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Teachers and parents as researchers using multiple baseline designs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two teachers and a parent used three basic multiple baseline designs to investigate the effects of systematic reinforcement and punishment procedures in the classroom and at home. (1) A fifth-grade teacher concurrently measured the same behavior (tardiness) in three stimulus situations (after morning, noon, and afternoon recesses). Posting the names of pupils on a chart titled "Today's Patriots" was made contingent on being on time after the noon recess, then successively also the morning and afternoon recesses. Tardiness was reduced to near zero rates at the points where contingencies were applied. (2) A highschool teacher recorded the same behavior (daily French-quiz grades) of three students. She then successively applied the same consequences (staying after school for individual tutoring for D and F grades) for each student. At the points where the contingency was applied, D and F grades were eliminated. (3) A mother concurrently measured three different behaviors (clarinet practice, Campfire project work, reading) of her 10-yr-old daughter. She successively applied the same contingency (going to bed early) for less than 30 min spent engaged in one after another of the behaviors. Marked increases in the behaviors were observed at the points where the contingency was applied.  相似文献   
本文描述认知科学与军事训练两大独立体系之间的相互影响,为那些在训练上感兴趣于认知研究应用的人们提供一个实际的方向。我们首先讨论军事训练中与认知有关的一般问题,然后介绍四个很大程度上是以认知研究和理论为基础的先进的军事训练系统。  相似文献   
围绕着美国文化对欧洲和世界其他地方的影响所进行的争论已经不是什么新鲜事了.关于录象机、卫星广播和闭路电视及其吸引入的内容所带来的文化影响的讨论,只是一部长剧中的最后一个插曲,在这部长剧中,年轻而咄咄逼人的美国文化威胁着古老欧洲的古老文化(或者同时蹂躏和消灭不发达世界古怪有趣而没有自卫能力的部落文化,硬把当地人民拉进从吃椰子到喝可口可乐的个性转变期).尽管人们就这个问题的某些方面写  相似文献   
自然主义以及非自然主义都是认知论,就是说,他们认为陈述形式的道德言辞是断言某些道德事实存在因而或真或假的作陈述的言辞。但是,先在瑞典而后在英美,产生了一种迥然相异的叫做非认知论的元伦理学理论。按照这个理论看来,道德陈述并不断言道德事实;它们既不是可证实的也不是可否定的,不存在可由“道德直觉”了解的任何事物。甚至表示这个观点的特点就是,论证表征道德言辞真假是错误的或至少是令人误解的。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT While interest in philosophy and medicine has burgeoned in the past two decades, there remains a need for an analysis of the intellectual activity embodied in good medical practice. In this setting, ethical and scientific decision-making are complexly interrelated. The following paper, collaboratively written by physicians and philosophers, presents a view of applied (clinical) science and applied ethics. Making extensive use of illustrations drawn from routine case material, we seek to indicate a variety of philosophic issues to be found in daily practice, elucidate various levels of critical reasoning within the medical setting, and demonstrate a remarkable similarity between medical and ethical decision-making.  相似文献   
Homologous (spouse) versus heterologous (anonymous donor) artificial insemination, which began in the 1950s, extracorporeal conception, in-vitro fertilization (test tube babies), and implantation of embryos in surrogate mothers are described. A government committee was formed to discuss medical, legal and ethical questions and to establish professional and medical guidelines. The status attached to motherhood in a modern emancipated society is given a fair evaluation. 30% of all sterility cases in women are assumed to derive from psychogenic factors and may be solved through psychoanalytic therapy. Hidden emotional motivations, negative or positive, may explain a willingness to put up with cost-intensive and time-consuming trials needed for extracorporeal conception. Sometimes subconscious aggression against the mate may trigger a decision for choosing heterologous conception. Women today have found a mighty ally in modern medicine which renders them virtually independent any specific male partner if they wish to become pregnant. Various degrees of emotional bonds exposed by mothers toward their artificially conceived babies are related to certain maternal archetypes. The prospect of a mother feeling thrill, awe and a sense of magic toward her newborn baby in spite of the blase "make-a-child" attitude that modern biotechnology might confer, is assessed optimistically.  相似文献   
智力理论和检验这些理论研究主要是解决有关智力的三个基本问题:①智力与个体的内部世界的关系如何?②智力与个体的外部世界的关系如何?③智力与经验的关系如何?本文提出了作为各种理论的基础的心理模式,如:地理模式、生物学模式、社会学模式等,探讨了这些模式的优点和局限性。还提出了三种结构理论(triarchitictheory)把上述三个问题初步综合起来。  相似文献   
该项研究揭示了4岁和6岁儿童在分别与同龄伙伴、实验者、教养员和母亲交往的情境下,识记、再现词汇的年龄差异和性别差异:4岁儿童在教养员在场时熟记材料的成绩较好,在实验者在场时,成绩稍差,在母亲和伙伴在场时,成绩最差;6岁儿童除伙伴在场外,在同各种成人交往时,几乎都能同样地完成熟记任务。在整个实验中,4岁和6岁两个年龄组的女孩再现词汇的数量都比男孩多。研究存分别对4岁和6岁儿童在与不同对象交往时的自我表现进行了饶有兴趣的质的分析。  相似文献   
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