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The present experiments tested whether endogenous and exogenous cues produce separate effects on target processing. In Experiment 1, participants discriminated whether an arrow presented left or right of fixation pointed to the left or right. For 1 group, the arrow was preceded by a peripheral noninformative cue. For the other group, the arrow was preceded by a central, symbolic, informative cue. The 2 types of cues modulated the spatial Stroop effect in opposite ways, with endogenous cues producing larger spatial Stroop effects for valid trials and exogenous cues producing smaller spatial Stroop effects for valid trials. In Experiments 2A and 2B, the influence of peripheral noninformative and peripheral informative cues on the spatial Stroop effect was directly compared. The spatial Stroop effect was smaller for valid than for invalid trials for both types of cues. These results point to a distinction between the influence of central and peripheral attentional cues on performance and are not consistent with a unitary view of endogenous and exogenous attention.  相似文献   
The present research examined emotions as predictors of opposition to policies and actions of one's country that are perceived to be illegitimate. Two studies investigated the political implications of American (Study 1) and British (Study 2) citizens' anger, guilt, and shame responses to perceived harm caused by their countries' occupation of Iraq. In both studies, a manipulation of pervasive threat to the country's image increased participants' shame but not guilt. The emotions predicted political action intentions to advocate distinct opposition strategies. Shame predicted action intentions to advocate withdrawal from Iraq. Anger predicted action intentions to advocate compensation to Iraq, confrontation of agents responsible, and withdrawal from Iraq. Anger directed at different targets (ingroup, ingroup representative, and outgroup representative) predicted action intentions to support distinct strategies (Study 2). Guilt did not independently predict any political action intentions. Implications for the study of political action and emotions in intergroup contexts are discussed.  相似文献   
Self-affirmation theory proposes that people can respond to threats to the self by affirming alternative sources of self-integrity, resulting in greater openness to self-threatening information. The present research examines this at a group level by investigating whether a group affirmation (affirming an important group value) increases acceptance of threatening group information among sports teams and fans. In Study 1, athletes exhibited a group-serving attributional bias, which was eliminated by the group affirmation. In Study 2, the most highly identified fans exhibited the most bias in terms of their attributions, and this bias was eliminated by the group affirmation. These studies suggest that groups can serve as resources from which people can draw in response to threatening group events.  相似文献   
文章对中国西部阿里古格藏传佛教壁画独具民族风格、地域色彩的表现形式、内容、色彩、线条、装饰、造型等艺术特色作了探讨。  相似文献   
十字架是基督宗教的重要标志,它在直观上,提醒信徒每时每刻不忘基督为众人赴义受死的精神,用现在的话来说,就是一种联系情感纽带的“符号”,这反映在教内所有信众对基督耶稣崇敬的行为里。  主教佩戴的胸前十字,只是礼服以外的一种装饰或徽章,本身并不具有礼仪的价值。教会在前十个世纪里,只有教宗才能佩戴十字,直到第十二、三世纪间,主教们才开始盛行胸前十字的佩戴。普遍认为,追随耶稣基督的人们佩戴十字,其意义源于圣经:“谁若愿意跟随我,该弃绝自己,天天背起自己的十字架,跟随我”(路九:23)。主教作为追随耶稣基督…  相似文献   
健康的关键是要有平衡的饮食,适当的运动,学会处理紧张的压力,培养高尚的情操。 世界基督教教会联合会(WCC)过去的总干事菲力浦·鲍特尔常说道,谁要是愿意在WCC工作,他或她必须有三个条件:“要有幽默感;要写好遗嘱;同时还要准备碰钉子。”WCC的工作确实有意义,但是工作却十分紧张辛苦。  相似文献   
Ute Engelhardt, Die Klassische Tradition der Qi-ü(ungen (qigong): Eine Darstellung anhand des Tang-zeitlichen Textes Fuqi jingyi lun von Sima Chengzhen, Münchner Ostasiatische Studien, vol.44, Franz Steiner, Wies(aden, 1987. 334 pp. ISSN 0170--3668 DM 58.-(paper)该书系对道教上清派第十二代宗师司马承祯(647--735)所著《服气精义论》的研究和译注。该书第二部分以丰富的文献作为根据,对司马承祯的生平、著作及其历史背景,上清派和唐代道教概况作了研究,其本身对我们了解道教史很有帮助。第三部分包括文…  相似文献   
壁画题材 藏传佛教壁画艺术题材非常丰富。可简单地分为佛传故事、密宗和历史人物及事件描述三大类。 佛传故事又叫佛本行故事,是以释迦牟尼一生之中各阶段的形象为题材的壁画。这些故事大多出自《贤愚因缘经》等。包括从人间上生兜率天、从兜率天降贡、乘象入胎、树下诞生、太子习艺、宫中娱乐、俞逾城出家、山中苦行、降魔、成道,初转法轮、双林入灭等饶有趣味的故事情节。传说,佛的降生是白象化入母胎而成。《释迦佛降生图》画面上一群菩萨牵着白象、乘云驾雾自兜率天而降,一阵烟云化入龙尊王的宝瓶内。图的正中央是菩提树下的佛母,…  相似文献   
我是《中国穆斯林》杂志的热心读者,从1996年起我已经拜读该杂志九年时间了。今天,想谈一点生活在阿勒泰地区的“东干人”,这还是拜读《中国穆斯林》杂志1998年第6期、1999年第1期和2002年第5期后的一点感想。阿勒泰地区主要是哈萨克民族为主的少数民族地区。移居这里的回族人已近百年的历史了。我从小就知道,这里的哈萨克族、维吾尔族、俄罗斯族人称当地的回族人为“东干”。很早以前,我对移居这里的东干人感到好奇。当时好奇的不是当地民族称他们为东干人,而是好奇他们解放前在交通不便的情况下是如何从遥远的陕西、宁夏、青海移居这里的…  相似文献   
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