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Mental speed is a common concept in theories of cognitive aging, but it is difficult to get measures of the speed of a particular psychological process that are not confounded by the speed of other processes. We used Bundesen’s (1990) Theory of Visual Attention (TVA) to obtain specific estimates of processing speed in the visual system controlled for the influence of response latency and individual variations of the perception threshold. A total of 33 non‐demented old people (69–87 years) were tested for the ability to recognize briefly presented letters. Performance was analyzed by the TVA model. Visual processing speed decreased approximately linearly with age and was on average halved from 70 to 85 years. Less dramatic aging effects were found for the perception threshold and the visual apprehension span. In the visual domain, cognitive aging seems to be most clearly related to reductions in processing speed.  相似文献   
近年来,随着体外授精一胚胎移植(IVF-ET)技术的蓬勃开展,IVF-ET后异位妊娠(EP)的发病率也随之升高.IVF-ET后EP发生的相关危险因素包括输卵管因素、子宫内膜异位症、授精方式、胚胎移植技术及控制性超排卵等,其中最主要的危险因素是由输卵管因素引起的输卵管功能紊乱.对具有以上危险因素的患者,在行IVF-ET治疗前,应尽量减少危险因素的影响,以提高临床妊娠率,并减少异位妊娠的发生率.本文就近年来对IVF-ET后EP发生的相关危险因素的研究作一综述.  相似文献   
Past work has established a connection between self-esteem and self-presentation; however, research has not explored how self-esteem that is contingent on one's relationship may influence self-presentational tactics in that relationship. Across two studies, undergraduate students reported on the extent to which their self-esteem depended on their friendship and romantic relationship, as well as the extent to which they engaged in self-presentation behaviors in those relationships. The results suggest that relationship-specific contingent self-esteem predicts relationship-specific self-presentation; however, friendship-contingent self-esteem predicted self-presentation in both friendships and romantic relationships. These results suggest that individuals are keenly and differentially attuned to qualitatively different relationships, and when perceiving potential problems, they attempt to remedy those through their self-presentations. Furthermore, results indicate the possibility that self-esteem tied to a particular relationship may not be as important as self-esteem based more generally on one's relationships.  相似文献   
This study assessed the role of friends in dating relationships, comparing on–off and noncyclical relationships. Participants (N = 460) reported on the friend most familiar with their current or recent dating relationship. We examined friend support of and influence on the dating relationship and the influence of the dating relationship on the friendship. Participants' friends (N = 98) completed a similar survey to compare participants' and friends' perceptions. On–off partners reported less support for the dating relationship than did noncyclical partners. On–off partners also reported greater openness, whereas friends reported greater frequency, of communicating about the dating relationship. Friends also felt the relationship changed the friendship more; friends of on–off partners in particular reported more positive change to their friendship.  相似文献   
本研究主要探讨反馈类型和反馈效价对自我欺骗的影响。实验1采用前瞻范式探究不同效价的模糊反馈对自我欺骗的影响, 结果发现, 相比于无答案提示组, 有答案提示组的被试在积极模糊反馈的条件下显著地提高测试2第二阶段的预测分数(自我欺骗的程度加重)。实验2探究不同效价的精确反馈对自我欺骗的影响, 结果发现, 相对于无答案提示组, 有答案提示组的被试在消极精确反馈条件下显著地降低测试2第二阶段的预测分数。实验3采用ERP技术探究反馈类型和反馈效价影响自我欺骗的内在机制, 结果发现, 模糊反馈条件下的自我欺骗诱发较大的P2成分、诱发较小的N1和N400成分; 以及发现自我欺骗在额区的效应较大。总之, 这些研究结果表明可能积极反馈促进个体的自我欺骗产生, 消极反馈削弱个体自我欺骗的产生; 积极模糊反馈能够进一步促进了个体自我欺骗的产生。这些研究结果还表明自我欺骗产生的背后机制可能是自我膨胀。  相似文献   
理解监控在口语和阅读信息的交流中起关键作用。即时加工研究为揭示儿童理解监控发展特点及内在机制提供了新途径。本文结合已有口语理解监控和阅读理解监控成果,对儿童理解监控的特点及其可能的影响因素进行了全面综述。未来研究应在儿童理解监控的时间进程、口语理解监控及理论模型等方面进一步深化,积极开展脑机制研究,并从视听跨通道整合角度探索儿童理解监控过程的发展。  相似文献   
采用偏好判断和真伪判断任务,通过两个实验探讨微表情作为启动刺激时是否会影响观察者的偏好判断和真伪判断.结果发现:负性微表情(愤怒微表情和悲伤微表情)既影响观察者的偏好判断,也影响观察者的真伪判断,而正性微表情(高兴微表情)仅影响观察者的偏好判断,而不影响观察者的真伪判断;在三种微表情作为启动刺激的条件下,阈上呈现比阈下呈现产生更强的启动效应;仅在愤怒微表情条件下,女性比男性观察者表现出更强的偏好判断,而在其他条件下,均未出现性别差异.由此可见,微表情的启动效应既有与情绪启动效应的相似之处,也有其独特之处.  相似文献   
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