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A person-perception study was conducted to examine the influence of intimacy and commitment on the acceptability of premarital sex and contraceptive preparedness. Ninety-six women rated a female target's personality and behavior after reading a diary entry describing a couple's initial sexual encounter. The nature of the couple's relationship and who provided the condom were manipulated between participants. Women inferred a committed relationship when intimacy was present. Women rated the target, and her behavior, as more acceptable when she had sex in a relationship with commitment. When she provided a condom, the target was perceived as less nice in the noncommitted than in the committed relationship. When her partner provided the condom, however, commitment level did not influence personality ratings.  相似文献   
This article demonstrates that there is a role for behavior-analytic techniques in the area of farm animal welfare and provides examples of the kinds of work that can be done. Behavior-analytic procedures, specifically those used in the study of psychophysics, preference, and demand, can provide answers to three questions people concerned with the welfare of farm animals are likely to ask: What can the animals detect? What do they like and dislike? What will they work to attain or preserve? Such information certainly is necessary for making reasonable decisions about animal welfare, although it is not sufficient in and of itself.  相似文献   
Sexuality education for children and young adults is one of the most heavily debated issues facing policy-makers, national AIDS program planners, and educators, provoking arguments over how explicit education materials should be, how much of it there should be, how often it should be given, and at what age instruction should commence. In this context, the World Health Organization's Global Program on AIDS' Office of Intervention Development and Support commissioned a comprehensive literature review to assess the effects of HIV/AIDS and sexuality education upon young people's sexual behavior. 52 reports culled from a search of 12 literature databases were reviewed. The main purpose of the review is to inform policy-makers, program planners, and educators about the impact of HIV and/or sexuality education upon the sexual behavior of youth as described in the published literature. Of 47 studies which evaluated interventions, 25 reported that HIV/AIDS and sexuality education neither increased nor decreased sexual activity and attendant rates of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 17 reported that HIV and/or sexuality education delayed the onset of sexual activity, reduced the number of sex partners, or reduced unplanned pregnancy and STD rates Only 3 studies found increases in sexual behavior associated with sexuality education. Inadequacies in study design, analytic techniques, outcome indicators, and the reporting of statistics are discussed.  相似文献   
While Cameron is right about the need for Christians to contribute more visibly to medical ethical debates, he is wrong in his analysis of bioethics. Marsha D.M. Fowler and Andrew Jameton find specific problems in several points of Cameron's argument, particularly where the Hippocratic Oath and patient autonomy are concerned.  相似文献   
We examined self- and cross-citation practices in JABA and JEAB from 1983 through 1992. Mean levels of self-citation for JABA and for JEAB were 22.6% and 36.1%, respectively. Overall, 2.4% of JABA citations were JEAB articles, and 0.6% of JEAB citations were JABA articles, which suggests limited integration of basic and applied research.  相似文献   
Humphrey and Dahlstrom (1995) presented a study on the comparability of MMPI/MMPI-2 (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989) profiles in which they concluded that "the bases for clinical interpretation derived from the MMPI and MMPI-2 profiles were sufficiently at variance to require different conclusions" [sic] (p. 2). In this brief critique, we identify procedural and data-analytical deficiencies that invalidate Humphrey and Dahlstrom's argument. Their blanket recommendation based on this argument, namely, that clinicians routinely plot both MMPI and MMPI-2 profiles, is unwarranted.  相似文献   
宗教非常重要 宗教关注整个生命的终极价值,是涉及人类的非常重大的事情。 宗教起团结作用 宗教起团结联合的作用,但宗教一多则起分裂作用。因为各种宗教是分裂的,这对宗教来说是有害的。 传统的区分或分割 每一传统文化均建立它关于生命本质及其价值的原则,并且传授这些原则,使之成为人们的行为规范,因为人们相信这些原则是正确的。但是早期产生的关于生命与价值的信念,缺乏足够的知识,只是因为人们信以为真而且非常重要,这些信念便被视为神圣不可侵犯,是生命不可或缺的。这些原则在孤立环境中,甚至解释力不强时,也还可能使人们获得幸福。但当人们与其他传统的原则与实践发生冲突,另一种传统威胁到他们自己传统时,每个人都相信自己的传统正确而另一种传统错误,他一定会设法反对它。  相似文献   
一、思想背景 1929年秋A.J.艾耶尔来到牛津时,他并没有想到要成一名职业哲学家。他读过两本哲学著作,一本是罗素的《怀疑论文集》(1928),一本是摩尔的《伦理学原理》(1903)。这些选择有着重要的意义。艾耶尔总是把自己看作罗素的继承人,他效法罗素的思想,包括其内容反其轻率的表达;而且在某种程度上他还效法罗素的生活方式,包括其政治态度和恋爱方式。他从摩尔那里得到的显然要少得多,尽管他也很尊重摩尔,正如《语言、真理和逻辑》序言中所表明的那样。一个重要的相似之处是,摩尔和艾耶尔都是由于其他哲学家的主张而非哲学以外的数学或科学问题、历史或日常生活问题而引发进行哲学思索的。 在20年代,正统的唯心主义在苏格兰以外的地方或多或少已经灭绝。普里查德在1915年发表于《心》上的一篇文章中激烈地批判了罗素的知识论,而且他和约瑟夫都坚持敌视罗素的逻辑。普里查德认为,作为一个伦理推断论者,摩尔是那些在道德哲学中犯了根本错误的人当中的一个。普里查德晚年出版了唯一的一部著作《康德的认识论》(1909),约瑟夫的主要著作《逻辑导论》出版于1916年。  相似文献   
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