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荀子人性论在先秦儒家别具一格。荀子以为,人性是天所赋予的,人性即天性。天性是一种材质,它含有气。具体地说,人身上天生含善恶两气,然而,荀子仅将致恶之气视为性,或者说,气具有质的属性,以恶气为性,这便是性恶说的秘密。为了疏导人性之气,避免邪恶的萌发,荀子便提出乐教。乐教就是通过同气相感的原理,以艺术之乐陶冶人的性情,以高雅之乐激发人身上的正气,抵制淫荡之乐诱发人身上的邪气,恰当地疏导和宣泄人的情感,从而使得人性符合礼义之道。所以说,教化也就成为荀子哲学的基本问题。  相似文献   
In three experiments, participants rated how well a number of adjectives described their in-group (e.g. kind-hearted, helpful, intelligent, efficient, etc.). In Experiment 1, females were found to rate their ingroup (females) more favorably when reporting verbally to female (rather than male) experimenters. This finding was further explored in two subsequent experiments where response format (written vs. verbal) was also manipulated. Both experiments revealed an interaction such that ethnic Swedes rated their in-group (Swedes) the most favorably when reporting verbally to an in-group experimenter and the least favorably when reporting verbally to a Middle Eastern experimenter. Results are discussed in relation to correction and contextual activation of social norms.  相似文献   
我国当代医学伦理学建设一直存在的一个重大缺憾--医学伦理学基本理论的贫困化,对整个学科的发展形成了严重的制约.理论贫困化的主要"症状"是科学理论匮乏、实用理论混乱、理论取向混沌等.因此,理论脱贫是当代中国医学伦理学取得突破性进展的关键.这种"脱贫致富"需要从简单的传承和移植转向创造,任何投机取巧和工于炒作都是无济于事的;目前亟需的是构建一个能够胜任科学解读、系统建构整个医学伦理学学科体系的基本理论框架,然后不断完善.  相似文献   
使用只读不写的繁体字和会读会写的简体字材料, 以默读为实验任务, 探讨“会读会写”与“只读不写”文字的加工脑区。8名在校大学生在磁共振扫描过程中默读呈现的繁体字或简体字, 采用ANOVA统计全脑激活图。与简体字相比, 繁体字额外激活了右额下回、左小脑。在功能连接性上, 简体字和繁体字相同的激活脑区有左楔前叶-左内侧前额叶, 左楔前叶-左中央前回, 右枕中回-左舌回; 不同的是, 繁体字左楔前叶与右额下回有高相关, 而简体字左楔前叶与右额中回有高相关。左内侧前额叶与中央前回只在繁体字中表现出高相关。繁体字和简体字任务的T检验差异脑区包括左颞中回和右顶下小叶。只读不写的文字具有加工的整体性和轮廓性特征, 它的读音与不规则简体字相似, 具有整字加工特点。繁体字和简体字加工具有相同的功能连接区, 但也存在差异。右脑表现为连接脑区不同, 左脑内侧前额叶与中央前回表现为相关性不同, 说明内侧前额叶-中央前回在繁体字加工中起着重要作用。实验结果还证明顶叶是记忆再认的主要脑区。  相似文献   
出生缺陷监测及干预工作应坚持面向整个育龄人群、面向家庭、面向社会、面向高危人群,加强部门合作,建立多部门联手服务模式,形成以计划生育服务体系为基础的出生缺陷一级预防基本平台和以卫生服务体系为基础的二、三级出生缺陷预防基本平台.  相似文献   
为探索不同自恋得分的个体对奖赏与惩罚的敏感性及性别在其中的作用,本研究采用钦佩–竞争自恋问卷(NARQ)、BIS/BAS量表在483名在校大学生中进行调查。对数据进行共同方法偏差检验、相关分析以及基于多元回归的调节效应检验,结果发现:(1)钦佩性自恋与行为趋近系统存在显著正相关,与行为抑制系统存在显著负相关;(2)竞争性自恋与行为抑制系统存在显著正相关,而与行为趋近系统的相关不显著;(3)性别在自恋双面性与行为系统之间起调节作用。结果表明,女性自恋双面性得分越高,对奖赏和惩罚均越敏感;在男性被试中未表现出这种模式。  相似文献   
政治伦理:个人美德,或是公共道德   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自上世纪 70年代始 ,政治哲学和政治伦理便逐渐凸显并最终主导了西方哲学论坛。然而在我国 ,这一哲学和伦理学的理论转向似乎刚刚发生 ,学界对此一理论转向的学术意识也才刚刚显露 ,可我们面对的是 ,大量的理论问题和实践问题不断涌现 ,异常复杂 ,难以把握。在此情形下 ,采取学术群体性的民主商谈方式来探究这一理论转向所产生的基础性课题 ,恐怕比学术个体的专题研究更为慎重 ,也更为急迫。2 0 0 4年夏 ,教育部高校哲学教学指导委员会在海南召开年会。期间与《伦理学研究》杂志主编、著名伦理学家唐凯麟先生重逢 ,承蒙先生厚爱如昨 ,托我组织一期学术专栏 ,命之为“政治伦理笔谈”。盛情之下 ,却之不恭。于是诚恳邀请到怀宏、剑涛、建华三位学兄襄助 ,切磋数月 ,始成如下四篇。现惶然贡献于学界 ,祈求抛顽石以引玉璞 ,或求其友声 ,或聆听批评 ,以此促进我国政治伦理的前沿研究。如此或可既不负凯麟先生雅扶后学之美意 ,又可尽我等伦理学者之天职。是以记之 !(万俊人 )  相似文献   
In this exploratory study, I investigate the relationship between age, knowledge, and creativity in mathematics, by looking at to what extent does grade level, controlled for mathematical achievement, influence mathematical creativity and what characterizes the relationship between grade level, mathematical achievement and mathematical creativity. This was accomplished in two steps. In the first part, 301 students, 184 grade eight students and 117 grade eleven students, were given a creative mathematics test. A 3 × 2 ANOVA indicates that the older students were more creative; however, there was a significant interaction effect between grade level and achievement in mathematics on mathematical creativity. In the second part, an inductive content analysis was performed on the solutions of high achievers in grade eleven and grade eight. The results indicate that high achievers in grade eight are more creative than high achievers in grade eleven, but the nature of the task mediates the relationship between creativity and knowledge.  相似文献   
笔墨纸砚雅称文房四宝,是华夏文明的象征、东方特色的文化艺术遗产。砚台是文房至宝、笔墨的挚友、文人墨客之伴侣。置几案一方砚台,援笔泼墨,书画生香,文房幽静,心旷神怡。继承与振兴砚石产业,是促进中华科技进步、繁荣祖国文化艺术、发展社会主义市场和地区经济、促进新世纪物质文明和精神文明健康发展的又一举措。  相似文献   
This article proposes a new measurement instrument of trauma-related shame. The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychometric properties of the scores derived from the Trauma Related Shame Inventory (TRSI) by means of generalizability theory (G-theory). The psychometric analyses are based on a sample of 50 patients in treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The results provided supporting construct validity evidence for the interpretation of TRSI as a homogeneous construct. The 24-item version of internal and external referenced shame yielded generalizability and dependability coefficients of .874 and .868, respectively. The distinction between shame and guilt was supported by a high generalizability coefficient of .812 for the difference scores between TRSI and guilt cognition scale. Further validity evidence was provided by a positive relationship between TRSI and a) self-judgment subscale in Self-Compassion Scale (SCS; Neff Self and Identity 2:(3), 223–250, 2003) and b) Beck Depression Inventory (Beck Steer and Brown 1996a) when controlled for guilt. The results of the present study provided promising support for using the 24-item version of TRSI in both clinical research and practice.  相似文献   
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