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先知穆罕默德归真后,在伊斯兰教旗帜下联合起来的阿拉伯人进入了一个新的发展时期。第一任哈里发艾布·伯克的功绩在于重新统一了阿拉伯半岛,并开拓了疆土。但艾布·伯克执政两年就归真了,继承这一伟大事业并使伊斯兰教发展成为一个国际性宗教的,是第二任哈里发欧麦尔。他为哈里发国家的巩固和发展做出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   
尔沃德的娘正在廚房里做胡桃杏仁点心饀兒,口里还低声哼着一支流行曲子,心里突然感到一种沈重的憂虑,她于是止住口里哼着的曲子,撩起衣角擦了擦手,走到院子里,在院里恐惧不安地轉来转去,不知怎样才好。院子里很靜,只有穿过庭心的一条淺水溝里發出微弱的流水声。这更使尔沃德的娘感到寂寞,感到需要有个人在身旁,像邻家的哈米德娘或是别的要好的姐妹們,她們每次来串门,閑扯一陣,或者说些故事,都会給尔沃德的娘帶来慰籍。尔沃德的娘既恐惧又寂寞,一个人在院子里直打轉兒,不知怎样才好。后来听到街門的鎖眼里有鑰匙轉动的声音,接着瞧見自己的丈夫——尔沃德  相似文献   
上世纪50年代,UFO目击者和加入这个事件的渲染者使事件急剧升温。1950年,弗朗克·斯库利(Frank Scully)发表了一本引起轰动的书,叫《追踪飞碟》。书中声称,一个飞碟坠毁在新墨西哥的阿兹特克东部的偏僻的高原沙漠上,飞碟的直径为99英尺,里面有16个外星人的尸体。斯库利自己并没有看见这个场景,仅仅是听别人说的。2年以后,发现这个故事是个骗局。关于飞碟坠毁的另一个故事也是发生在新墨西哥,地点是位于罗斯威尔西北部的75英里一处空军基地。据猜测,这次坠毁发生在1947年的7月,由此引发了一系列的事件和争论,并延续至今。坠毁是不容争论的,…  相似文献   
对于有关常识和诸如“理性”、“真理”和“实在”这样的哲学思想的主要范畴来说,错觉是一种异乎寻常的检验案例。我的目标是,通过与弗洛伊德的遗产和20世纪最引人注目的精神病学研究成果进行某种交锋,分析这种错觉所具有的各种富有悖论色彩的形式,从而阐明构成了它那些特定的时间化、概念化和论证样态之基础,并且为这些样态确定方向的逻辑。就英语而言,人们也许是在“幻觉”的意义上使用delusion(错觉)这个术语的,不过,它也可以被用来表示我们在罗曼诸语言之中称之为“delirio”或者“d啨lire”(这两个外来语在这里均指“迷狂”之意,前者是…  相似文献   
“再过10年左右———这很短,托马斯·莫尔的《乌托邦或最佳形式政府论》(1516年)的源源不断的诠释者们,[1]将庆祝它诞生500周年———这很长。”这个文本所流淌出的墨迹,也许就像罗尔沙赫氏测试那样,使我们可以投射我们的思绪、幻想、美梦或者希望,遐想回到已经一去不复返的过去,或者憧憬那歌声飘缈却永远不会来到的黎明。[2]对这种博学论述的大合唱进行补充,显得过于不自量力。根据当代的各种事件来诠释这个文本,纯属狂妄。但笔者要对这两宗主要指控进行认罪辩护,个中缘由不是为了喜欢挑衅———我们承认这样的指控并非是无关紧要,而是为…  相似文献   
不可知的现实 现实问题在于我们认为对它非常了解,而事实上对它完全没有很好地理解.[1]过去,我们的过去,对我们来说似乎绝对清晰,但事实并非如此.如果我们反思通盘考虑起来是我们的过去的20世纪,我们逐渐认识到,作为20世纪主要标志性现象的共产主义和纳粹主义几乎未被给予系统化的思考.  相似文献   
如何在中国哲学史的框架内理解和诠释中国佛教,胡适与冯友兰用现代学术的方法分别作了佛教“化中国”和佛教“中国化”两种解读。冯友兰历经一生写成的中国哲学“三史”中,对佛教研究在叙事方式上经历了由史论结合、以史为主到史论结合、以论为先而明其学脉,在理论分析上经历了从新实在论等西方哲学到运用马克思主义观点分析中国佛教哲学而得其宗旨。其一以贯之的主线是从揭示中国佛教的本位性到用马克思主义哲学考察中国佛教哲学,这不仅反映了冯先生学术研究的方法论转换,也深刻体现了他的世界观转向。  相似文献   
Integrity of both cerebral hemispheres is required to control in-phase or anti-phase coupling of ipsilateral hand and foot oscillations, as shown by the impairment of these tasks when performed on the healthy side of hemiplegic patients. On this basis, coupling of hand–foot movements was analysed in a right-handed subject (ME) who underwent a total resection of the corpus callosum. Oscillations of the prone hand and foot, paced by a metronome at different frequencies, as well as EMG activity in extensor carpi radialis (ECR) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were analysed by measuring the average phase difference between the hand and foot movements and EMG cycles.

ME performed in-phase movements (right-hand extension coupled to right-foot dorsal flexion) at frequencies up to 3 Hz, though the hand cycle progressively lagged the foot cycle as the frequency increased. At 3 Hz the hand lag reached −142° (as compared to about 25° in healthy subjects). The lag increased even further after application of an inertial load to the hand, reaching 180° at 1.8 Hz (about 50° in healthy subjects). ME's hand lag is caused by the lack of any anticipatory reaction in hand movers. In contrast to healthy subjects, which activate the ECR earlier than the TA when the frequency increases, ME activated the ECR later than TA at all frequencies higher than 0.9 Hz.

Anti-phase movements (hand extension coupled to foot plantar flexion) were performed only upto 1 Hz in unloaded conditions. At 0.6 Hz, movements were in tight phase-opposition (3°), but at 1 Hz, the hand lag reached −34° because of a delayed ECR activation. After hand loading ME was unable to couple movements in anti-phase. In contrast, normal subjects maintain a tight anti-phase coupling up to 2.0 Hz, both with an unloaded or loaded hand. Similar deficits were observed by ME when performing in-phase and anti-phase coupling on the left side, as well as when he was blindfolded.

In normal subjects, an anticipated muscular activation of hand movers compensates for hand loading. Since this compensation must depend on monitoring the hand delay induced by loading, the absence in ME of such compensatory reaction suggests that callosal division had apparently compromised the mechanisms sustaining feedback compensation for differences in the biomechanical limb properties. They also confirm and reinforce the idea that elaboration of the afferent message, aiming at controlling the phase of the movement association, needs the co-operation of both cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

Dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep are presumed to play an important mediating role in perpetuating insomnia. The present study evaluated the impact of cognitive-behavioral and pharmacological treatments for insomnia on sleep-related beliefs and attitudes and the relationship between those changes and sleep improvements. The participants were older adults with chronic and primary insomnia. They received cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT), pharmacotherapy (PCT), combined CBT+PCT (COMB), or a medication placebo (PLA). In addition to daily sleep diaries and sleep laboratory measures, the participants completed the dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep scale (DBAS) at baseline and posttreatment, and at 3-, 12- and 24-month follow-up assessments. The results showed that CBT and COMB treatments produced greater improvements of beliefs and attitudes about sleep at posttreatment than PCT and PLA. Reductions of DBAS scores were significantly correlated with improvements of sleep efficiency as measured by daily sleep diaries and by polysomnography. In addition, more adaptive beliefs and attitudes about sleep at posttreatment were associated with better maintenance of sleep improvements at follow-ups. These findings highlight the importance of targeting sleep-related beliefs and attitudes in the treatment of insomnia.  相似文献   
Three experiments investigated whether the presence of more elements in the upper part of a configuration (i.e., up-down asymmetry) plays a role in determining newborns' preference for facelike patterns. Newborns preferred a nonfacelike stimulus with more elements in the upper part over a nonfacelike stimulus with more elements in the lower part (Experiment 1), did not show a preference for a facelike stimulus over a nonfacelike configuration equated for the number of elements in the upper part of the configuration (Experiment 2), and preferred a nonfacelike configuration located in the upper portion of the stimulus over a facelike configuration in the lower portion of the pattern (Experiment 3). Results demonstrated that up-down asymmetry is crucial in determining newborns' face preference.  相似文献   
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