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脓毒症及其治疗策略的反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脓毒症是各种严重创伤、烧伤、缺氧、再灌注损伤及外科大手术常见的并发症.目前脓毒症休克的临床病死率仍高达50%以上.对脓毒症发病机制的进一步深入认识和现行治疗措施的反思有助于改善其临床防治.  相似文献   
目前在《自然辩证法》的教学中还存在一些问题,如教材老化、师资力量不足,学生人文素质背景较薄弱等,为了切实使理论和实践相结合,使学生认识到该课程的重要性而学有所用,以医学院校为例,论述了如何将有关医学实例结合到《自然辩证法》的教学过程中去,以切实有效地提高这门课的教学效果。  相似文献   
All psychologists must uphold the same ethical standards about confidentiality even though each state imposes different legal limits on their ability to protect clients' confidences. The resulting ethical-legal confusion is exacerbated by legally based confidentiality training that treats legal exceptions as if they were the rule and fosters the impression that attorneys are now the only real experts about this aspect of practice. This article provides an ethics-based confidentiality practice model that clarifies the ethical rule and puts its legal exceptions into ethical perspective. Like the Confidentiality section of the American Psychological Association's (2002) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, this outline would apply to all psychologists regardless of state laws, but the details of its implementation would vary according to role and setting. It can be used as a universal training outline, a consultation and supervision tool, a guide to professional practice, and a basis for clearer ongoing conversation about the ethics of "conditional confidentiality." Psychologists can use this practice model to regain their status as experts about the confidentiality ethics of their own profession.  相似文献   
基因伦理的挑战在基因-检测、基因-治疗、基因-生殖、基因-克隆、基因-生态等五个层面展开,大致包括保护基因隐私、防止基因歧视,生殖细胞能否基因治疗,辅助生殖是否“扮演上帝”,克隆人,转基因的安全性等内容。同时,提出了基因决定论、实体论和主观论以及基因伦理走向何处等理论难题,需要认真研究和讨论。  相似文献   
近年高等中医院校师承教育试点班研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中医院校教育改革已经开始注重中医特色和优势,部分学校在中医专业恢复师承教育,开办试点班。试点班以中医课程为主,培养方向是中医特色临床。在师承教育试点班里,已经把纯中医人才和中西医结合人才的培养相对分开。恢复师承教育试点班是一个积极而有效的探索,它在推进院校教育结构调整,完善教育体制等方面具有重要的作用。  相似文献   
精神疾病分类学不仅构建了对于这种疾病的评价,也决定了病人的名誉及其在法律关系中的责任。通过这些直接或间接的作用,精神疾病分类学塑造了一个时代的精神病人的形象。概述了克雷佩林的理论体系和分类思想,分析了贯穿其间的哲学讨论及其产生的社会影响,在此基础上说明起始阶段的精神疾病分类学如何塑造了那样一种精神病人的时代形象。  相似文献   
准确地评定患儿的同意能力,保障患儿的同意权得以有效行使,有利于尊重患儿的人格尊严,促进患儿身心健康。从患儿同意能力和同意权的角度出发,简要回顾了美国患儿同意产生的背景,介绍了美国患儿同意的现状,并对其进行了一定的分析和评价,希望对促进我国患儿同意的发展起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
人的尊严与生命伦理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“尊严”是频繁出现在生命伦理学中的一个概念,但关国学者麦克琳却在最近认为,尊严在生命伦理学中是个无用的概念,可以毫无损失地用其它概念,比如尊重人的自主性概念所代替。反驳了麦克琳的观点,定义了尊严的含义,认为生命伦理学的使命就是在当代生命科技高度发达的情况下如何尊重和保护人的尊严。  相似文献   
Four computational problems to be solved for visually guided reaching movements, hand path, and trajectory formations, coordinate transformation, and calculations of muscle tensions are ill-posed in redundant biological control systems. These problems are ill-posed in the sense that there exist an infinite number of possible solutions. In this article, it is shown that the nervous system can solve those problems simultaneously by imposing a single global constraint: finding the smoothest muscle- tension trajectory that satisfies the desired final hand position, velocity, and acceleration. Horizontal trajectories were simulated by using a l7-muscle model of the monkey's arm as the controlled object. The simulations predicted gently curved hand paths for lateral hand movements and for movements from the side of the body to the front, and a roughly straight hand path for anterioposterior movements. The tangential hand velocities were roughly bell shaped. The simulated results were in agreement with the actual biological movements.  相似文献   
一种快速记忆法个案报告   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王洪礼 《心理学报》1990,23(1):99-105
作者以自己为被试,运用自己创造的一系列数序形象挂钩法识记105位化学元素名称和300位圆周率数字,结果表明:运用此法记忆顺序性极强、数量很大、难于记住的材料快速高效,能倒顺背诵和随点随背,能冲破前摄和倒摄干扰,使识记很快通过短时记忆而迅速地顺利进入长时记忆,在识记后的开初(26小时)遗忘不多也不快,在隔一天以后进行检查(复习)并强化未记牢的材料,可使保持率在数百日后不下降,因而作者认为,艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线应界定为机械识记的遗忘曲线较为妥当。作者在文中第一次较详细地公开了在一天内就能倒顺背诵105位化学元素名称和300位圆周率数字的数序形象挂钩法及其关键与技巧。  相似文献   
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