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Although Thurstonian models provide an attractive representation of choice behavior, they have not been extensively used in ranking applications since only recently efficient estimation methods for these models have been developed. These, however, require the use of special-purpose estimation programs, which limits their applicability. Here we introduce a formulation of Thurstonian ranking models that turns an idiosyncratic estimation problem into an estimation problem involving mean and covariance structures with dichotomous indicators. Well-known standard solutions for the latter can be readily applied to this specific problem, and as a result any Thurstonian model for ranking data can be fitted using existing general purpose software for mean and covariance structure analysis. Although the most popular programs for covariance structure analysis (e.g., LISREL and EQS) cannot be presently used to estimate Thurstonian ranking models, other programs such as MECOSA already exist that can be straightforwardly used to estimate these models.This paper is based on the author's doctoral dissertation. Ulf Böckenholt was my advisor. The author is indebted to Ulf Böckenholt for his comments on a previous version of this paper and to Gerhard Arminger for his extensive support on the use of MECOSA. The final stages of this research took place while the author was at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Conversations with my colleague there, Adolfo Hernández, helped to greatly improve this paper.  相似文献   
The ability to remember where objects were is thought to require multiple separate processes. One has to encode the precise positions occupied, assign the various objects to the correct (relative) locations, and achieve an integration of both types of spatial information. This study examined whether sex differences exist for these selective components of object location memory. Twenty males and 20 females participated in the following task. On a PC screen, they were shown a square with 10 different objects for 30 s. Subsequently, the objects disappeared from the screen, reappeared in a row above the square, and subjects were asked to relocate them in three different conditions. In the object-to-position-assignment condition, the original positions were premarked in the square, so subjects needed only to assign the correct object to the correct position. In the positions-only condition, all objects assumed the same identity. Therefore, subjects had only to reproduce the precise positions. Finally, in the combined condition, subjects were required to replace all the different objects in the square without any of object positions premarked. The absolute displacements between an object's original and its relocated position reflect the integration mechanism. Females did as well as males in the object-to-position-assignment condition and on the absolute displacements in the combined condition, but they were less efficient than males in positional reconstruction per se. Thus, it seems that the male advantage in spatial memory is not a general effect but applies only to certain specific processing components. Moreover, the employment of a dual task during encoding, concurrent articulatory suppression, yielded no significant interactions with sex. This suggests that females' weaker positional encoding does not derive from the use of an inefficient verbal strategy.  相似文献   
While Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) highlights the norm of people's dogmatic, fanatical, and rigid religious beliefs, it has always favoured several aspects of Zen-Buddhism as a modus vivendi. Scientifically-based REBT and wisdom-oriented Zen have more in common than one might think at first sight. In this chapter, I, Albert Ellis and Maurits Kwee show how REBT and Zen have significant commonalities as well as differences. “What are these commonalities?”, and “What are the issues of mutual interest for REBT and Zen?” are the main questions that we deal with here. It is submitted that most of REBT theory and practice are in keeping with the spirit of Zen. We note that East and West may in some ways cross-fertilise each other in the interface between these two proposed ways of living. The narrative techniques of Zen by means of koans (e.g., analogies, metaphors, parables) and of REBT (its many cognitive, emotive, and behavioural methods derived from its phenomenological view of human neurosis) are somewhat complementary to each other. Zen practice, if stripped of its mystical and Utopian aspects, particularly by omitting the non-verifiable concepts of the ostensible “higher” (non-thinking) state of consciousness, can often even be merged with REBT. One main (cultural) difference is that Zen attempts to go beyond rationality/relativity by striving for a certain kind of self-realisation (the irrational experience of satari) through paradoxically abolishing the self. The end result of this is not that the Zen adept becomes a “better” human being, but often becomes more aware of the hassles of life and how to cope with them from day to day. Something like the REBT practitioner, who practices what she or he preaches, the Zen practitioner remains the ordinary (though unique) imperfect human being as she or he was before, sadder but a little wiser. REBT had better be integrated with the most useful of other therapies, including Zen, so that it becomes and remains effective with many (not all) people much (not all) of the time. Due to cultural differences, the practice of Zen is not always compatible with the practice of Zen. However, the practice of REBT does fit with (post)modern Zen as an open living system. This chapter is laced with two dozen classic and modern koans that are to be used readily in therapy by the reader.  相似文献   
Note clarifying my view that RET practitioners and theorists had better see appropriate (or rational) and inappropriate (or irrational) beliefs in qualitative rather than quantitative terms.  相似文献   
An account is given of a patient who died at the age of sixty. He had no recollection of having had encephalitis as a child. In his schooldays, the patient was subject to severe behavioral disorders which were not susceptible to outside influence. During his military service he was frequently punished for conduct prejudicial to discipline and good order, and at the front he was even sentenced to death, but reprieved. His later life brought him no tranquility, ever new conflicts driving him from one job after another. Breaking into uncontrollable fits of rage, he would psychically attack the people around him, threatening to kill them. He was incapable of controlling his impulses. He spent the second half of his life in institutional care, his extrems impulsiveness being the cause of considerable disruption. Post mortem examination confirmed the encephalitis lethargica he was assumed to have suffered as a child, which was responsible for the typical change of character. It is evident how encephalitis lethargica in childhood sets a lifelong mark on the conduct, with appalling consequences.  相似文献   
Emotional empathic tendency is defined as an individual’s characteristic inclination to respond with emotions similar to those of others who are present. Within a three-dimensional framework for describing temperament, more empathic persons were found to be more arousable, and secondarily, more pleasant. Greater skin conductance and heart-rate responses of more empathic persons to emotional stimuli confirmed their greater arousability. Also, more empathic individuals were more emotional, evidenced by their greater tendency to weep. Males were found consistently to be less empathic than females. Compared with parents of low-empathy subjects, those of high-empathy subjects were found to spend more time with their children, display more affection for them, and to be verbally more explicit about feelings. Also, more emphatic mothers were more tolerant of infant cries and were less prone to engage in child abuse. High-empathy, compared with low-empathy, subjects engaged more in altruistic behaviors, were less aggressive, more affiliative, rated positive social traits as more important, scored higher on measures of moral judgment, and volunteered more to help others. A modified Emotional Empathic Tendency Scale (EETS) for children correlated negatively with teacher ratings of child aggressiveness.  相似文献   
Grieger's (1985) contextual model of the ABCs of RET is examined and found to have many interesting and thought-provoking aspects. Its hypotheses in regard to emphasizing various therapeutic aspects of RET are evaluated and found to make good sense but sometimes to be stated in an extreme manner that may lead to questionable results.  相似文献   
If women are to live in a mated relationship with a male they have little choice but to live with a fairly neurotic one. This article shows them why and how men are usually neurotic, how to deal with their own neurotic demands about mating, how to help a man be less neurotic than he usually is, and how to live fairly happily with a neurotic man.  相似文献   
Conclusion Mahoney, Guidano, and other modern constructivists and process-oriented therapists are partly on the right track and are making some interesting additions to traditional cognitive therapy. But they sometimes also revert to inefficient and side-tracking psychoanalytically-oriented methods of therapy. RET, in both its individual and family therapy approaches, attempts to use the most effective and hardheaded of the so-called rationalist methods—including active—directive changing of unrealistic and irrational Beliefs, skill training, problemsolving, bibliotherapy, in vivo desensitization, and reinforcement procedures-and it also employs many of the methods of the cognitive constructivists—including the disclosing of tacit philosophies; the achievement of a profound philosophical change in clients' attitudes toward themselves, toward others, and toward life situations; the use of the therapist's relationship with clients to show them how to unconditionally accept themselves; and the employment of many dramatic, emotive, and experiential exercises to change clients' feelings as well as their thoughts and behaviors. RET is particularly interested in effecting both individual and familial change as quickly and as efficiently as feasible. It is therefore rational (efficaciously hedonic)and emotive (energetically experiential). Or at least tries to be!Keynote address to World Congress of Cognitive Therapy, Oxford, England June 29, 1989  相似文献   
The medicostatistical evaluation of the total of neuropsychiatric patients belonging to the district Reichenbach/V. with outpatient medical care for 50.3 thousand inhabitants (from 16 years onward) of the year 1980 is presented. From 8665 persons registered 1510 (e. g. 2.5% of the total population/59.3 thousand) consulted the psychiatrist; 811 of them consulted the doctor for the first time, whereas in case of 699 patients it had happened repeatedly. From the total of 4066 consultations there belong 820 to the department of psychiatry (54.3%) and 690 (45.7%) to the neurological department including borderline cases. Taking into account all specialized clinical inpatient care and permanent nursing in asylums the period-prevalence for schizophrenia is 1.83% (ICD-295) and for affective psychoses (ICD-296) 1.27%.  相似文献   
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