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Research into the victims of crime is of fairly recent origin and has been centred in America. However, a review of research into the experience of the elderly as the victims of crime, and their anxiety about crime, reveals a paradox. Numerous studies show that while the elderly are less likely to be the victims of crime than are the other age groups, they are among those who exhibit most anxiety over crime. The research is discussed in the context of theories of why the elderly appear as a low-risk group and in terms of an attempt to explain the paradox.  相似文献   

READINGS IN THE QUR'AN. Selected and translated by KENNETH CRAGG. London: Collins Liturgical Publications, 1990. 389pp. Pb. £8.95. ISBN 0–00–599087–4.

DER KORAN UND DIE JUDEN: DIE GESCHICHTE EINER TRAGODIE. By Johan Bouman. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buch‐gesellschaft, 1990. 130pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 3–534–80123–7.

ISMAIL HAKKI BURSEVPS TRANSLATION OF AND COMMENTARY ON FUSUS AL‐HKAM. VOLS. 3 and 4. By Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi. Translated by Bulent Rauf with the help of R. Brass and H. Tollemache. Oxford: Muhyiddin ibn cArabi Society, 1989, 1991. 254pp, 353pp. Hb. £40.00, £50.00. ISBN 0–9509527–2–9; 0–9509527–4–5.

SCIENCE AND MUSLIM SOCIETIES. By Nasim Butt. London: Grey Seal Books, 1991. 135pp. Pb. £5.95. ISBN 1–85640–023–9.

THE MUSLIMS OF AMERICA. Edited by Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. 249pp. Hb. £35.00. ISBN 0–19–506728–2.

TURNING POINTS IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES. By URSULA KING. Edinburgh: T & T Clark Ltd, 1990. 329pp. Hb. £19.95. ISBN 0–567–09564–9.

THE SEPARATED ONES: JESUS, THE PHARISEES AND ISLAM. By Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood. London: SCM Press, 1991. 194pp. Pb. £9.95. ISBN 0–334–02498–6.

WHO NEEDS AN ISLAMIC STATE! By Abdelwahab El‐Affendi. London: Grey Seal Books, 1991.115pp. Pb. £5.95. ISBN 1–85640–022–0.

‘MULTI‐FAITH WORSHIP'? QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM THE INTER‐FAITH CONSULTATIVE GROUP. By The. General Synod Board of Mission. London: Church House Publishing, 1992. 66pp. Pb. £3.50. ISBN 0–7151–5530‐X.

WAS SAGT DER KORAN ZUM HEILIGEN KRIEG? By Adel TheodorKhoury. Giitersloh: Gutersloher Verlaghaus Gerd Mohn, 1991. 95pp. Pb. DM12.80. ISBN 3–579–00787–0.



RELIGION AND CUSTOM IN A MUSLIM SOCIETY: THE BERTI OF SUDAN. By Ladislav Holy. Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. 243pp. Hb. £30.00; $49.50. ISBN 0–521–39485–6.

POPULAR ISLAM IN TUNISIA. By Kees Schilder. Research Reports 1991/44. Leiden: African Studies Centre, 1991. 171pp. Pb. DFL.12.50. ISBN 90–70110–85–7.

A POEM CONCERNING THE DEATH OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD UTENDI WA KUTA WAFUNABII. Edited by J.W.T. Allen, Rland Allen, N.Q. King, Jan Knappert Et Al. African Studies, 26. New York/Ontario/Larnpeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1991. 161pp. Hb. n.p. ISBN 0–7734–9705–6.

SACRED VOID: SPATIAL IMAGES OF WORK AND RITUAL AMONG THE GIRIAMA OF KENYA. By David Parkin. Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 259pp. Hb. £35.00. ISBN 0–521–40466–5.

PEOPLE AND EMPIRES IN AFRICAN HISTORY: ESSAYS IN MEMORY OF MICHAEL CROWDER. Edited By J.F. Ade Ajayi and J.D.Y. Peel. London and New York: Longman, 1992. 254pp. Hb. £36.00. ISBN 0–582–08997–2.


MUSLIMS IN CENTRAL ASIA: EXPRESSIONS OF IDENTITY AND CHANGE. By Jo‐ANN GROSS. Durham: Duke University Press, 1992. 224pp. Pb. $18.95. ISBN 0–8223–1190–9.


ISLAM IN DUTCH SOCIETY: CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS. Edited by W.A.R. Shadid and P.S. Van Koningsveld. Kampen. Kok Pharos Publishing House, 1992. 205pp. Pb. n.p.ISBN 90–242–3047–0.

VAN MAT TOT MINARET. By Nico Landman. Amsterdam: VU Uitgeverij, 1992. 387pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 90–5383–086–3.

DE ISLAM IN WEST‐EUROPA, IN HET BIJZONDER IN NEDERLAND. By HuUG Van Ooijen, Rinus Penninx, Jan Rath and ThulSunier. Nijmegen: Reeks REcht & Samenleving, 1991. 76pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 90–71478–20–3.

MUSLIMS IN WESTERN EUROPE. By Jorgen S. Nielsen. Islamic Surveys 20. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1992. 186pp. Hb. £25.00. ISBN 0–7486–0309–0.

NATIONAL PROBLEMS IN THE BALKANS: HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARY DEVELOPMENTS. Edited by V. Mincheva. Sofia: Arges Publishing House for the Institute of Balkan Studies, 1992.247pp. Pb. LV20,00. No ISBN.

THE BALKANS: MINORITIES AND STATES IN CONFLICT. By Hugh Poulton. London: Minority Rights Publications, 1991. 244pp. Pb. £8.95. ISBN 1–873194–05–6.

THE SATANIC VERSES: BRADFORD RESPONDS. Edited by David G. Bowen. Bradford: D.G. Bowen and Bradford & Ilkley Community College, 1992. 82pp. Pb. .n.p. ISBN 0–947–851–25–9.

THE KINGDOM OF CYPRUS AND THE CRUSADES 1191–1374. By Peter W. Edbury. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.241pp. Hb. £27.50, $44.50. ISBN 0–521–26876–1.

DIE MIGRANTEN AUS SUBAY: TURKEN IN DEUTSCHLAND: EINE ETHNOGRAPHIE. By Werner Schiffauer. Stuttgart: Klett‐Cotta, 1991. 388pp. Hb. n.p. ISBN 3–608–93170–8.

Middle East.

POLITICAL ISLAM: RELIGION AND POLITICS IN THE ARAB WORLD. By Nazih N. Ayubi. London and New York: Routledge, 1991. 291pp. Hb. £40.00. ISBN 0–415–05442–7.

THE ARAB CHRISTIAN: A HISTORY IN THE MIDDLE EAST. By Kenneth CRAGG. London: Mowbray, 1992. 336pp. Pb. £9.95. ISBN 0–264–67257–7.

ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM AND THE GULF CRISIS. Edited by JAMES PISCATORI. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991. 267pp. Pb. £7.95; $11.50. ISBN 0–9629608–0–2.

RACE AND SLAVERY IN THE MIDDLE EAST. By BERNARD LEWIS. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990. 184pp. Hb. £22.50. ISBN 0–19–506283–3.

THE IRAQI REVOLUTION OF 1958: THE OLD SOCIAL CLASSES REVISITED. Edited by Robert A. Fernea and Wm. Roger Louis. London: I.B. Tauris, 1991. 232pp. Hb. £35.00. ISBN 1–85043–318–6.

CULTURE, HISTORY AND IDEOLOGY IN THE FORMATION OF BA'THIST IRAQ, 1968–69. By AMATZIABaram. New York: St Martin's Press, 1991. 196pp. Hb. £35.00. ISBN 0–312–04805‐X.

THE PALLESTINIAN UPRISING: A WAR BY OTHER MEANS. By F. Robert Hunter. London: I.B. Tauris, 1991.292pp. Hb. £17.95. ISBN 1–85043–325–9.

POLITICS IN AN ARABIAN OASIS: THE RASHIDI TRIBAL DYNASTY. By Madawi AL Rasheed. London: I.B. Tauris, 1991. 300pp. Hb. £35.00. ISBN 1–85043–320–8.

THE LION OF EGYPT: SULTAN BAYBARSI AND THE NEAR EAST IN THE TfflRTEENTH CENTURY. By Peter THORAU. London: London and New York, 1987. 319pp. Pb. £13.50. ISBN 0–582–06823–1.

HISTORICAL DICTIONARY OF LIBYA. By RONALD BRUCE ST JOHN. African Historical Dictionaries, 33.2nd Edition. Metuchen, NJ & London: Scarecrow Press, 1991. 192pp. Hb. £18.75. ISBN 0–8108–2451–5.

ACCOMMODATING PROTEST: WORKING WOMEN, THE NEW VEBLING AND CHANGE IN CAIRO. By ARLENE ELOWE MACLEOD. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991. 206pp. Hb. $37.50. ISBN 0–231–07280–5.

FEZ: CITY OF ISLAM. By Titus Burckhardt. Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1992. 175pp. Hb. £24.95; $39.95. ISBN 0–946621–17–9.


ROBIN LAMBURN — FROM A MISSIONARY'S NOTEBOOK: THE YAO OF TUNDURU AND OTHER ESSAYS. Edited by NOEL Q. KING and Klaus Fiedler with Gavin White. Social Science Studies on International Problems, no. 164. Saarbriicken; Fort Lauderdale: Verlag Breitenbach, 1991. 240pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 0584–603‐X.

MATERIAUX POUR SERVIR A L'ETUDE DE LA CONTROVERSE THEOLOGIQUEISLAMO‐CHRETIENNE DE LANGUE ARABE DU Vffle AUX Xlle SIECLE. By PAUL KHOURY. Religionswissenschaftliche Studien 11/2. Wurzburg: Echter Verlag and Altenberge: Oros Verlag, 1991. 633pp. Pb. $633.00; DM99.80. ISBN 3–429–01410–7 (Echter); 3–89375–039–8 (Oros).

THE CONQUEST OF CHRISTIAN AND MUSLIM SPAIN 1031–1157. By Bernard F. Reilly. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992. 284pp. Hb. £40.00. ISBN 0–631–16913‐X.

ISLAM IN A WORLD OF DIVERSE FAITHS. Edited by Dan Cohen‐Sherbok. Library of Philosophy and Religion. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1991. 218pp. Hb. £45.00. ISBN 0–333–52612–0.

LA FOIE EN MARCHE: LES PROBLEMES DE FOND DU DIALOGUE ISLAMO‐CHRETIEN. By PONTIFICIOISTITUTO Dl STUDI Arabie D'islamistica. Collection ‘Studi Arabo‐Islamici del PISAF, no.4. Rome: PISAI, 1990. 235pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 88–85907–05–9.

DIPLOMATARIUM II: DOCUMENTS 1–500: FOUNDATIONS OF CRUSADER VALENCIA: REVOLT AND RECOVERY 1257–1263. By ROBERT I. Burns. Princeton: New Jersey, 1991. 440pp. Hb. $69.50. ISBN 0–691–05435–5.

ANTI‐CHRISTIAN POLEMIC IN EARLY ISLAM: ABU ‘ISA AL‐WARRAQ'S ‘AGAINST THE TRINITY’. By David Thomas. University of Cambridge Oriental Publications 45. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 218pp. Hb. £40.00; $74.95. ISBN 0–521–41244–7.


STRIVING TOGETHER: A WAY FORWARD IN CHRISTIAN‐MUSLIM RELATIONS. By Charles Kimball. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1991. 132pp. Pb. n.p. ISBN 0–88344–691‐X.

INTERWINED WORLDS: MEDIEVAL ISLAM AND BIBLE CRITICISM. By Hava Lazarus‐Yafeh. Princeton University Press, 1992. 178pp. Hb. £22.50; $29.95. ISBN 0–691–07398–8.  相似文献   

Systems of care for children with serious emotional disturbance and their families have generally lacked intensive community-based programs. We describe three types of newly established community-based programs in New York State and present a general evaluation plan for determining which programs work for various children and their families. The three community-based programs are Intensive Case Management, Family-Based Treatment, and Family-Centered Intensive Case Management. Process and outcome evaluations are being conducted for each of these programs. These evaluations make use of common intake and termination instruments, based on a minimum data set, standardized assessment instruments, and a common logic model, thus facilitating the comparison of findings across evaluations.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationship between speech perception and speech production. An experimental technique called motor-motor adaptation was devised. Subjects produced a speech token repeatedly (20 to 40 repetitions), then produced a second token one time. These tokens all contained stop consonants and were subsequently analyzed for voice onset time. The results paralleled previous findings using the experimental procedure, perceptuomotor adaptation. The present study supports the notion of a perception-production link.  相似文献   
12 subjects from an experiment on relaxation therapy for asthma were given the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A. Full scale hypnotic susceptibility scores were positively correlated, at a borderline significance, with improvement in the methacholine challenge test, a measure of asthma severity. Performance on the amnesia item of the Harvard Group Scale was correlated with improvement in self-reported symptoms of asthma.  相似文献   
We reported earlier that occlusion of the central retina and stationary edges have highly interactive effects on the gain of optokinetic nystagmus (OKN; Murasugi, Howard, & Ohmi, 1986). In this study, we explored this effect in more detail. A central occluding band of variable height, flanked by vertical bars, was superimposed onto an array of dots moving at 30 degrees per second. The height of the occluding band required to abolish OKN increased with the separation of the vertical bars. For bars 3.5 degrees apart, OKN was abolished in most subjects when a band only 6' high ran between them. For bars 75 degrees apart, a band at least 20 degrees in height was required to abolish the response. The effects of the stationary figure depended to some extent on the subject's attention, but only at intermediate values of bar separation. Both low- and high-level mechanisms are proposed to account for the results.  相似文献   
I Kerz-Rühling 《Psyche》1989,43(4):307-330
The author seeks to develop a narrative conceptualization of psychoanalytic treatment. Its nucleus is the causal explanation of life history and illness. She criticizes the hermeneutic approach to interpretation that is chiefly concerned with the constitution of life history as meaningful with no consideration given at times to objective truth.  相似文献   
Thirty-five families completed ratings describing their perceptions of their therapists. These ratings were then correlated with measures of outcome to assess whether there was a relationship between experiences of the therapist and treatment outcome. Further, the study addresses whether some family members' perceptions are more influential in affecting the course of treatment. The results showed that family members' perception of the therapist does have an impact on treatment outcome, but not all members affect the outcome equally. Further results and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Neuropsychological functioning in hemiparkinsonism   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A standardized neuropsychological battery including measures of intellectual cognitive, memory, attention-concentration, language, abstraction and mental flexibility, and sensory and motor functions was administered to 21 hemiparkinsonian patients (14 with right side and 7 with left side symptoms) and 17 controls matched for age and education. Patients were impaired in all functions except sensory. For motor functions, impairment was ipsilateral to the side of symptoms. For cognitive functions, right side symptoms were associated with verbal deficits whereas left side symptoms were associated with spatial deficits. Thus, a pattern of neuropsychological deficits consistent with the lateralization of motor symptoms may appear in the early stages of the disease.  相似文献   
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