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The Holte Sleeping Technique is an alternative to medication to facilitate sleep onset in situations of normal stress. The technique is based on a combination of conditioning within the theory of learning, simulation of natural bodily processes, and manipulation of naturally available sleep-releasing stimuli. The author describes the technique and reports on experimental testing of its efficacy. Fifty-six female subjects were selected according to criteria based on questionnaires and sleep logs. The subjects were randomly assigned to a treatment group, a placebo group, and a no-treatment group. A pre-test-post-test design was used. The author questions the generalizability of findings from modern electronic sleep laboratories to the bedrooms of everyday life. In order to optimize the combination of normal stress, objective criteria and generalizability, sleep onset was measured by behavioural criteria based on the "fog-horn procedure" developed by the author. At post-test 67% of the treatment group fell asleep, while only 17% of the placebo group and 25% of the no-treatment group fell asleep. The differences were significant. It is concluded that the Holte Sleeping Technique is highly effective. In a discussion of placebo trials the author argues that traditional medical trials do not take into consideration the differentiating psychological attribution effects occurring by giving the same experimental instruction under different experimental conditions. As a consequence the active treatment is given better conditions than the placebo in traditional clinical trials.  相似文献   
Abstract.— The interpretations of social learning theory on development in moral judgment was contested. From an organismic point of view it was argued that changes demonstrated by learning experiments did not fulfill the requirements of an organismic concept of development. Experiments were quoted which indicated that the measures of maturity employed in social learning studies were on the same formal level as the assumed immature responses. It was argued that the organismic theoretican Piaget had falsely interpreted change as development on the same grounds as social learning theory. A criterion of conservation of subjective responsibility, or interest-crossing, was proposed as an organismic criterion of development in moral judgment.  相似文献   
In 1975 all primary schools in Norway were asked to carry out local studies of the smoking habits of all pupils in grades 6–9 (age 12–15). A sample of 6968 questionnaires from the pupils (those born on the sixth irrespective of month) forms the empirical basis of the present study. Among ninth graders (age 15) coming from homes where both parents smoked and the children were permitted to smoke, 67% of the boys and 78% of the girls smoked daily. Among children from homes where both parents were non-smokers and did not permit their children to smoke, only 9% of the boys and 11 % of the girls smoked daily. The probability of being a daily smoker can to a great extent be regarded as the additive effect of milieu predictors. When both parents smoke, older sisters and brothers smoke, best friend smokes, and the pupils are permitted to smoke, practically all 15 year olds were daily smokers. On the contrary, an environment of non-smokers and with no permission to smoke reduces the probability of being a daily smoker to almost zero.  相似文献   
213600 pupils from grades 6–9 (age 12–15) in the primary school in Norway filled in a questionnaire about smoking habits (1975). The headmaster of each individual of the 2824 schools participating in the study filled in reports giving the local frequencies of daily smokers, occasional smokers and nonsmokers for each grade and for boys and girls separately. The school-reports also contained questions about demographical properties of the school. A sample of 6968 questionnaires from the pupils (those who were born on the sixth irrespective of month) were also submitted for statistical analysis. Compared with previous studies, the percentage of smokers among girls proved to have increased considerably. The tendency found in many western industrialized countries, that smoking is increasing among girls more than among boys, or that boys are reducing smoking to a greater extent than are girls, was confirmed also for Norway. In all 19 counties there was a higher percentage of daily smokers among girls than among boys. Higher percentages of occasional smokers or pupils who had tried smoking were found in small schools and scattered settlements. Norway may be divided into geographical areas according to the differences in the smoking habits of girls and boys. In the counties in the south and to the west, girls have not surpassed boys to the same extent as in the rest of the country. From previous political-cultural research it is known that the south and west is characterized by temperance and prohibition movements, higher frequencies of religious attendance, as well as a distintiveness in voting behaviour.  相似文献   
The psychodynamic and the communication/systemic perspectives are commonly considered as two entirely different approaches to psychopathology. The current study is an effort to bridge these opposing perspectives empirically. Maturity of personality, measured according to psychoanalytic principles by the Consensus Couples Rorschach, and relationship control in family communication, as measured by a new coding system (RCC) in an observational study, were related. The results indicate that low level of maturity is associated with egocentric and self-disqualifying communication in situations of conflict, but not in situations involving no or moderate conflict. Additionally, mature wives were prone to react to situations involving perceptual conflict by communicating dominantly, whereas immature wives communicated in more submissive ways. Reversely, the more mature the husbands were, the more they displayed a submissive style of communicating when in conflict.  相似文献   
A large number of studies have shown that the unemployed are less healthy, both physically and psychologically, than the employed. The explanation may be that unemployment has negative health effects. An alternative, or additional, explanation is that healthy persons are less likely to become unemployed or more likely to find new employment if they become unemployed. Such effects of health on employment status are generally referred to as selection effects. The present paper analyses to what extent such selection effects are present in the Norwegian labour market. Panel data with observations made in 1989 and 1993 are used. The analyses show that people with psychological problems are more likely to be laid off, and there is also some evidence that psychological or physical health problems may reduce the chances of finding a new job if one has become unemployed. It is of particular interest that these selection effects can be documented for a country like Norway, which has strong legislation supporting worker rights and a quite high degree of unionization.  相似文献   
The role of Karl Barth's theology during the church struggle after the Nazi revolution in 1933 has been endlessly debated. I argue, first, that there is more continuity between “1925”, “1933”, and “1938” than most commentators have granted and that Barth never promoted an apolitical option. Second, I maintain that his theological imagination was restrained by the practices and structures of German (and European) Protestantism and his own acceptance at this time of a Christendom order. The church that his theology presupposed did not really exist.  相似文献   
Abstract.— In order to demonstrate vicarious classical conditioning, and to investigate the necessity of vicarious instigation for vicarious conditioning of skin conductance responses, two groups of 32 students each observed a performer ( P ) allegedly trying to solve easy and difficult number series displayed for both the P and the observers ( Os ). Difficult problems served as CS+ and easy ones as CS-for os in both groups; indicated shock to the P as unconditioned stimulus (UCS) for one group, and perceived threat of shock to P as UCS for the other. Within the two groups half of the os were instructed to empathize with the P , whereas the other half was instructed just to watch her movements. The results demonstrated vicarious instigation and conditioning for the group having indicated shock as UCS, and conditioning without instigation for the group having perceived threat of shock as UCS. Since results for the conditioned response and the vicariously instigated response go beyond earlier interpretations, a theoretical elaboration in the cognitive direction is argued for.  相似文献   
An experiment was designed to test children's insight that behaviour may increase (positive relation) or decrease (negative relation) as a function of intention intensity. Behaviour variation was depicted in terms of time (duration) and distance, and Ss inferred behaviour variations from variation in intention intensity, and vice versa. Response variation related only to age, and showed that understanding of positive relations was developed by five years of age, whereas understanding of negative relations was developed between the ages of seven and nine years.  相似文献   
Orienting response (OR) theory predicts that amount of information in the stimulus, or stimulus complexity, should be an important determinant of OR elicitation and habituation, more intense and more slowly habituating ORs being expected to complex than to simple stimuli. This prediction was tested in an experiment where subjects were exposed to simple and complex visual stimuli in randomized order, while heart-rate and skin conductance were measured. Complex stimuli evoked a more pronounced deceleratory heartrate response than did simple stimuli. However, the two conditions did not differ in rate of habituation of this response. For skin conductance responses, on the other hand, the complex stimulus took more trials than the simple stimulus to reach habituation, whereas the two conditions did not differ in response magnitude. Thus, the hypothesis of more intense orienting to complex stimuli was supported by the heart-rate data, and that of slower habituation to complex stimuli, of the skin conductance data.  相似文献   
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