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Associations between experiences and outcomes could be due to (a) continuation of adversity or (b) organismic changes, including experience-expectant and experience-adaptive developmental programming. The adoption into British families of children who had been reared in profoundly depriving institutions in Romania presented an opportunity to test mechanisms. Romanian children reared from infancy in very depriving institutions for periods up to 42 months were compared with 52 nondeprived UK-born children placed into adoptive families before the age of 6 months. The results at 6 years of age showed substantial normal cognitive and social functioning after the provision of family rearing but also major persistent deficits in a substantial minority. The pattern of findings suggests some form of early biological programming or neural damage stemming from institutional deprivation, but the heterogeneity in outcome indicates that the effects are not deterministic.  相似文献   
乘火车到武夷山,窗外细雨纷纷,一路掠过稻田和山林在雨中的姿态更加秀美。初到天心岩茶村,就看到村口一个木质牌楼,上面写着红色行书——天心岩茶村。村子里飘荡着茶香,那种香气是鲜叶发酵过程中形成、如同花木经过雨露之后的清香。  相似文献   
第八个论题:真主不可能居住在阿尔史之上我们说:不能说真主居住在阿尔史之上。因为,所有居住或稳定在物体上的东西必定是有量的。因为,它要么比它居住其上的那个物体大,要么比它小,要么大小相同,这些都以具有量为前提。  相似文献   
杜鹏王前亮 《天风》2018,(8):F0002-F0002
2018年6月28日,本届基督教全国两会第九次主席、会长联席会务(扩大)会议在上海举行,中国基督教协会会长高峰牧师主持会议。会议报告了2018年上半年工作总结暨下半年工作要点、中国基督教第十次代表会议筹备情况,讨论了教会规章、基督教两会章程等有关文件。  相似文献   
Science is not taken for granted any longer. Society, politics and the media pose critical questions tending to censorship or at least control of science. How does science respond? It cannot exist and develop without freedom, but this does not mean freedom to amass knowledge and apply technological applications at any price and without restrictions. Science should be autonomous, but is not value-free. A distintion is made between external and internal social/ethical problems. The former refer to questions of the social/ethical context and consequences of scientific research, and the latter to the rules of ‘good practice’ and scientific integrity. The role of academies of science, and of associations of such academies (e.g. All European Academies (ALLEA)) in developing codes of good scientific practice and fostering a proper sense of scientific values and standards is further discussed.  相似文献   
唐代文学家柳宗元在《柳河东集》里讲到这样一则故事:永州(今湖南零陵县一带)地方江河很多,当地的人经常和水打交道,大都擅长游泳。有一天,山洪瀑发,江水骤涨。有五六个人划着一只小木筏,横渡湘江。不料,刚行到江心时,木筏就被波浪打散了,大家只好跳进江里,游水过去。水流激湍,风急浪高,大家都奋力向前游着。但其中一人,虽然用尽全力也游不了几尺远。  相似文献   
南山和尚有两名弟子。 一天,大弟子外出化缘,得了一担鲜桃。他挑着桃儿乐滋滋地往回赶:路过李家庄时,大弟子忽然内急,只好把一担桃子放在树荫下,自己找地方方便去了。  相似文献   
在尘世间生活的人们,经常会受到来自各方面的名利诱惑。由于名利能给人带来很多好处,于是便有很多人为了能够得到更多的名利,千方百计投机钻营,以达到自己的目的。但是,名利又是把双刃剑,在给人带来利益的同时,也会给人带来灾难和痛苦。这正如古语所说:木秀于林,风必摧之;堆出于岸,流必湍之;行高于人,众必非之。正所谓:人怕出名猪怕壮。  相似文献   
自古以来,在佛门中出现了许多奉行孝道的高僧大德。他们的孝亲事迹感人至深,成为后世奉行孝道的典范。在莲池大师的《缁门崇行录》中收录了许多古代高僧的孝亲之行。其中比较有代表性的孝行有《荷担听学》、《母必亲供》、《居丧不食》、《织蒲供母》、《诚感父骨》等。  相似文献   
通过20名大学生在采用目光注视屏幕上的键盘完成汉字输入任务的眼动研究,将汉字输入中的认知技能与动作技能实现分离,从而探究关于键盘布局图式的认知技能的发展.结果发现:(1)在标准键盘显示下,汉字输入技能水平高分组与低分组在完成时间上没有显著差异,而空白键盘显示下高分组的完成时间显著快于低分组;(2)两种键盘显示方式下,低分组的眼动指标都没有显著差异,而高分组在空白键盘显示下的平均注视时间要显著多于标准键盘显示下的.  相似文献   
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