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The field of counseling has paid little attention to religion in general and Jewish women's realities in particular. This article presents the findings of a qualitative phenomenological study examining 12 Ashkenazi, non‐Orthodox, Jewish American women's self‐reported understanding of their Jewish identity, revealing the themes of Jewishness and being Jewish in a broader societal context, as well as 7 related subthemes. Recommendations are offered for counselors, educators, and researchers who work with Jewish women.  相似文献   
We aimed at determining the association of both severity of paternal and maternal substance use disorder (SUD) and psychiatric disorders with paternal child neglect severity during late childhood. The sample comprised 146 intact SUD (n=71) and non SUD (n=75) families with a 10–12 year old female or male biological offspring. The average age of fathers, mothers, and children was 44 (SD=5.9), 42 (SD=4.78), and 11 (SD=.79) years, respectively. The ethnic composition was 85% Caucasian and 15% African American. The results showed that paternal and maternal SUD and psychiatric disorders severity was correlated with paternal child neglect severity. However, paternal psychopathology failed to achieve significance in the regression analyses. Severity of maternal, especially severity of antisocial personality disorder symptoms was associated with paternal child neglect. These results are discussed within the framework of evolutionary psychology research examining paternal investment in the offspring. Implications for the necessity of identifying parental psychopathology and an integrated treatment approach are discussed.  相似文献   
Recent research on social responsibility has largely focused on firms, with only limited research into individual behavior. Recycling is socially responsible behavior which poses a difficult choice for consumers because it benefits society as a whole in the long term but involves a personal cost and does not benefit the individual consumer directly. Previous studies of recycling, however, have only partly explained consumers’ recycling choices. Addressing this gap, this research applied a social dilemma perspective in qualitative and quantitative consumer studies. The findings from the studies demonstrated a positive relationship between a consumer's expectation that others will recycle and his own participation. A social value orientation was found to have a significant moderating effect on this relationship.  相似文献   
Representations of monadic MV -algebra, the characterization of locally finite monadic MV -algebras, with axiomatization of them, definability of non-trivial monadic operators on finitely generated free MV -algebras are given. Moreover, it is shown that finitely generated m-relatively complete subalgebra of finitely generated free MV -algebra is projective.  相似文献   
Understanding the mechanisms behind aggressive behavior (AGG) is vital so that effective prevention and intervention strategies can be developed. Maltreated children are hypothesized to be prone to social information processing biases, such as hostile attribution bias (HAB), which, in turn, may increase the likelihood of behaving aggressively. The first aim of the present study was to replicate findings regarding associations between childhood maltreatment (CM), HAB, and aggression in a population‐based sample of Finnish female twins and their sisters (N = 2,167). However, these associations might not be causal but instead confounded by familial factors, shared between the variables. The second aim was, thus, to test the associations when potential confounding by familial (genetic or common environmental) effects were controlled for using a multilevel discordant twin and sibling design within (a) 379 pairs of twins (npairs = 239) or siblings (npairs = 140), and (b) within the 131 monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs. Consistent with previous studies, HAB mediated the association between CM and AGG when familial confounding was uncontrolled. No support was found for the mediation when controlling for familial confounding. Between‐pair associations were found between CM and AGG, and between CM and HAB. In addition, within‐pair associations were found between HAB and AGG, and between CM and AGG, however, these were nonsignificant in the discordant MZ analysis, offering the most stringent control of familial confounding. The results indicate the necessity of taking familial confounding into account when investigating the development of AGG.  相似文献   
This paper presents a hierarchical taxonomy of human goals, based on similarity judgments of 135 goals gleaned from the literature. Women and men in 3 age groups—17–30, 25–62, and 65 and older—sorted the goals into conceptually similar groups. These were cluster analyzed and a taxonomy of 30 goal clusters was developed for each age group separately and for the total sample. The clusters were conceptually meaningful and consistent across the 3 samples. The broadest distinction in each sample was between interpersonal or social goals and intrapersonal or individual goals, with interpersonal goals divided into family-related and more general social goals. Further, the 30 clusters were organized into meaningful higher order clusters. The role of such a taxonomy in promoting theory development and research is discussed, as is its relationship to other organizations of human goals and to the Big Five structure of personality.  相似文献   
The purpose of the current study was to test a self-compassion-focussed mindfulness (SCFM) intervention for increasing self-compassion and decreasing depressive symptoms, as well as to test the effect of initial self-compassion as a possible moderator. Community volunteers participated in an SCFM group or in a control group and self-reported at three points in time: at baseline (study, n = 73; control, n = 80), at the end of the 5-week five-session intervention (study, n = 57; control, n = 61) and at follow-up 5 weeks later (study, n = 47; control, n = 50). The SCFM was a Hebrew adaptation based on a mindful self-compassion programme, which is available online. The SCFM was held in person, in small groups (N < 20) over a 2-month period. A four-way interaction was found to be significant [F(2, 186) = 3.70, p = 0.027, η2p = 0.038]. Post hoc tests showed that those who were initially low on self-compassion and participated in the SCFM experienced relief in their depressive symptoms and that their level of self-compassion was increased. This implies that self-compassion is a moderating trait, with the benefit of relieving suffering. By increasing the levels of self-compassion in individuals, it is possible to improve their psychological health.  相似文献   
Fulfillment of the basic psychological needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy is believed to facilitate people’s integrative tendencies to process psychological conflicts and develop a coherent sense of self. The present study therefore used event-related potentials (ERPs) to examine the relation between need fulfillment and the amplitude of conflict negativity (CN), a neurophysiological measure of conflict during personal decision making. Participants completed a decision-making task in which they made a series of forced choices according to their personal preferences. Three types of decision-making situations were created on the basis of participants’ unique preference ratings, which were obtained prior to ERP recording: low-conflict situations (choosing between an attractive and an unattractive option), high-conflict approach-approach situations (choosing between two similarly attractive options), and high-conflict avoidance-avoidance situations (choosing between two similarly unattractive options). As expected, CN amplitudes were larger in high- relative to low-conflict situations, and source localization analyses suggested that the anterior cingulate cortex was the generating structure of the CN. Most importantly, people reporting higher need fulfillment exhibited larger CN amplitudes in avoidance–avoidance situations relative to low-conflict situations; to a lesser extent, they also exhibited larger CN amplitudes in approach–approach situations relative to low-conflict situations. By contrast, people reporting lower need fulfillment exhibited CN amplitudes that poorly discriminated the three decision situations. These results suggest that need fulfillment may promote self-coherent functioning by increasing people’s receptivity to and processing of events that challenge their abilities to make efficient, self-congruent choices.  相似文献   
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