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This article is based on accumulated clinical experience in Israel with families that emigrated from the former Soviet Union. It describes a culturally sensitive systemic intervention with two such families: a single-parent family, and a family that exhibited physical violence. Relevant cultural characteristics of family patterns and parent-child relationships in Jewish-Soviet families are reviewed. It is demonstrated how a cross-cultural perspective may affect the interpretation of presented problems and result in a less pathological perspective. It is further illustrated how universal intervention techniques combined with culturally sensitive approaches may produce positive effects in therapy.  相似文献   
本实验旨在探索儿童对抽象图画情绪寓意敏感性的发展规律以及文化因素的影响。被试年龄跨度从 5岁至高中学生。根据被试利用形态、主题、情绪等图片特性作为识辨依据的特点来发现规律。儿童对抽象图画寓意敏感性的发展与表征水平相关。年幼儿童只能利用颜色或图形等单一信息维量进行判断 ,年长儿童及中学生可以综合利用形态、主题、情绪等多个维量判断。在寓意明确的图片识辨中 ,儿童对积极寓意的识辨成绩较优。在双关寓意的图片识辨中 ,儿童组倾向于选择具有积极寓意的线索 ,而中学生组会受到识辨经验的影响。文化与教育方式影响儿童对抽象图画情绪寓意的理解。中国幼教方式有助于儿童对图画认知与情绪成分的识辨。  相似文献   
The role of memory in the Tower of London task   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Tower of London (TOL) task is widely used as a neuropsychological test of planning. Relatively little is known of the cognitive components of the task, and in particular the role of memory in performance. The current studies on normal adults looked at the role of verbal and spatial working memory in the TOL. The effects of verbal and visuospatial dual-task manipulations on TOL performance were examined in an experiment with 36 participants. Both verbal and visuospatial executive secondary tasks caused poorer performance on the TOL; however, concurrent articulatory suppression enhanced performance. The results suggest that executive and spatial components are important in the task, and raise questions about the role of preplanning in the TOL.  相似文献   
20世纪欧洲大陆思想发展过程中一直有一种最为怪癖的现象,就是对自然科学缺乏研究。的确,科学文献似乎否认哲学有超乎生活经验的立足点,并力求以这种方式采取一种客观陈述的姿态。分析的科学哲学采取了这种表面上有价值的姿态,并且以文化和历史要素相结合为代价而得以发展。分析的科学哲学家们把他们的工作看作是使自然科学的方法形式化,他们的兴趣不是专注于文化的、历史的和个人的因素能够成为决定因素的发现过程以及其他领域。然而,科学的知识也像一切知识一样,涉及对某人揭示(诉说)某事。科学探讨意义,这些意义就是体现在语…  相似文献   
一、有关技术的传统概念技术不过是人的劳作而已。它既是一种人为的事物也是一种人为的发明过程,其目的是由人制定的,从而也是由人所贯彻的。这就是从古至今技术的哲学人类学背景:从柏拉图的《普罗泰戈拉篇》到卡普(Kapp)和该伦(Gehlen)。他们都将技术说成是必然,因为人是一种有缺陷的生灵,而且他们对技术目的也都是在这样的标题下进行讨论,如加强、延伸以及替代我们可怜的人类器官或肢体,为的是生存竞争或改善我们的境况。但是,这种对技术的传统理解过于狭窄了,因为它没有涵盖这些东西,如教堂的建造、金字塔和庙宇,这些东…  相似文献   
The ability to learn and form long-term memory (LTM) can enhance an animal's fitness, for example, by allowing them to remember predators, food sources or conspecific interactions. Here we use the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, to assess whether variability between natural populations (i.e., strains) in memory forming capabilities correlates with electrophysiological properties at the level of a single neuron, RPeD1. RPeD1 is a necessary site of LTM formation of aerial respiratory behaviour following operant conditioning. We used strains from two small, separate permanent ponds (TC1 and TC2). A comparison of the two populations showed that the TC1 strain had enhanced memory forming capabilities. Further, the behavioural phenotype of enhanced memory strain was explained, in part, by differences in the electrophysiology of RPeD1. Compared to RPeD1 from the naive TC2 strain, RPeD1 from the TC1 strain has both a decreased resistance and decreased excitability. Moreover, 24h after a single 0.5h training session, those membrane properties, as well as the firing and bursting rate, decrease further in the TC1 strain but not in the TC2 strain. The initial differences in RPeD1 properties in the TC1 strain coupled with their ability to further change these properties with a single training session suggests that RPeD1 neurons from the TC1 strain are "primed" to rapidly form memory.  相似文献   
某些关于儿童语言获得研究者认为,模仿与言语获得没有关系(Slobin,1967).早在六十年代,不少人研究了儿童直接模仿成人句子的效果(Brown,Bellugi,1964;Cazden1965).他们认为,尽管模仿在儿童语音、新词语的获得和习惯语表达方面起着重要作用,但是,并不能说明模仿在儿童句法获得中起作用.Slobin(1967)指出,在某种情况下,儿童能对成人的句子正确地模仿,只是能模仿的这些句子比儿童自发的句子(Spontaneous sentences)稍长或稍复杂些.我们认为,这种模仿能加强儿童的句法能力,因此有利于儿童下一阶段句法能力的发展.近些年来,Bloom,Hood和Lightbown(1974)提供了儿童早期言语发展的证据,表明有模仿倾向的儿童似乎是通过模仿来掌握新的语义句法关系以及新的词汇、习语.有模仿倾向的儿童在语气材料和上下文知识的处理中是积极的.这些研究涉及到句法,也涉及到发展方面的作用.  相似文献   
作者详细考察了“Bedeutung”一词在德语中的标准意义,以及弗雷格在其著述中使用它的各种情况,并仔细回顾了在英语哲学界对这个词的翻译和理解所发生的争论及其理由。他不太赞成把“Bedeutung”译为“meaning”(意义)和“significance”(意谓)一类的词,他还反驳了支持这类译法的三个论证。“公正地讲,‘reference’(所指)和‘refer to’(指称)是得到最广泛认可的翻译。”他区分了“Bedeutung”的水平意义和垂直意义,前者是指语言表达式相互之间的关系,后者是指语言表达式与语言之外的对象之间的关系,并认为弗雷格更多地从“对象”的意义上使用“Bedeutung”一词。鉴于弗雷格使用“Bedeutung”的模糊性和怪异性,作者建议用“reference”及其近似词来翻译“Bedeutung”及其近似词,它兼有“指称”(作为关系)和“所指”(作为对象)的模糊性;并把该德语原词置于相应译文之后的括号内。  相似文献   
在昨晚的会议和讨论中,我寻思:这里除了,我用我们刚才听到的某些话来说,未必会有的辩论、反问和无法找到的对象之外,还会有些什么?我一直在这样寻思着。我们以伽达默尔教授为中心,相聚一堂。因此,我希望我这些话首先是向他说的,我还想向他请教几个问题。第一个问题是关于他昨晚对我们所说的善良意志,和对善良意志及协调愿望的绝对确信的号  相似文献   
贝尔纳运用了既有条理而又通俗的写法,在对人类知识整体的回顾方面完成了异乎寻常的业绩。这是像普罗米修把火种从天上带到地下那样的事业,也是表明马克思主义和社会主义的科学怎样把科学带到地上来,使它成为全人类底公共遗产和财富的一个范例。人们不要被这本书底令人生是的外貌吓退,以为它对于一个普通读者是太难懂了。它是用一种简单而明朗的风格写出的,尽可能少用术语——就是出现了一些,大都也就其意义替外行的读者作了清楚的解释。贝尔纳在回顾人类知识时,记述了它怎样产生和怎样发展。但他所特别注意的还在它过去怎样曾经为人类服务,以及它将来怎样能够和将要做到更好地  相似文献   
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