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快速书写条件下硬笔笔迹变量与认知及个性特征的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以圆珠笔为书写工具.北京市某中学高一学生为被试,有效数据169人.探讨了在快速抄写条件下,笔迹书写特征与认知及个性的关系:18个笔迹变量可抽取笔压、结构、特征、字体和空间五个反映字的书写特征的因素;书写特征与认知因素间,横、竖笔压与概念形成速度。整篇压与视力追踪、字位与眼手协调相关显著;横笔压与16PF测验中的畏缩退怯——冒险敢为有正相关;竖笔压与艾森克个性因素的N有高相关。  相似文献   
实验用实字、虚字、与被试自身相关字三类汉字作刺激材料,将直接测量(再认任务)和间接测量(喜好判断任务)进行匹配,考察了被试对不同类别汉字在两种测量方式中的反应。结果发现:实字和虚字间在各种不同的实验处理中均未表现出明显的差异;中性汉字和自我关联汉字都在直接测量的两种注意水平间产生了显著差异,而在间接测量时未产生显著差异;“拥有效应”的作用不是单向的,当自我关联汉字处于注意焦点以外的位置时,直接测量出现了反转的结果。  相似文献   
1引言现实生活中,从演奏乐器到操作机械,从织毛衣到表演杂技等实践活动,都要依靠人的双手灵活的协调动作。人们发现,双手协调的迅速性和准确性,不仅与作业本身的难度和复杂程度有关,而且与操作者的人格特征也很有关系。因此,探讨影响双手协调能力的人格因素,对职业选择和人员选拔具有重要的实践意义。人格特质论的代表人物卡特尔(R.B.Cattell)运用因素分析的方法获得了16种根源特质,他认为16种根源特质是构成人格的最基本元素,是个体行为特点的最终根源。卡特尔据此编制了16种人格因素问卷(16PF).用来测定个体的人格特征…  相似文献   
不同背景煤矿工人冒险行为的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1前言大量的研究表明:人的年龄、性别、职业、文化差异,以及其它的一些人格特质是与冒险方面行为相关的。个体在冒险的差异十分明显,但是个体冒险倾向的差异性并不是一个十分明确的问题。另外,这些研究结果虽然描述了冒险的个体差异但很少有研究对个体差异提出解释性理论。目前,有学者在尝试超越描述,对个体差异的内在本质提出解释。本研究旨在深入揭示不同背景矿工在冒险行为表现方面存在的差异性规律,以便对个体冒险行为的差异性表现提出解释性理论提供基础。2方法2.1量表编制采取开放式问卷的方法,要求被试尽量多地写出“煤矿工…  相似文献   
Older (n = 12) and younger (n = 12) golfers attempted to hit a golf ball into a target net a short distance away. An accelerometer attached to the back of the clubhead measured the applied force. In contrast to the more typical finding of slower perceptual-motor performance by older adults, older golfers reached their peak downswing force earlier in the shot and also exhibited a trend toward a faster overall speed or tempo of the shot. Additionally, older golfers exhibited greater changes in applied force and greater variability. A pattern of divergence among the force-time histories from multiple shots suggested that the overall person-plus-golf-club dynamics were unstable during a part of the shot. Older adults may be slower in controlling this instability. Half of the participants heard a tone whose pitch was proportional to their force. These participants had a slower follow through; however, they did not make significantly more or fewer shots than participants who had not been presented with the tone. Analyses of the temporal covariation among the backswing, downswing, and follow-through favored a chain-like temporal structure over a hierarchical, proportional structure. The pattern of covariation suggests that the tempo and rhythm of the shot are not independent and that changing one's tempo may disrupt rhythm.  相似文献   
Kelso, Southard, and Goodman (1979) and Marteniuk and MacKenzie (1980) have each proposed a different theoretical model for bimanual coordination. In the model of Kelso et al., a close temporal relationship between the hands in a bimanual task is predicted, even when each hand is required to move different distances. In Marteniuk and MacKenzie's model, separate motor commands are issued so that each limb will arrive simultaneously at the specified movement endpoint, leading to low temporal associations between limbs. In most previous work on bimanual coordination, manual aiming tasks with differing constraints have been used by subjects in individual studies. In this study, the usefulness of existing models for predicting performance in a real-world catching task in which the required movement pattern was constrained by ball flight characteristics was examined. E1even university students caught tennis balls with both hands in the following 3 conditions: Condition 1. Ball projected to the right shoulder area (left hand moved a greater distance than the right); Condition 2. Ball projected to center of the chest area, (both hands moved same distance); and Condition 3. Ball projected to left shoulder area (right hand moved a greater distance). Kinematic data (time to peak velocity, movement initiation time) indicating significant cross-correlations between the left and right limbs in all 3 conditions concurred with the data of Kelso et al. (1979) on manual aiming. Timing appeared to be an essential variable coordinating bimanual interceptive actions. Although the limbs moved at different speeds when each was required to move different distances, times to peak velocity showed strong associations, suggesting the presence of a coordinative structure.  相似文献   
The focus of the present study was on determining whether the high level of directional accuracy found in aiming studies in which the subjects can see their hand in the visual periphery supports the existence of a kinetic visual channel or, rather, the advantage of binocular over monocular vision for movement directional control. The limits of this kinetic visual channel were also explored. The results of the 1st experiment indicated that seeing one's hand in the visual periphery is sufficient to ensure optimal directional aiming accuracy. Further, no differences in aiming accuracy were noted between monocular and binocular vision. These results supported the existence of a visual kinetic channel. In the 2nd experiment, whether this kinetic visual channel would operate with movements slower (55 degrees /s) than those usually used in studies that had proved its existence (over 110 degrees /s) was delineated. The results indicated that this visual kinetic channel was operative even at relatively slow movement velocities. Central vision of the hand seemed to be used for on-line directional control of relatively slow movements.  相似文献   
In 2 experiments, the effect of active or passive mobility and active or passive choice experiences on children's memory for locations visited while retrieving puzzle pieces hidden in a large room were examined. In the first experiment, fifty-two 6- and 7-year-old children were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 training conditions: active choice-active movement, active choice-passive movement, passive choice-active movement, and passive choice-passive movement. After 3 training trials, all children were tested in the active choice-active movement condition. A 2 (movement) x 2 (choice) factorial multivariate analysis of variance revealed a significant main effect for movement. Children who had moved actively to find the puzzle pieces in the training trials had (a) a greater percentage correct, (b) more correct visits between errors, and (c) a later visit of first error than children who had been passively pushed in a wheelchair. Making active choices in training did not significantly affect performance. A second experiment used identical procedures but tested 32 children with mobility dif-difficulties who regularly used a wheelchair because of either cerebral palsy or spina bifida. Children from this group who moved actively during training to retrieve the puzzle pieces also performed better on testing. Implications of the results for children with disabilities and for developmental theory are discussed.  相似文献   
Changes in interlimb coupling, and their role in the development of bimanual coordination, were studied longitudinally in 6- to 12-month-old infants (N = 6). Infants were observed while they were reaching for simple objects of 2 different sizes. Their use of a uni-versus bimanual strategy for reaching as well as the coupling of their bimanual movements were compared; progress in bimanual coordination of complementary movements was evaluated on 8 different bimanual tasks. The bimanual tasks involved an asymmetrical cooperation between the 2 hands. Although spatiotemporal coupling of bimanual reaching movements did not decrease during the age period studied, infants around 7 months of age used their 2 hands infrequently for reaching. Occurrences of bimanual reaching were particularly low at the session preceding the first bimanual success at a bimanual task. This suggests that the temporal coincidence between greater independence of the 2 hands and progress in bimanual coordination of complementary movements acts in 2 directions: Infants may be more at ease when using their 2 hands in differentiated patterns as the hands move less in synchrony, but, in turn, they may be less likely to move their hands in synchrony as the anticipate mirror manipulations of the object less. The frequency of bimanual reaches increased toward the end of the 1st year. This might have been caused by an increase in the repertoire of bimanual asymmetrical object manipulations and by the fact that the development of bimanual coordination allows infants to manipulate objects with complementary movements even after a bimanual approach toward the object.  相似文献   
In a previous study of two-choice reactions, pairings of spatial stimuli with bimanual presses made on a keyboard and verbal stimuli with unimanual aimed movements made on a display screen showed higher set-level compatibility than the opposite pairings; element-level compatibility (i.e., mapping) effects were also larger for the conditions with high set-level compatibility than for those whose set-level compatibility was low. In the 4 experiments described here, the relevant factors were isolated, allowing the determinants of those compatibility differences to be evaluated in more detail. Forty-eight students participated in Experiment 1, and 24 each in Experiments 2, 3, and 4. The primary determinant of the set-level compatibility variation was whether the response alternatives involved 1 or 2 effectors, but the differences in element-level compatibility effects were determined primarily by the distinction between responding on the screen as opposed to on the keyboard. Implications for models of stimulus-response compatibility are examined.  相似文献   
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