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Nanotechnology has been established as a priority research and policy focus, cutting across several R&D fields from pharmaceutics, food and electronics. The raise of nanotechnologies has been accompanied by an enduring uncertainty characterising the developments of the scientific knowledge related to this field, as well as the social trajectories of technological applications. Such a condition inevitably affects regulatory responses to such technologies, their development and their uses. This special issue addresses this junction between uncertainty and regulation. With no ambition of providing a comprehensive assessment of such a complex issue, this collection of articles examines three relevant dimensions for understanding uncertainty in nanotechnology regulation, which can be useful entry points for further reflection and discussion: scientific uncertainty, regulatory fragmentation, social actors’ opinions about and attitudes to nanotechnology and regulation.  相似文献   
Empathy is a multidimensional construct consisting of cognitive (inferring mental states) and emotional (empathic concern) components. Emotional empathy is severely impaired in individuals affected by Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Here, we investigated the neural correlates of such an emotional empathy dysfunction to shed light on the neural circuitry responsible for the social and emotional dysfunction in PTSD. We asked a group of PTSD and a group of healthy controls to solve a Multifaceted Empathy Test, measuring both cognitive and emotional empathy, and investigated the functional connectivity of the cortical areas involved in solving the test. The results revealed that, in healthy individuals, increased neural activity in the frontal cortex modulates activity in the insula while subjects perform the emotional empathy task; whereas, in individuals affected by PTSD, increased activity in limbic regions such the insula and the amygdala modulates activity in the frontal cortex while performing the emotional empathy task. These findings suggest that the lack of cortical top-down control of the frontal cortex on the limbic system in PTSD during empathic processing may explain the emotional and social difficulties experienced by individuals suffering from PTSD.  相似文献   
We conducted a field study to test whether parents' negative reactions to a natural disaster affected children's reactions, together with the factors buffering this negative influence. Specifically, we examined whether parents' posttraumatic stress symptoms following an earthquake were associated with children's posttraumatic symptoms and their use of negative coping strategies. Theory of mind (ToM) was tested as the factor allowing children to reduce the detrimental effects of posttraumatic stress symptoms on negative coping. Hypotheses were tested in a sample of elementary school children and their parents in the aftermath of the earthquakes that struck Northern Italy in 2012. Results revealed that mothers' (but not fathers') posttraumatic stress symptoms were positively associated with children's posttraumatic stress symptoms, which acted as mediator on the use of negative coping strategies by children, but only among children with low ToM abilities. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of findings.  相似文献   
Persons with multiple disabilities are often unable to interact with their environment due to their limited response repertoire. Microswitch programs are designed to help them control environmental events, generally preferred stimulation, through simple (feasible) responses. To make microswitch programs a more widely usable and relevant resource for intervention with these persons, a number of new developments were pursued in recent years. This paper examines three of those developments as specifically addressed in our research activity, namely, (a) assessment of new, nontypical responses and matching microswitches, (b) fostering of multiple responses and exercise of choice, and (c) targeting of habilitative and clinical (therapeutic) objectives. The encouraging outcomes of these developments are reviewed in relation to their potentially wide implications for daily practice and the need of additional developments in the area.  相似文献   
A right-neglect patient with focal left-hemisphere damage to the posterior superior parietal lobe was assessed for numerical knowledge and tested on the bisection of numerical intervals and visual lines. The semantic and verbal knowledge of numbers was preserved, whereas the performance in numerical tasks that strongly emphasize the visuo-spatial layout of numbers (e.g. number bisection) was impaired. The behavioral pattern of error in the two bisection tasks mirrored the one previously described in left-neglect patients. In other words, our patient misplaced the subjective midpoint (numerical or visual) to the left as function of the interval size. These data, paired with the patient's lesion site are strictly consistent with the tripartite organization of number-related processes in the parietal lobes as proposed by Dehaene and colleagues. According to these authors, the posterior superior parietal lobe on both hemispheres underpins the attentional orientation on the putative mental number line, the horizontal segment of the intraparietal sulcus is bilaterally related to the semantic of the numerical domain, whereas the left angular gyrus subserves the verbal knowledge of numbers. In summary, our results suggest that the processes involved in the navigation along the mental number line, which are related to the parietal mechanisms for spatial attention, and the processes involved in the semantic and verbal knowledge of numbers, are dissociable.  相似文献   
Following Gray's theory of personality, the aim of the study was to examine the role of the personality dimensions, behavioural inhibition and activation, in mediating event-related potentials (ERPs) and the level of anticipatory heart rate (HR) deceleration response during two visual-stimulus recognition tasks. In the first task ERPs and anticipatory HR changes were elicited by feedback words informing the subjects about the quality of their response (‘correct’, ‘incorrect’). In the second task ERPs and HR responses were elicited from 62 women by feedback words (‘losing’, ‘winning’) indicating losing or winning, of amounts of money. The Gray-Wilson Personality Questionnaire (GWPQ), the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and the I7 questionnaire were used to measure variables which refer to the function of the activation and inhibition system. The N200, P300, N400, P650 and N800 peak amplitudes of the ERPs and the level of anticipatory HR deceleration response to the feedback signals were measured. Personality and physiological responses were first analysed by using a split-plot ANOVA design and second by examining multiple relationships with factor analysis. Separate ANOVAs were performed across Ss selected from the total group (n = 62) on the basis of extreme scores (high or low) on Approach (APPR), Passive Avoidance (PASS.AV), Extinction (EXTI), Extraversion (E), Neuroticism (N) and Impulsiveness (I). In line with Gray's prediction, high APPR Ss exhibited larger P600 peak amplitudes to signals indicating winning and low APPR Ss exhibited larger P600 amplitudes to signals indicating losing. Neurotic Ss produced larger N800 peak amplitudes to stimuli indicating losing as compared with stimuli indicating winning. Stable Ss, in contrast, did not display differences between feedback stimuli. Heart-rate deceleration response to feedback signals was successful in distinguishing high and low N Ss as well as Introverts and Extraverts. Neurotic Ss, compared with Stable ones, showed a more pronounced anticipatory HR slowing for both of the feedback signals. Introverts displayed more pronounced HR decelerations for punishment compared with reward signals. Extraverts, in contrast, showed greater HR decelerations for reward compared with punishment signals. These results were all in line with predictions that can be derived from Gray's theory. However, in the opposite direction was the relationship between PASS.AV and N200 peak: High PASS.AV Ss displayed greater N200 peak amplitudes to winning signals compared with signals indicating a correct response. Results from factor analysis gave rise to a three-factor solution wherein personality dimensions sensitive to signals of reward and that sensitive to signals of punishment were loading together with different physiological factors.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that the Theory of Mind (ToM) may rely on more basic processes of social cognition, such as action control (e.g., joint action), even if little is known about this relationship. The relationship between ToM and joint action can be studied in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), because they are characterized not only by a deficit in ToM (and in its cognitive and affective subcomponents) but also by a deficit in the inhibition of competing responses. Sixty PD patients and 60 matched healthy controls (HCs) performed a go/no-go Flanker task in both joint and individual conditions. Cognitive (Advanced Test or AT) and affective (Emotion Attribution Task or EAT) ToM also were measured. Thirty-five PD patients and matched HCs also performed the standard Flanker task, as a control measure. In patients, only individuals with high AT scores exhibited a joint Flanker effect, whereas in HCs the joint effect was found irrespectively of AT score. Patients with low EAT scores showed a greater interference effect than patients with high scores, whereas the opposite pattern was found for HCs. In regression analysis AT and EAT scores predicted the Flanker effect in the joint condition only. In the standard task, both groups showed a Flanker effect. The role of different fronto-striatal circuits, especially in PD patients, could explain the different involvement of cognitive and affective ToM in joint tasks. The Flanker effect is discussed considering the referential coding account and the attention-focus account as possible candidates to explain joint action effects.  相似文献   
The authors used a modified Simon task (J. R. Simon, 1969) to assess the automatic recognition of handedness. Participants responded to the color of a circle in the center of the photograph of a right or a left hand, displayed in the center of the computer screen. A regular Simon effect was found for back views, whereas a reverse Simon effect was found for palm views. This pattern of results was found when the forearm was present (Experiment 2), when 1 finger at a time was rendered invisible (Experiment 3), and when the hands were connected to a body image (Experiment 4). When the hands were cut at the wrist, no effect emerged (Experiment 1). These findings suggest an automatic encoding of the relative position of the hand in relation to the body (imaginary or real) rather than the automatic encoding of handedness.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to bring to the surface the strategic use of imitative processes in the context of a 2-route model: (a) direct imitation, used in reproducing new, meaningless actions, and (b) imitation based on stored semantic knowledge of familiar meaningful actions. Three experiments were carried out with healthy participants who reproduced meaningful and meaningless actions within an established time limit. The study investigated 3 factors that could potentially affect the selection of processes used for imitation: (a) the composition of the experimental list (blocked or mixed presentation), (b) the presence-absence of instructions (Experiments 1 and 2), and (c) the relative proportions of the stimuli (Experiment 3). Overall, the results suggest that each of these factors influences the selection of imitative strategies in healthy individuals with temporarily reduced capacities, as happens in the case of brain-damaged patients.  相似文献   
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