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This study examined the relationship between homophobia (defined as self-reported negative affect, avoidance, and aggression toward homosexuals) and homosexual aggression. Self-identified heterosexual college men were assigned to homophobic (n = 26) and nonhomophobic (n = 26) groups on the basis of their scores on the Homophobia Scale (HS; L. W. Wright, H. E. Adams, & J. A. Bernat, 1999). Physical aggression was examined by having participants administer shocks to a fictitious opponent during a competitive reaction time (RT) task under the impression that the study was examining the relationship between sexually explicit material and RT. Participants were exposed to a male homosexual erotic videotape, their affective reactions were assessed, and they then competed in the RT task against either a heterosexual or a homosexual opponent. The homophobic group reported significantly more negative affect, anxiety, and anger-hostility after watching the homosexual erotic videotape than did the nonhomophobic group. Additionally, the homophobic group was significantly more aggressive toward the homosexual opponent, but the groups did not differ in aggression toward the heterosexual opponent.  相似文献   
The relative order of an auditory sequence can be more difficult to apprehend when it is presented repeatedly without pause (i.e., cycling) than when it is presented only once (Warren, Obusek, Farmer, & Warren, 1969). We find that this phenomenon, referred to as the midstream order deficit (MOD), can also occur with visual stimuli. The stimuli need not form separate perceptual "streams," and the effect can occur with presentation rates as slow as five items per second, even though the identification of individual letters is very accurate at this rate. However, if the first item of the sequence is visually very distinct from the preceding items, relative order reports can be as accurate in the cycling condition as in the single-presentation condition. Our results suggest that the MOD is not due to masking, attentional blink, repetition blindness, Reeves and Sperling's (1986) order illusion, memory limitations, or decision criteria. The MOD may reflect an attentional cost to the initiation of order encoding, which is distinct from the allocation of attention is required in order to detect and identify individual items. To initiate order encoding successfully, one's attention must be set for, or captured by, an initial salient event.  相似文献   
Previous research on healthy individuals reported improvements in balance control following a purported ankle proprioception-training program. The training may have resulted in a general rather than a specific enhancement of ankle proprioception. To test this hypothesis, subjects were constrained at the hips and trunk with a custom-made thoracolumbosacral orthosis and performed a one-leg standing test with eyes closed and head tilted back, so that they had to rely primarily on their ankle musculature to keep their balance. Subjects were retested after training on the BAPS three times a week for 4 weeks, following the training recommendations of the manual. Subjects' bodies were not constrained during the training. Analysis showed that subjects made improvements during training in performing more difficult tasks on the board. On the one-leg test, however, there were no improvements in sway velocity, number of touchdowns, or falls relative to pretest scores. Improvements observed during training likely resulted from diffuse enhancement of proprioception in other body segments such as the knees, hips, spine, and upper extremities. A training program in control of general balance does not specifically target ankle proprioception.  相似文献   
The purpose of present study was to examine the effects on psychological well-being of energy expended as a result of the exercise intervention. 33 older adults (M age=68.6 yr., SD=4.7) participated in three supervised water-based exercise sessions per week for 12 wk. Based on the relative changes in daily energy expenditure as measured by questionnaire between pre- and posttraining, the subjects were split into three groups. This classified each subject as either having experienced a relatively low change (n=11), moderate change (n= 11), or high change (n= 11) in daily energy expenditure. Our data showed that the group with the greater increase in energy expenditure as a result of exercise, when compared pre- and posttraining, improved only on Depression-Dejection on the Profile of Mood States more than did the group with low change. Consequently, we concluded that the amount of energy expended was partially related to improvement in psychological well-being.  相似文献   
Exposure of students to loud pink noise of short duration in schools with high background noise showed that memorization of the students under loud pink noise is correlated with noise level. For levels up to 91.5 dB(A) the performance of 275 students improved, but for louder noise performance was reduced.  相似文献   
Using a serial reaction-time task, the implicit memory performances of 29 high scoring (schizotypes) and 24 low scoring subjects (controls) on the German version of the 1997 Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire by Klein, Andresen, and Jahn were compared. To test the hypothesis that schizotypes show a differential deficit, subjects participated either in a single task condition of the serial reaction-time task or in a dual task condition of a secondary tone-counting task. Neither under single task conditions nor under dual task conditions did schizotypes show any impairment of implicit memory compared with controls. In addition, a separate analysis of the response latencies for the unique and ambiguous transitions of the repeated sequence did not indicate any differences between the two groups. These findings support and augment the results reported by Ferraro and Okerlund (1995).  相似文献   
The effects of heat on tic symptoms were studied in a sample of 78 adults with Tourette syndrome. 62 men and 16 women completed a survey concerning the type, onset, and course of their tics. 10 adult male subjects also participated in a thermal challenge during which ambient temperature was raised from 22 degrees C to 35 degrees C following a control period. Of the 78, 24% or 19 reported increased tics upon exposure to heat. Compared to the remaining 59 subjects, there were no differences in sex distribution, current age, or overall course of illness. In the thermal challenge, there was general increase in tics that was correlated with sweat rate (r = .55, p = .001). This effect was prominent in 5 of 10 subjects (rs = .29 to .63). There were no mean differences in current age, age of onset, or current severity of symptoms between the five subjects of each group. Tic symptoms in a subgroup of patients with Tourette syndrome may be sensitive to heat. Abnormal heat regulation is not a likely explanation for the observed increase in tics. The increase may be due to normal heat-loss mechanisms through dopaminergic pathways.  相似文献   
Subliminal psychdynamic activation methodology has recently been the subject of an exchange of views between Birgeg?rd and Sohlberg (1999) and Fudin (2000). The agreements and some remaining points of contention are summarized here. The main difference of opinion appears to concern unconscious verbal encoding in relation to subjective experience in subliminal stimulation and whether subliminal psychodynamic activation results are unreliable until a full explanation of how verbal encoding works is at hand. We conclude that clarifying perspectives is important and that those suggesting alternative explanations of results on subliminal psychodynamic activation must now empirically investigate their claims.  相似文献   
In two experiments, 195 Canadian undergraduates initially judged a list of 25 names (12 famous men and 13 nonfamous women or 12 famous women and 13 nonfamous men) for familiarity. Contrary to previous research, subsequent estimates of the perceived number of men's and women's names were not higher when the names were famous than nonfamous. When the estimated differences were compared to the true difference (-1), famous names were judged more numerous than nonfamous names, but the size of the effect (d = 0.34) was smaller than in previous research. Reasons for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
We described disorders of a patient which were uniquely restricted to speech perception of syllable sequences after brain damage. The results of series of experiments using syllable sequences showed "negative recency effect," in which the subject's repetition performance at the latter syllable position was remarkably poor. Experimental analyses suggested that the "negative recency effect" could be due to dual factors: the lower rate of processing of speech sounds and the memory load of holding processes of preceding syllables imposed on the succeeding phonological processing. The results also suggested that the holding processes which imposed the memory load on the succeeding auditory phonological coding processing were modality nonspecific.  相似文献   
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