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本文的着眼点落于新冠肺炎大流行的社会政治强烈反应,并使用黑格尔哲学的架构来分析它。首先,本文分析一部分人反对国家强制实行的控制大流行措施而进行的有原则抗议。基于黑格尔关于现代民主国家所依赖的国家与成员之间的双重承认的分析,文章认为,这些有原则的抗议者拒绝承认国家是公共自由的现实性,这就突显了现代国家固有的脆弱性。这些人的立场背景是他们感觉自己未得到国家的承认。作为对于这一问题的解决办法,文中建议国家必须开发出整合这些民众的新方法,不仅通过其法律和制度架构,还要表现在经济和社会文化上。其次,本文借助黑格尔的论点——一个欧洲国家纽带可以成功地和平解决世界这一部分地区的冲突——分析新冠肺炎大流行对国家间关系的影响。文章认为,新冠肺炎大流行和其他许多危机(气候变化、福利分配不平等,等等)的全球影响造就了一种共同基础,它为将欧洲解决国家间危机的办法扩展到世界其他地区提供了理由。  相似文献   
“如果全部历史都不过是人类不断排除困难的命运史,那么,他们现在所遵循的道路是什么呢?”就有关人类的定义而言,所谓人们并不仅仅像在生与死之间奔波那样过自己的生活、而是当他们在这个世界上生存的时候还要寻求意义这样一种观点,几乎是一种平淡无奇的种差(differentia)。在寻求意义的过程中,人们所承担的任务与某个童话人物的任务是非常相似的:“走到哪里我并不知道,得到什么我并不知道。”人们在并不知道走向哪里的情况下不断前行,在由各种无法预见的可能性组成的语义领域中不断排除困难、艰难度日。构成有关走这条路还是走另一条路的韵…  相似文献   
新西兰人(常自称"Kiwis")包括土著毛利人和从欧洲、太平洋诸岛、亚洲及世界其他地方来的移民.就自然环境的优美绝伦、广大民众的安居乐业而言,这块长云掩映的土地正如古代中国诗人所向往的世外桃源.  相似文献   
“彬彬有礼的野蛮行径”这个概念,是在我们对于具体表现在2 0世纪80年代以来公共权力或者企业所推进的常规改革(学校改革、公共服务改革、企业管理改革)运动中的“现代化”话语和工具进行批判性分析之后提出的。这些现代化的话语和工具,我们觉得构成了社会学分析的一个“盲点”。“彬彬有礼的野蛮行径”这个观念,通过其表述本身强调了现象的突出的荒谬性。它描述了虽然丧失人道,却不会退回到在独裁和极权制度下可能施行的那种原始侵害和暴力的一个过程。这个丧失人性的过程,在民主社会中开展,不会导致社会和个人的明显的破坏。然而,它冲击着…  相似文献   
"玛尼"石刻,是广泛流布于藏族民间文化中的一种群众喜闻乐见的宗教石刻艺术,也是藏族民间美术众多形式中具有独特表现手段和最有代表性的雕刻艺术形式之一.藏族"玛尼"石刻泛指雕刻在石块上的佛语、造像和图符,是极具本土地域风格特色和民族民间风采神韵的藏族石刻文化的特殊形式.它有着古老而悠久的发展历史,在藏传佛教美术和民间民俗美术中具有十分重要的教化功能、审美意义和神圣而独特的宗教文化地位.  相似文献   
马丁·海德格尔逝世于1976年5月26日,享年86岁.第二年,题为《回忆马丁·海德格尔》的文集问世,由海德格尔著作临时出版人京特·纳斯克(Günther Neske)的出版社推出.此文集收入了海德格尔过去的学生、朋友和熟人们写的富于启发性的回忆文章.  相似文献   
In line with Allport's contact hypothesis, previous research showed that direct intergroup contact can reduce prejudices. However, establishing face-to-face contact is not always feasible. We postulate that Facebook-groups are a setting where direct and observed intergroup contact can develop, reducing prejudices and increasing mutual acceptance. Analyzing the comments of nine Facebook-groups with the destructive and constructive conflict scale, our results indicated that the expression of prejudices decreased and that of mutual acceptance increased over time, both for in- and outgroup members of the Facebook-groups. Only the expression of less prejudices, but not that of more mutual acceptance was predicted by intergroup contact. The influence of group-based motivations on the engagement in intergroup contact is discussed, and the overall findings are integrated in Steele and Brown's process model of media practices.  相似文献   
Schizophrenia has been associated with deficits in functional brain lateralization. According to some authors, the reduction of asymmetry could even promote this psychosis. At the same time, schizophrenia is accompanied by a high prevalence of nicotine dependency compared to any other population. This association is very interesting, because sex-dependent effects of smoking in auditory language asymmetries have been reported recently, and the verbal domain is also one major focus in cognitive deficit studies of schizophrenia. Thus, the altered laterality pattern in schizophrenia could, at least in part, result from secondary artefacts due to smoking rather than being a pure cause of the disease itself. To test this hypothesis, the present study examined auditory language lateralization in 67 schizophrenia patients and in 72 healthy controls in a phonemic and an emotional dichotic listening task. Our findings replicate previous research, in that smoking reduces language lateralization in men in phonemic dichotic listening. In addition, we show that smoking also reduces laterality in women in the emotional dichotic listening task. Thus, smoking alters phonemic and emotional language asymmetries differentially for men and women, with a stronger effect for men in the left hemisphere phonemic task, and a stronger effect for women in the right hemisphere emotional task. Together, these findings point towards an effect of smoking which is possibly independent of sex and hemisphere. Importantly, by testing equal numbers of smoking and non-smoking patients and controls, we found no schizophrenia-associated asymmetry effect. Possible neurobiological mechanisms with which smoking may alter auditory microcircuits and thereby diminish left-right differences are discussed.  相似文献   
Prior JJ  Klein O 《Psychology & health》2011,26(12):1589-1605
While there has been a considerable criticism and debate about face transplantation from ethicists, surgeons and psychologists, little is known about the attitudes of medical professionals and the general public whose support will be necessary if face transplants are to be accepted. This study therefore conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with medical professionals (8) and the general public (8) to explore their understanding of and attitudes to face transplants. A thematic analysis was used to analyse these data. Five overarching themes were identified including agreement in principal, caveats and conditions, medical and technical difficulties, function and appearance, and the significance of the human face. The analysis revealed overwhelming support in principle for face transplants, but with important caveats and conditions. Both groups shared clear representations of deserving and undeserving candidates, and concerns about psychological adjustment. The general public sample demonstrated little understanding of medical implications or the consequences of a failed graft, which did concern the medical professionals. Neither group showed a clear understanding of the psychological or social factors required to predict best outcomes and identify suitable candidates. Analyses revealed a stereotypical belief from both groups that the life of a severely disfigured recipient is intolerable without this operation.  相似文献   
This study explored the mediating effect of coping strategies on the relationship between emotional competence (EC) and quality of life (QOL) among children with asthma. Participants were 87 children (M age?=?11.72, SD?=?2.58) with controlled and partially controlled asthma, undergoing everyday treatment. They filled in questionnaires assessing EC, coping strategies and QOL. Results showed that the association between some ECs and the QOL of children with asthma was fully mediated by two maladaptive cognitive coping strategies. Among children with asthma, a greater ability to differentiate their emotions, a reduced attention to bodily signals of emotions and a reduced analysis of their current emotional state were related to decreased engagement in two coping strategies ('Ignoring Asthma' and 'Worrying about Asthma'), which in turn increased their QOL. These findings show that EC has an indirect effect on QOL through very specific coping strategies. They also emphasise the importance of screening EC in children with asthma and the importance of developing and using multidisciplinary interventions for them.  相似文献   
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