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Intellectual fascism is the arbitrary belief that individuals possessing certain good traits (such as intelligence and creativity) are intrinsically superior to those possessing bad traits (such as stupidity or lack of artistry). Although it is true that under certain conditions and for various purposes some human traits are more advantageous or better than others, rating people as good or bad on the basis of their intellectual performances is inaccurate and is often as pernicious as is political-social fascism. Moreover, where political fascists at least rate themselves highly while damning and persecuting others, intellectual fascists tend to severely damn themselves (as well as others) when they lack superlative intellectual and artistic traits. According to RET, all global ratings of people tend to be fascistic overgeneralizations. Intellectual fascism is political-social fascism with the trait names changed—the same hearse with different license plates.This article is a revision of one that originally appeared in a book by Dr. Ellis entitledSuppressed.  相似文献   
Thirsty rats licked two metal tubes: a water tube paired with another water tube, with saccharin, or with a dry tube. For each pair, a multipoint baseline function was measured by offering free access to one tube throughout each session, and free or restricted access to the other. The three resulting baseline functions showed the members of each pair to be mutual substitutes: When access to either tube was restricted, the rats made more licks at the other. A linear function identified the two water tubes as perfect substitutes. Convex functions identified the members of the saccharin-water and the dry-water pair as imperfect substitutes. Each pair was also tested under several reciprocal fixed-ratio schedules that required instrumental licking of either tube for contingent access to the other. The resulting schedule functions showed the members of each pair to be perfect substitutes: Water licks decreased linearly as licks at the other water tube, the saccharin, or the dry tube increased, in agreement with a conservation model of instrumental performance. Baseline and schedule functions, indistinguishable in the water-water pair, indicated a schedule facilitation of dry-tube licking in the dry-water pair and of water-tube licking in the saccharin-water pair.  相似文献   
Lowin, Hrapchak, and Kavanagh (1969) manipulated independently the SBDQ dimensions of consideration and initiating structure. Data from their main study suggested a unilateral causal relationship in which increases in initiating structure led to decreases in perceived consideration. Other data, however, suggested a second causal relationship in which increases in consideration led to lower levels of perceived initiating structure. Two experiments were designed to clarify and extend the findings of Lowin et al. The data clearly showed two causal relationships rather than one. Increasing the amount of initiating structure in behavior led to a decrease in the level of perceived consideration. Increasing the amount of consideration in behavior led to a decrease in the level of perceived initiating structure, but only in one experiment. It was predicted that the findings of Lowin et al. would be replicated for subjects with low scores on Fiedler’s LPC or measures of cognitive differentiation based on Bieri’s Modified Repertory Test. These predictions were not confirmed. Implications of the data are discussed with respect to the literature on participative decision making, dual leadership, and role differentiation in small groups. (D.M. Hosking is presently serving as Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Warwick.)  相似文献   
Two studies of self-modeling are described. Study 1 investigated whether self-modeling would inhibit cigarette smoking behavior. Fourteen cigarette smokers (four males and 10 females) served as subjects for a repeated-measures design. In the self-modeling condition, the subjects watched themselves on a television monitor while smoking; in the control condition, they watched a short cartoon film on the same monitor, also while smoking. The following were measured: (1) the amount of tobacco consumed, (2) the amount of time lit cigarettes were in contact with the subjects’ lips, and (3) the subjects’ physiological responses (GSRs). Study 2 investigated the role of cognitive factors in self-modeling. It followed much the same self-modeling procedures as Study 1. However, unlike Study 1, it incorporated a manipulated cognitive variable: attitudes toward cigarette smoking. Self-modeling reduced the amount of smoking relative to the control condition in Study 1. In Study 2 it was found that cognitive factors influenced the amount of smoking. Smoking increased in subjects supplied with information favorable to smoking, whereas it decreased in those supplied with information unfavorable to smoking. These findings and additional research on the efficacy of self-modeling relative to other procedures suggest the importance of cognitive factors in self-modeling.  相似文献   
仪表数量与信号间隔时距对监视作业效绩的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用信号察觉反应时与信号误报率作指标 ,对监视作业中监视仪表数量与信号间隔时距对监视作业效绩的影响问题进行研究。结果表明 ,监视作业的效绩会随仪表增多和信号间隔时距增大而呈下降趋势。当监视仪表达到 8个时 ,监视作业的效绩会因负荷过重而明显下降。信号出现间隔时距增长时 ,会因警戒水平下降使监视仪表作业的效绩明显降低。  相似文献   
Automated theorem proving for non-classical logics  相似文献   
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