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对面貌的相互关系及同步出现的有关信息的知觉对于从识别和再认一个简单模式或客体到形成一个类型的能力中起着重要作用.该研究设计了4个实验来考察四、七、十个月的婴儿对属性的相互关系的知觉发展变化.研究结果提出了婴儿对简单相关信息的加工的发展过程:四个月婴儿对独立的面貌信息进行加工,七个月婴儿对单一模式的面貌的相互关系进行知觉,十个月的婴儿能抽象出类型的恒定的关系.  相似文献   
罗素在哲学上的主要贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如果有谁可以被看作当代哲学运动的鼻祖的话,毫无疑问,他就是B.罗素。罗素一生写了60多部著作,其中近三分之一是哲学专著。他的哲学思想总在不断变化,往往是他自己最先指出他发表过的东西中的缺陷,在哲学史上,大多数伟大的哲学家都曾写过一两本名作,充分表达他们所发展的思想。罗素没有写过这种名作,他只是写过有许多缺陷和被他所抛弃的书。他整个一生的工作是开放的、不断前进的、自我批评的过程,这是他给人们的一种特别深刻的印象。  相似文献   
The static or dynamic visual cues required for equilibrium as well as for foot guidance in visually guided locomotion in man were studied using a variety of locomotion supports and illumination and visual conditions. Stroboscopic illumination (brief flashes) and intermittent lighting (longer flashes) were used to control and to vary the visual sampling frequency of static (positional/orientational) visual cues. There were three main findings: First, visual control of foot positioning during locomotion over a narrow support depends mainly upon the availability of high frequency static visual cues (up to about 12 Hz); and third, static visual cues required for equilibrium control are extracted from both the peripheral and the central visual field. Assuming that discrete demands for feedback occur, a simple probabilistic model was proposed, according to which the mean time that elapses following presentation of static visual cues about positions or changes of position accounts for the differences in the difficulty of the various illumination conditions.  相似文献   
黑格尔的《法哲学》对马克思主义哲学家来说,在现代条件下不仅仅具有历史的意义。分析和评价这一著作之所以必要,是有许多原因的,首先因为《法哲学》对马克思的思想发展特别重要。青年马克思作为黑格尔派的左翼在著作界初露头角,他当时信奉黑格尔在《法哲学》(法、法律、罪行和刑罚等概念)中所发展的一些理论观点,他在1842年撰写的一些论文  相似文献   
众所周知,社会发展的千年历史表明,社会没有个人之间相互联系活动的协调一致,就不可能存在,就不可能作为完整系统而卓有成效地起作用。社会通过各种不同的社会机构,运用各种不同的社会调节器,特别是社会规范——原则和规则——对个人发生影响。但是,社会规范并非常常都是由这一或那一地方性的管理主体所实现的社会管理的工具。在社会中,规范的产生和功能的发挥,并不是一定的社会机构作用的特权,规范通常被称作非制度化的东西。这种规范的调节作用往往与自觉的管理活动没有联系,或者至少不完全相联关,就是说,这种规范的调节作用是自发地实现的。然而,这种规范的  相似文献   
Correspondence was developed between children's non-verbal and verbal behavior such that their non-verbal behavior could be altered simply by reinforcing related verbal behavior. Two groups of six children each were given food snack at the end of the day: for reporting use of a specific preschool material during free play (procedure A); and then only for reports of use which corresponded to actual use of that material earlier that day (procedure B). Initially, procedure A alone had little or no effect on the children's use of materials. Procedure B resulted in all of the children in one group actually using a specific material, and after repeating procedures A and B with this group across a series of different materials, procedure A alone was sufficient to significantly increase use of a specific material. Correspondence between verbal and non-verbal behavior was produced such that, in this group of 4-yr-old disadvantaged Negro children, "saying" controlled "doing" 22 or more hours later. In the second group, procedure B initially did not increase the use of a specific material; rather, the children's reports decreased so as to correspond to the intermittent use of the material. It appeared from subsequent procedures with this group that maintenance of a high level of reporting was crucial to the saying-then-doing correspondence seen in the first group.  相似文献   
The present study attempted to determine how a rhythmic beat affects ongoing behavior. A regular stimulus beat was presented to normal subjects who had been instructed to push a bar from side to side. Other subjects had been instructed to emit a vocal response. The individual vocal and motor responses became synchronized with the individual beats of the rhythm. The time between stimulus beats determined the modal interresponse time. These results indicate a synchronization effect: ongoing behavior tends to become synchronized with an ongoing stimulus rhythm. An attempt was made to apply these findings to the problem of stuttering, which can be considered as a disturbance of the natural rhythm of speech. Stutterers were instructed to synchronize their speech with a simple regular beat presented to them tactually by a portable apparatus. The result was a reduction of 90% or more of the stuttering for each subject during the period of synchronization. This effect endured for extended periods of spontaneous speech as well as for reading aloud and was found to be attributable to the rhythmic nature of the stimulus and not to other factors.  相似文献   
现代的控制论和数理逻辑的成就对于理解思维过程的性质是有巨大意义的。这些知识部门所面临的主要任务之一是利用精密的数学方法和模拟方法来研究思维规律。当然,无论控制论或数理逻辑都不认为自己能够完全解释像思维过程那样的复杂过程。生理的方面(它同作为蛋白体存在形式的生命的特点有关)就越出控制论,尤其越出数理逻辑的范围。在说明思维过程的社会方面的特点时,控制论和逻辑都不代替也不能代替社会科学。控制论和数理逻辑的特点是从思维的信息方面去研究思维。思维的信息方面同整个  相似文献   
(一) A.H.托尔斯泰是苏维埃文学大师之一。他的“苦难的历程”三部曲、中篇小说“面包”、长篇小说“彼得大帝”和杰出的爱国主义的政论全都获得了人民的应得的承认,成为千百万读者最喜爱的读物,被列入古典作品中,成为我国文学的最宝贵的一部分。托尔斯泰的写作和他对美学问题的经常关注是有着不可分割的联系的。他竭力地寻求那种牢固可靠的文艺创作的理论基础,找出文艺发展的一般规律。作者在他所发表的理论中往往不能保持它的一贯性。只是由于紧张地寻求和掌握了新的世界观的结果,他才正确地解决了那些使他激动不安的艺术问  相似文献   
格奥尔基·瓦連廷諾維奇·普列汉諾夫是先进的俄罗斯文化的优秀代表的繼承者,是最早的俄国馬克思主义者之一。他从馬克思的立場进一步研究了美学和俄罗斯的民族文化,揭露了俄罗斯民族文化的阶級性并断定了反动的和先进的派別。他依据了馬克思主义的重要原理:在阶級社会里,文化、意識形态不能不具有阶級性,而且統治阶級的文化、意識形态始終是佔着統治  相似文献   
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