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排序方式: 共有3531条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
A classifier based on the linear regression model was developed to automatically detect sharp transients in EEG, matching the definition of spikes and sharp waves accepted by IFSECN. Practical applications proved the accuracy of the method which succeeded in detecting 84% of sharp transients previously found by an experienced electronencephalographer. Computerized search for sharp transients in EEG records will be particularly useful in long term EEG records obtained from epileptic patients.  相似文献   
The results of an evaluation of the perfusion scintigraphy findings of 350 hospitalised neurological patients and 55 more strictly selected neurosurgical patients with cerebrovascular complaints, revealed an accuraty of 83%, a sensitivity of 89%, and a specificity of 83%. The selection of the patients had no influence on the results as a whole. Compared with contrast-medium angiography, incorrect diagnosis must be expected in 17% of the cases. This includes erroneous negative findings in 10% of the cases. Grounds for misinterpretations are suggested, and the biological and methodological limitations of the method are set forth.  相似文献   
The use of computer based diagnostic decision and artificial intelligence are discussed in relation to the problems of validity and reliability of psychiatric diagnoses. The authors suggest a definition of a computer aided classificator as an existent decision system for an automatically analysis of findings.  相似文献   
An investigation into the diagnostic value of psychometric methods for the diagnosis of depressive states involved five psychometric questionnaires, one concentration test procedure, and one problem-solving approach to register cognitive processes. The data obtained for 80 depressive patients of varied aetiology were compared with those of sample of 80 neurotics without depressive aberration. Even univariate comparisons revealed statistically significant differences between the two samples. Multivariate methods (factor analysis, discriminative analysis) yielded more differentiated information. The "Scale for depression depth measurements" was found to be of particular diagnostic relevance; it was standardized for the time being.  相似文献   
Some experiments on the breakdown effect in apparent motion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on 2130 autopsies with a hypertension it is reported on the hypertensive CNS-lesions. The frequency of encephalomalacia was 12%. By 9.7% was founded brain haemorrhages. The relapse rate of haemorrhages was about 5%. The encephalomalacia existed by way of secondary finding in 24.7%, and the haemorrhage in 2.2%. The investigations showed an important arteriosclerosis by 39.8% in haemorrhages and by 51.6% in brain infarct. It was remarkable by the hypertensive brain haemorrhages a dominant right hemisphere.  相似文献   
Of 1028 patients with 1138 peripheral nerve lesions, 142 suffered from an electrophysiologically proven SUS. At follow-up, 93 patients could be restudied. Spontaneous regressions were observed in patients below the age of 40 years and in case of a history under 6 months. So-called late pareses receded in no case without operative displacement of the ulnar nerve. However, if the etiology is unknown, the present results of investigation require reserve towards operative therapy.  相似文献   
Starting from particularities in rehabilitation of neurological patients and by means of special criterions, the authors report on their own experiences in organizing occupational therapy in the neurologic department of a Medical Academy. Beside the requisite of a "therapy maintaining and restoring function", problems of resistance to stress and condition of the patient play a substantial part. Operational therapy within the group-specific situation provides necessary social communication to the neurologic patient, too.  相似文献   
The dipeptidyl-peptidase activity of 650 liquores cerebrospinalis was obtained by means of the substrate Gly-Pro-NHNp (Gly-Pro-4-nitroanilid) at pHs of 5.5 and 7.4. In comparison with a reference collective, the suitability of the method as a supplementary liquor parameter in neurological psychiatric diagnosis was examined. The introduction of the measurement at pH 7.4 can be particularly recommended for the distinguishing of bacterial and nonbacterial meningitis.  相似文献   
Jürgen Humburg 《Topoi》1986,5(1):39-50
The aim of my book is to explain the content of the different notions of probability.Based on a concept of logical probability, which is modified as compared with Carnap, we succeed by means of the mathematical results of de Finetti in defining the concept of statistical probability.The starting point is the fundamental concept that certain phenomena are of the same kind, that certain occurrences can be repeated, that certain experiments are identical. We introduce for this idea the notion: concept K of similarity. From concept K of similarity we derive logically some probability-theoretic conclusions:If the events E() are similar —of the same kind - on the basis of such a concept K, it holds good that intersections of n of these events are equiprobable on the basis of K; in formulae: E(1)...E( n K E('1)...E(' n , i j ,' j ' j for ij On the basis of some further axioms a partial comparative probability structure results from K, which forms the starting point of our further investigations and which we call logical probability on the basis of K.We investigate a metrisation of this partial comparative structure, i.e. normed -additive functions m K, which are compatible with this structure; we call these functions m K measure-functions in relation to K.The measure-functions may be interpreted as subjective probabilities of individuals, who accept the concept K.Now it holds good: For each measure-function there exists with measure one the limit of relative frequencies in a sequence of the E().In such an event, where all measure-functions coincide, we speak of a quantitative logical probability, which is the common measure of this event. In formulae we have: l K (h n lim h n )=1 in words: There is the quantitative logical probability one that the limit of the relative frequencies exists. Another way of saying this is that the event * (hn lim h n) is a maximal element in the comparative structure resulting from K.Therefore we are entitled to introduce this limit and call it statistical probability P.With the aid of the measure-functions it is possible to calculate the velocity of this convergence. The analog of the Bernoulli inequation holds true: m K h n –P¦)1–1/4n2.It is further possible in the work to obtain relationships for the concept of statistical independence which are expressed in terms of the comparative probability.The theory has a special significance for quantum mechanics: The similarity of the phenomena in the domain of quantum mechanics explains the statistical behaviour of the phenomena.The usual mathematical statistics are explained in my book. But it seems more expedient on the basis of this new theory to use besides the notion of statistical probability also the notion of logical probability; the notion of subjective probability has only a heuristic function in my system.The following dualism is to be noted: The statistical behaviour of similar phenomena may be described on the one hand according to the model of the classical probability theory by means of a figure called statistical probability, on the other hand we may express all formulae by means of a function, called statistical probability function. This function is defined as the limit of the relative frequencies depending on the respective state of the universe. The statistical probability function is the primary notion, the notion of statistical probability is derived from it; it is defined as the value of the statistical probability function for the true unknown state of the universe.As far as the Hume problem, the problem of inductive inference, is concerned, the book seems to give an example of how to solve it.The developed notions such as concept, measure-function, logical probability, etc. seem to be important beyond the concept of similarity.The present work represents a summary of my book Grundzüge zu einem neuen Aufbau der Wahrscheinlich-keitstheorie [5], For this reason, I have frequently dispensed with providing proof and in this connection refer the interested reader to my book.  相似文献   
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