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Stimulus generalization is suggested as an alternative method for examination of the "novelty" problem in motor learning. These experiments demonstrated that stimulus generalization occurs using simple movements as stimuli. The phenomenon of the "peak shift" in post-discrimination generalization gradients was also examined. The first experiment demonstrated that a peak shift occurred using linear movements as stimuli and that the magnitude of the peak shift increased as the difference between the training stimuli decreased. The second experiment showed similar results when the stimuli consisted of a range of movements rather than single movement length. The final experiment provided evidence that perception of movement length is influenced by the magnitude of an immediately preceding movement. The relevance of these studies to current motor-learning theory is discussed.  相似文献   
马克思在巴黎时期(1844年)的经济学—哲学手稿的最后一章中研究了《精神现象学》;特别是它的最后一章——绝对知识。马克思采取的方法是把现象的意识阐述从同一哲学的框框中解脱出来,以便阐明隐藏在同一哲学中的、往往已经“远远超过黑格尔观点”的批判要素。他在这里涉及到《全书》第381和第384节,在这两节中完成了从自然哲学向精神哲学的  相似文献   
智力研究的名声,已经被骗子的欺骗行径所败坏,为种族主义所沾污,就象炼丹术士的罐子一样黑。最近的争论集中在:智力是不是天生的?种族之间有没有区别?智力测验能否真正测量智力,或者只是表征一个人接受特定的文化的程度?目前有两个英国  相似文献   
三、敬畏 敬畏是一种宗教美德,《古兰经》用它来确定人与人、人与造物主之间的关系。“敬畏”一词及其派生词大都出现在《古兰经》中有关道德和社会主张的经文中。所谓“敬畏”就是要人类谨防那些使真主恼怒和损人害己的行为。因为“敬畏”一词本意为保护自己。人之所以保护自己,是因有可惧怕的东西存在。安拉是最值得惧怕的,所以因安拉而保护自己是特别重要的。既然惧怕,就  相似文献   
七、公正 伊斯兰教的理想之一就是责成其信徒要丢掉一切与自身利害有关的考虑,主持人间公道。安拉说:“信教的人们!你们应主持公正,应为安拉而作见证,即使不利于自身,或自己的父母和亲属。不论被见证者是富人或贫人,那安拉是最宜于对付他们的。你们不要徇私,以免偏离公正;如果你们歪曲事实,或拒绝作证,那安拉对你们的作为将是一清二楚。”(4:135)  相似文献   
A behavioral perspective on college teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much of the subject matter learned in college, particularly during the first two years, is taught in relatively large classes with text and lecture as the primary source of the information being learned. If students make effective and prolonged contact with these sources, they can acquire extensive verbal repertoires in many areas of knowledge. Unfortunately there are many other activities that compete for the typical student's study time. Several factors are often cited as variables that will support study behavior in competition with other activities, but the only powerful one available to the teacher is the exam grade, as it is related to the course grade. However, unless exams are clearly related to appropriate study behavior, require through and extensive coverage of the subject matter, occur frequently (preferably no less often than once a week), and are also clearly related to the course grade, even this factor will not generate prolonged and effective study behavior. Effective college teaching is essentially a form of aversive control, but if done properly the aversiveness is quite mild, and such aversive control can be responsible for the development of large and valuable intellectual repertoires.  相似文献   
一般地说,认知风格可以被理解为个人感知、组织以及评价信息的独特方式。然而,除此之外,本文要论及的四项系列研究运用了两种量表,它们反映了对认知风格的不同而独特的解释。一种量表是迈尔斯—布立格斯类型量表(Myers—Briggs Type lndlcator),这是一套著名的量表,它是以荣格(Jungian)的人格理  相似文献   
朱马达·阿黑赖第一讲赞美安拉——造化所有万物的主,开天辟地的主,布施给养的主。巢中群鸟赞他清净,各路王侯颂他崇高。赞主清净,他是崇高普施的主,其拥有之财富不因博施而罄绝。我赞美安拉清净玄高,赞主会持续给  相似文献   
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