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包淳洋  徐秉? 《心理学报》1981,14(3):94-99
一、在猕猴上建立了纯音比配延缓防御反应。一般能完成9秒的延缓反应。最长可延缓15秒。 二、静脉注射LSD对于纯音比配延缓反应有明显的影响,药物注射后延缓反应正确百分率由原来80%以上的水平降到10%—70%。一般24小时后即恢复正常。 三、本文对LSD引起的猕猴纯音延缓反应障碍与LSD引起的临床症状作了比较讨论。  相似文献   
距福州南约二十五里,位于东山与海之间,有福清县城:幽暗的城堡,青石砌的城墙,在多冢的山丘上,蜿蜒穿出草原稻田,学者咸知此为明神宗宪宗时赍志名臣叶向高的故里。  相似文献   
本研究使用多体素模式分析方法和随机点阵范式,首次探索了老年人整体运动敏感性(GMS)下降和其脑灰质体积下降间的关系。结果发现,老年人GMS显著低于年轻人,老年人V5/MT、V3和额顶等脑区灰质体积显著小于年轻人;V5/MT和V3区的灰质体积信号可以有效预测个体的GMS。结果提示,V5/MT区和V3区,特别是V3区的灰质体积下降可能是老年人GMS下降的主要原因;而基于“去分化假设”,全脑范围内其余脑区的灰质体积下降可能也在一定程度上与老年人GMS下降有关。  相似文献   
因明学在一千多年前传入藏区,经过无数藏族学者的研习吸收、消化改造、提高发展,现在已经成为藏学中最重要的组成部分之一。  相似文献   
The enlargement process of the European Union may be regarded as one of the most important social projects of human history in that it is trying to unite several nation-states under a "European identity." As a historically and culturally "distant" candidate, Turkey has been asked to meet a set of expectations referred to as the "Copenhagen Criteria," requiring a series of large-scale reforms to the infrastructure and superstructure of the country. Taking advantage of the unique opportunity to relate Turkish people's opinions on the criteria to their values, hypotheses based on Schwartz's model of values were tested. Schwartz's Personal Values Questionnaire and a questionnaire measuring opinions on the criteria and the Union were completed by 368 Turkish university students. Factor analysis of the opinion items yielded five factors: reduction of military influence in civil life, scepticism towards Europe and the European Union, improvement of human rights and liberties, improvement of minority rights, and lack of transparency in public institutions. Regression analyses showed that values and nationalism were powerful predictors of opinions whereas the effect of religiosity was limited only to the prediction of a preference for the reduction of military influence in civil life. Preference for openness to change values were successful in predicting variance in three of the five criteria: The more the participants favoured these values, the more they supported the improvement of human rights and liberties, the improvement of minority rights, and regretted the lack of transparency. Self-transcendence values were also positively related to support for the same three criteria together with a preference for reduction of military influence. As for nationalism, the results showed that this variable was related negatively to reduction of the military influence, improvement of human rights and liberties, improvement of minority rights; and positively to scepticism.  相似文献   
A previous study by Pollatsek et al. ( 1993 ) claims that the perceptual span in reading is restricted to the fixated line, i.e. readers typically focus their visual attention on the line of text being read. The present study investigated whether readers make use of content structure signals (paragraph indentations and topic headings) present several lines away from the currently fixated line. We reasoned that as these signals are low-resolution visual objects (as opposed to letter and word identity), readers may attend to them even if they are located some distance away from the fixated line. Participants read a hierarchically organized multi-topic expository text containing structure signals in either a normal condition or a window condition, where the text disappeared above and below a vertical 3° gaze-contingent region. After reading, participants were asked to produce a written recall of the text. The results showed that the overall reading rate was not affected by the window. Nevertheless, the headings were reread more in the normal condition than in the window one. In addition, more topics were recalled in the normal than in the window condition. We interpret the results as indicating that the readers visually attend to useful text layout features while considering bigger units than single text lines. The perception of topic headings located away from the fixated line may favour long-range regressions towards them, which in turn may favour text comprehension. This claim is consistent with previous studies that showed that look-back fixations to headings are performed with an integrative intent.  相似文献   
上海教区董家渡天主堂是一座历史悠久、闻名中外的圣堂,奉圣方济各沙勿略为主保。早在1847年11月21日罗伯济主教亲自给这座曾为“主教座堂”的教堂放上第一块基石,接着就破土动工,先由辅理修士马义谷,后由方济各会芒吉里神父督造。而芒神父所兴建的部分工程在1848年倒坍了。然后由罗礼思神父重新主持这  相似文献   
维吾尔建筑文化历史悠久、内容丰富、风格独特,具有鲜明的民族和地方特点。维吾尔族在漫长的历史发展过程中,以自己所处的地理位置、社会经济状况创造了独具特色的建筑形式和风格以及华丽而神奇的建筑艺术。维吾尔族建筑文化园林中,伊斯兰建筑是伊斯兰文化与维吾尔族传统建筑文化相结合的实物精品与瑰丽奇葩。  相似文献   
徐秉? 《心理学报》1981,14(2):119-126
近年来,学习和记忆的神经机制研究有了很大的发展,在分子水平和细胞水平上都取得了好成绩,开辟了新的研究途径。学习记忆的神经机制研究是神经生理和生理心理的新兴研究领域。这一研究领域还有神经化学、神经解剖、神经药理、动物学、临床神经学乃至信息论和控制论等多种学科的参加。一些新兴学科,如神经科学、神经生物学、  相似文献   
漫谈唐卡艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藏族绘画史可追溯到吐蕃王朝早期。远在四五千年前的卡若文化遗址中 ,陶器上用黑彩绘成的三角折线和三角图案等简单的纹饰中 ,可窥见藏族绘画艺术的萌芽状态。建于公元前100多年前距今有二千年历史的藏族第一座宫殿———雍布拉康的墙壁上就绘有壁画。公元七世纪 ,吐蕃王朝崛起 ,在这前后 ,吐蕃王朝相继修筑了布达拉宫等建筑规模空前的宫殿。有不少绘画艺人参加了这些宫室的壁画绘制工作 ,大大促进了绘画艺术的发展。《大昭寺志》有松赞干布法王用自己的鼻血绘了一幅白娜姆女神像的记载。表明此时由于佛教的传入 ,绘画艺术也有了大的发展…  相似文献   
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