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Integrating findings on the effects of more alternatives with findings on the effects of more attributes, we offer a motivational decision-making model, suggesting that epistemic motivation moderates individuals’ responses to complex information. Study 1 empirically investigated the shared essence of four conceptualizations of epistemic motivation, further distinguishing it from the maximizing/satisficing motivation. A series of experiments indicate that epistemic motivation moderates the effect of complex information on one’s discomfort with a decision (Studies 2–4) and on the tendency to implement one’s choice in action (Study 3). Taken together, our findings indicate that individuals with low epistemic motivation experience more discomfort and are less likely to implement their decision when faced with complex information whereas those high on epistemic motivation portray a weaker or even an opposite effect. The consistent findings across conceptualizations (dispositional Need-for-Cognitive-Closure and manipulated Openness vs. Conservation values) indicate the robustness of the findings and the important role of epistemic motivation in complex decisions.  相似文献   
Two experiments investigated the effect of forming implementation intentions on transfer of training in two training programs. In the first experiment (N = 37), trainees who formed implementation intentions implemented active listening skills sooner, and to a greater degree, than those in the control group. In the second experiment (n = 28), conducted in the field, trainees who formed implementation intentions received a higher performance score for implementing the trained behavior compared with those in the control condition. Results from both experiments provide empirical evidence suggesting that forming implementation intentions at the end of a training program increases the likelihood of using the newly acquired skills.  相似文献   
Are children better than adults in acquiring new skills (‘how‐to’ knowledge) because of a difference in skill memory consolidation? Here we tested the proposal that, as opposed to adults, children's memories for newly acquired skills are immune to interference by subsequent experience. The establishment of long‐term memory for a trained movement sequence in adults requires a phase of memory consolidation. This results in substantial delayed, ‘offline’, performance gains, which nevertheless remain susceptible to interference by subsequent competing motor experience for several hours after training, unless sleep is afforded in the interval. Here we compared the gains attained overnight (delayed gains) by 9‐year‐olds and adults after training on a novel finger‐to‐thumb movement sequence, with and without subsequent interference by repeating a different movement sequence. Our results show that, in 9‐year‐olds, but not in adults, an interval of 15 min. between the training session and interfering experience sufficed to ensure the expression of delayed, consolidation phase, gains. Nevertheless, in the 9‐year‐olds, as well as in adults, the gains attained with no interference were significantly larger. Altogether, our results show that while the behavioral expressions of childhood and adult consolidation processes are similar, procedural memory stabilizes, in the waking state, at a much faster rate in children. We propose that, in children, rapid stabilization is a mechanism whereby the constraints on consolidating new experiences into long‐term procedural memory are relaxed at the cost of selectivity.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the mediating role of physical activity and perceived adequacy towards physical activity on peak aerobic power (VO2peak) in children with developmental coordination disorder. This case-control study involved 61 male and female subjects age 12-13 years with motor impairments and 61 healthy controls matched for age, gender and school location. Subjects were assessed for motor proficiency and classified as probable developmental coordination disorder (p-DCD) or healthy control using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children, 2nd Edition. VO2peak was assessed by a progressive exercise test on a cycle ergometer. Perceived adequacy towards physical activity was estimated using the Children’s Self-perception of Adequacy and Predilection for Physical Activity scale. Physical activity was monitored for seven days using accelerometry. Children with p-DCD had significantly lower VO2peak adjusted for lean mass (48.8 ± 7.2 ml/kg LM/min; p ? 0.05) compared to controls (53.1 ± 8.2 ml/kg LM/min). Regression analysis demonstrated that perceived adequacy and physical activity were significant mediators in the relationship between p-DCD and VO2peak (R-squared = 24.3%). In conclusion, using a stringent laboratory assessment, the current study verifies earlier non laboratory findings, adding low aerobic power, the most important component of cardiorespiratory fitness, to the list of health consequences associated with developmental coordination disorder.  相似文献   
The study examined the contributions of individual and familial variables for the prediction of loneliness as a developmental risk and the sense of coherence as a protective factor. The sample consisted of 287 children from grades 5-6. Their loneliness, sense of coherence, hope, effort, and family climate were assessed. Separate hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that family cohesion and children's hope contributed to the explanation of the risk and protective outcomes. Yet, the contribution of the family adaptability was not significant. Cluster analysis of the family climate dimensions (i.e., cohesion and adaptability) was performed to clarify the interactive roles of family adaptability together with family cohesion. The authors identified 4 separate family profiles: Children in the 2 cohesive families' clusters (Cohesive Structured Families and Cohesive Adaptable Families) reported the lowest levels of loneliness and the highest levels of personal strengths. Children within rigid and noncohesive family cluster reported the highest levels of loneliness and the lowest levels of children's sense of coherence. The unique role of the family flexibility within nonsupportive family systems was demonstrated. The results further clarified the unique profiles' characteristics of the different family clusters and their adjustment indexes in terms of loneliness and personal strengths.  相似文献   
Music and mathematics require abstract thinking and using symbolic notations. Controversy exists regarding transfer from musical training to math achievements. The current study examined the effect of two integrated intervention programs representing holistic versus acoustic approaches, on fraction knowledge. Three classes of fourth graders attended 12 lessons on fractions: One class attended the ‘MusiMath’ holistic program (n = 30) focusing on rhythm within the melody. Another class attended the ‘Academic Music’ acoustic program (Courey et al., Educ Stud Math 81:251, 2012) (n = 25) which uses rhythm only. The third class received regular fraction lessons (comparison group, n = 22). Students in both music programs learned to write musical notes and perform rhythmic patterns through clapping and drumming as part of their fraction lessons. They worked toward adding musical notes to produce a number (fraction), and created addition/subtraction problems with musical notes. The music programs used a 4/4 time signature with whole, half, quarter and eighth notes. In the math lessons, the students learned the analogy between musical durations and fractions, but also practiced fractions other than . Music and math were assessed before, immediately following, and 3‐ and 6‐months post‐intervention. Pre‐ to post‐intervention analyses indicated that only the ‘MusiMath’ group showed greater transfer to intervention‐trained and untrained fractions than the comparison group. The ‘Academic Music’ group showed a trend on trained fractions. Although both music groups outperformed the comparison group 3‐ and 6‐months post‐intervention on trained fractions, only the ‘MusiMath’ group demonstrated greater gains in untrained fractions. Gains were more evident in trained than in untrained fractions. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at https://youtu.be/uJ_KWWDO624  相似文献   
The functioning of the economic system is complex and technical. For its part, the public is constantly presented with information on economic causality. It is important for its members to assimilate this information, whether to further their personal goals or to engage advisedly in the democratic process. We presented economically untrained and trained participants with questions of the form: “If variable A increases, how will this affect variable B?” for all the combinations of 19 key economic indicators. Economically untrained participants were willing to commit themselves on most questions, despite their medium to low self‐report of understanding the concepts involved. Analysis of the pattern of responses reveals the use of a simple shortcut, the good‐begets‐good heuristic, which yields a sense of competence in the absence of understanding of the causal mechanism involved. Le fonctionnement du système économique est complexe et technique, et le public est constamment confrontéà des informations se référant à une causalitééconomique. Il est important que le public les assimile, que ce soit pout poursuivre ses buts personnels ou pour participer en connaissance de cause au processus démocratique. Nous avons présentéà des sujets, ayant bénéficié ou non d'une formation en économie, des questions sous la forme: “Si la variable A augmente, comment cela affectera‐t‐il la variable B?” pour toutes les combinaisons possibles de 19 indicateurs économiques clés. Les sujets sans formation économique sont disposés à prendre position sur la plupart des questions, malgré une auto‐évaluation assez basse quant à leur compréhension des concepts impliqués. L'analyse de la structure des réponses révèle l'utilisation d'un simple raccourci, l'heuristique “le bien engendre le bien”, ce qui leur donne un sentiment de compétence alors qu'ils ne comprennent pas le mécanisme causal en jeu.  相似文献   
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