latent variables using self- and informant reports, (b) the convergent validity of the self-oriented and socially prescribed latent variables via moderately to strongly correlated self- and informant reports, and (c) the discriminant validity of the self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism latent variables. Findings suggest research using these latent variables is warranted.  相似文献   

This article features an examination of the unique features affecting ethical treatment decisions in the engagement and termination phases of marital and familial therapy.  相似文献   

This paper explores the unconscious roots of women's ambition from an object relations, developmental, and hermaneutic perspective. Three high-profile women's stories illustrate the formative and deformative power of narration: those of Hilary Clinton, Tina Turner, and the heroine of Phantom of the Opera. Each narrative reveals typical deformative constrictions to the expression of female ambition, including male abrogation of female capability and the denigration of ambition as unfeminine. Through clinical vignettes, this paper explores dynamic, developmental, and cultural forces that block female ambition's full flowering. Part of the need to keep women's ambition limited stems from the unconscious needs of the masculine psyche for superiority. This is communicated to little girls through their mothers' internalized parental imagoes, including their mothers' identification with their mothers and their own oedipal struggles. Similarly, the father's unconscious anxieties in relation to his parental imagoes, particularly his preoedipal and oedipal relations with his mother, are communicated. Another constraining dynamic relates to female conflicts around separation from the mother. Composing new narratives of women's ambition with our patients can incorporate the uniquely feminine aspects of comfort with diffusion, while weaving multiple and disparate strands laced with nurturance and aggression.

Harriet Kimble Wyre. Auflösung des unbewussten Saboteurs: Aufbau eines Lebens aus Streben nach Erfolg.

Erforscht werden die unbewussten Wurzeln des Erfolgstrebens von Frauen, aus der Perspektive der Objektbeziehungen, der Entwicklungspsychologie und der Hermeneutik. Die Erfolgsgeschichten dreier hochrangiger Frauen zeigen die aufbauende und zersetzende Kraft ihrer internalisierten Lebensgeschichten: Hilary Clinton, Tina Turner, und die Heldin aus Phantom der Oper. Die Lebensgeschichten enthüllen typische deformierende Einengungen der Einschätzung von weiblichem Erfolgsstreben. Ein Aspekt davon ist die von männern oft vertretene Aberkennung von ausserordentlichen Fähigkeiten von Frauen sowie die Ansicht von Männern, Erfolgsstreben bei Frauen sei unweiblich.

Durch klinische Vignetten werden dynamische, entwicklungspsychologische und kulturelle Kräfte erforscht, die die volle Entfaltung des Erfolgstrebens von Frauen blockieren. Begrenzt werden die Wünsche der Frauen nach Erfolg zum Teil durch die unbewussten Vorstellungen der männlichen Psyche, die männliche Überlegenheit zu bewahren. Diese Haltungen werden den kleinen Mädchen durch die Mutter, gemäss deren internaliserten Elternimagos, vermittelt. Dazu gehören die Identifizierungen der Mutter mit ihrer Mutter und ihre eigenen ödipalen Auseinandersetzungen. Auf die gleiche Weise werden die unbewussten Ängste des Vaters bezüglich seiner Elternimagos vermittelt, insbesondere seine vorödipale Beziehung mir seiner Mutter. Eine weitere einengende Dynamik ergibt sich für das Mädchen aus der Ablösung von der Mutter.

Wird mit unseren Patientinnen ein neues Verständnis von Erfolgsstreben geschaffen, breitet sich eine einmalige weibliche Ausprägung von vielseitiger Befriedigung aus, getragen vom Bedürfnis zu Ernähren und die Aggressionen konstruktiv umzusetzen.

Harriet Kimble Wyre. Deconstruyendo el saboteador inconsciente: Componiendo una vida con ambición y deseo.

Este trabajo explora el origen de las raíces inconscientes de la ambición en las mujeres desde las perspectivas de las relaciones objetales, del desarrollo y la hermeneútica. Las historias de tres mujeres de alto perfil ilustran el poder formativo y deformativo del poder de la narrativa: Tina Turner, Hilary Clinton y la heroína del Fantasma de la Opera. Cada narrativa revela típicas constricciones deformativas de la expresión de la ambición femenina, incluyendo la abrogación masculina de la capacidad femenina y la denigración de la ambición como no femenina.

A través de estas viñetas, se explora las fuerzas dinámicas, de desarrollo y culturales que bloquean el completo florecimiento de la ambición en la mujer. Parte de la necesidad de mantener la ambición femenina limitada proviene de la necesidad inconsciente de superioridad de la psique masculina. Esto es comunicado a las niñas por medio de las imagos parentales interiorizadas de la madre, incluyendo la identificación de la madre con su propia madre y sus conflictos edípicos. De manera semejante las ansiedades inconscientes del padre en relación con sus imagos parentales, particularmente sus relaciones preedípicas así como edípicas con su madre son también comunicados. Otra dinámica que constriñe se refiere a los conflictos femininos alrededor de la separación de la madre. Componer nuevas narrativas acerca de la ambición en las mujeres con nuestras pacientes permite incorporar los extraordinarios aspectos femeninos de consuelo y difusión mientras teje múltiples y dispares cabos enlazados a la crianza y la agresión.  相似文献   


We investigate job seeker visual and verbal attention, and perceptions regarding company web sites in the applicant generation phase of recruitment.


We report three studies using varied methodological approaches including eye-tracking, verbal protocol analysis (VPA), and survey data.


Eye-tracking results suggest Web-based job seekers focus visual attention on information containing hyperlinks and on text more than graphic images or navigation tools. VPA suggests Web-based job seekers focus verbal attention on content more than design, especially job opening information. Survey results suggest content, design, and communication features are all related to applicant attraction. Design explains the most incremental variance in web site evaluation, while perceptions of communication features explain the most incremental variance in attitude toward the organization and intentions to pursue employment.


We provide multi-method evidence concerning features that attract applicant visual and verbal attention, and influence attraction and intentions to pursue employment. The findings also provide practical implications for designing recruitment web sites.


We report three methodologically distinct perspectives on an important and timely issue: Web-based recruitment. We are aware of no other psychomotor eye-tracking studies in the recruitment literature, and only one other VPA. Combining multiple methods in this way provides unique perspective.  相似文献   
Organizational display rules (e.g., “service with a smile”) have had mixed relationships with employee emotional labor—either in the form of “bad faith” surface acting (suppressing or faking expressions) or “good faith” deep acting (modifying inner feelings). We draw on the motivational perspective of emotional labor to argue that individual differences in customer orientation will directly and indirectly relate to these acting strategies in response to display rules. With a survey of more than 500 working adults in customer contact positions, and controlling for affective disposition, we find that customer orientation directly increases “good faith” acting while it moderates the relationship of display rules with “bad faith” acting.  相似文献   
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is associated with difficulties in intimate relationships, with most prior research examining associations with continuous, single-dimension, and often-unstandardized measures of general relationship quality or aggression. Standardized, well-normed assessments that include multiple couple problem areas could provide more precise information about the presence and specific nature of clinically significant concerns in patient care settings. This investigation aimed to replicate findings regarding increased difficulties in relationship functioning among Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom Veterans with PTSD and their romantic partners, specifically using a standardized assessment that permits identification of cases of clinically significant general couple distress and difficulties across multiple problem areas. We compared 32 male Veterans with PTSD and 33 without PTSD, and their romantic partners on reports of several problem areas using the revised Marital Satisfaction Inventory (MSI-R). All participants underwent structured diagnostic interviewing. PTSD couples reported clinically significant levels of relationship distress several times more frequently than comparison couples, both for general distress and across all specific problem areas (e.g., aggressive behavior, quality of leisure time together, sexual functioning, conflicts about finances and child rearing). The most notable problem areas for PTSD couples were affective and problem-solving communication. These results replicate associations of PTSD with general couple discord and multiple specific areas of couple difficulties and extend them by documenting the clinical severity of these problems. Mental health providers may consider incorporating standardized couple assessments into their evaluations of Veterans’ functioning. Couple therapies may consider using such measures to prioritize targets for treatment.  相似文献   
We show that the actuality operator A is redundant in any propositional modal logic characterized by a class of Kripke models (respectively, neighborhood models). Specifically, we prove that for every formula ${\phi}$ in the propositional modal language with A, there is a formula ${\psi}$ not containing A such that ${\phi}$ and ${\psi}$ are materially equivalent at the actual world in every Kripke model (respectively, neighborhood model). Inspection of the proofs leads to corresponding proof-theoretic results concerning the eliminability of the actuality operator in the actuality extension of any normal propositional modal logic and of any “classical” modal logic. As an application, we provide an alternative proof of a result of Williamson’s to the effect that the compound operator A□ behaves, in any normal logic between T and S5, like the simple necessity operator □ in S5.  相似文献   
Nick Allen 《Religion》2013,43(3):293-294
Robert A. Segal, Joseph Campbell: An introduction. New York and London, Garland Publishing, 1987, $22.00

Lawrence A. Hoffman, Beyond the text: A holistic approach to liturgy. Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1987, 213 pp

Wesley A. Kort, Modern Fiction and Human Time: A Study in Narrative and Belief. Tampa, University of South Florida Press, 1985, pp. x + 227. $20.00.

Bentley Layton (ed.), The Gnostic Scriptures. London, SCM Press, 1987, pp. xiii + 526, £25.

H. H. the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, The Kālachakra Tantra : Rite of initiation for the stage of Generation, a commentary ; text edited, translated and introduced in Jeffrey Hopkins. London, Wisdom Publications, 1985, 511 pp. £11.95.  相似文献   

This paper examines sex differences in school deviance and compares a cultural/socialization explanation (the machismo thesis) and structural explanations of this differential. In general, the findings show that the sex‐school deviance relationship is completely explained by differences in social controls and pressures which are structured by sex, and that machismo identity may be a mediator of this relationship for aggression but not for general school misconduct. In addition, the findings suggest that sex differences in deviance are enhanced because children tend to be influenced by same‐sexed peers.  相似文献   
Synchronization of finger taps with periodically flashing visual stimuli is known to be much more variable than synchronization with an auditory metronome. When one of these rhythms is the synchronization target and the other serves as a distracter at various temporal offsets, strong auditory dominance is observed. However, it has recently been shown that visuomotor synchronization improves substantially with moving stimuli such as a continuously bouncing ball. The present study pitted a bouncing ball against an auditory metronome in a target–distracter synchronization paradigm, with the participants being auditory experts (musicians) and visual experts (video gamers and ball players). Synchronization was still less variable with auditory than with visual target stimuli in both groups. For musicians, auditory stimuli tended to be more distracting than visual stimuli, whereas the opposite was the case for the visual experts. Overall, there was no main effect of distracter modality. Thus, a distracting spatiotemporal visual rhythm can be as effective as a distracting auditory rhythm in its capacity to perturb synchronous movement, but its effectiveness also depends on modality-specific expertise.  相似文献   
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